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 12 March 2013 at 9.30 am


Draft minutes







The Committee adopted the agenda and the proposed order of agenda items.








The Committee approved the draft minutes from the SCPAR-meeting in Inari 13 November 2012.





Mr. Evan Bloom, Director of the Office of Ocean and Polar Affairs in the Bureau of Oceans and Environment and Science at the U.S. Department of State, introduced the Committee to the US Arctic Policy.


The US will take over as Chair of the Arctic Council in 2015 and has started the preparations.

The US has not ratified UNCLOS but follows the provisions of the treaty.

Another important international event is the work in the International Maritime Organization and its work with the Polar Code. 


The current US Arctic Policy Directive is from January 2009 and has been adopted by the current administration.

Icebreaking capabilities will be continued to be addressed in US Arctic policy.


Mr. Bloom underlined the expected agreement on oil spill response to be signed in Kiruna, the work on ecosystem-based management, Arctic Maritime and Transportation Infrastructure Initiative (AMATI), the Arctic Ocean Review and the initiative on Ocean Acidification as interesting initiatives under the Arctic Council.


The work on short lived climate pollutants will be a follow-up from the Arctic environmental ministers meeting in February 2013.


The US will try to find an agreement with Canada on the continental shelf – look to Norway and Russia for inspiration.


The US looks forward to Canadians chairmanship and will try to link it with the US Chairmanship where it’s natural. An interagency group looks on possible new initiatives in the US chairmanship.


On questions from the Committee, Mr. Bloom underlined that even though the US is not a part of UNCLOS they still collect data about the continental shelf and analyze this as if they were a member of the treaty.

With regards to possible new legal agreements between the Arctic countries, Mr. Bloom underlined that the US has found the cooperation in the Council rewarding and is open to the idea of legal instruments where it makes sense. He further pointed to the positive interest in black carbon at the environmental ministers meeting.


Members of the Committee referred to the many articles in the conference statement from Akureyri on Arctic governance. An example is the wish for yearly ministerial meeting as the situation in the Arctic has changed since the inception of the Council.

Mr. Bloom expressed interest in evolving the governance of the Arctic and the fact that they now have deputy minister meetings in the year in-between the Ministerial meetings and that an Arctic Council secretariat recently was established.


As for the question regarding new observers to the Arctic Council, Mr. Bloom hoped for a decision on this in Kiruna at the Ministerial meeting 15 May.


When it comes to scientific cooperation with Russia, Mr. Bloom referred to the work taking place in the working groups of the Arctic Council and an initiative from President Obama on science cooperation with Russia which also includes polar science.


On the question of what the Arctic parliamentarians can do to advance the work of the AC, Mr. Bloom underlined the important input through the conference statements to policy development. The statement must be presented to the governments which are open to new ideas.


Finally Mr. Bloom informed about an initiative from the US for the 5 Arctic Coastal states regarding no fishing in the Arctic waters beyond national boarders before there is enough knowledge and science about the waters and its potential fish stocks.




The Committee took note of the information.





Mr. Mead Treadwell, Lt. Governor, State of Alaska, updated the Committee on important Arctic issues seen from Alaska.


The two main headlines in Mr. Treadwell’s interventions were:

·Investments in the Arctic

·Appeal on marine safety


The Arctic will need large investments over the coming years and has been described as the world’s final emerging market. Many international companies are working to explore the region. The policy must prepare for this. The companies interested in the Arctic should to some extent work together, and the governments should prepare by getting basic infrastructure in place.


Transport, energy resources and tourism are likely to be important areas.


Mr. Treadwell also informed about a new study on Arctic shipping on USD 200 million which will be conducted by the University of Fairbanks and look at how Alaska can prepare for increased shipping along its coastline.


As half of the food in Alaskan villages come from the waters, maritime safety is important.

There is a need for better information about the ships passing the coast of Alaska, and there are important steps in the right direction in the Arctic Council with regards to maritime safety.  We should look more into regional cooperation for maritime safety as well such as the cooperation between US and Canada on the Great Lakes.


Mr. Treadwell expressed strong support for US ratification of UNCLOS.


The new Arctic Policy commission in Alaska will meet for the first time next week.


There is also a need for closer cooperation with Russia on fishing of salmon in rivers

In 2013 it is 25 years since the opening of the US-Russia boarder. This should provide for an opportunity to look at where the US – Russia cooperation across the Bering Strait can be improved.


On question from the Committee if the lower 48 are aware of the business opportunities in the Arctic and willing develop the natural resources, Mr. Treadwell replied that opening of new areas for oil and gas exploration has been a long discussion in the US. However in Alaska it is a matter of how to do it right, not whether to develop them or not.

People need be comfortable with the North and certainty for the investments.


As for how Alaska works to attract oil companies to invest in the region, Mr. Treadwell pointed to the importance of a good infrastructure (as gas transportation system) and the education system to get a good work force. Educational exchanges in UArctic are important in this connection, also for capacity building in the North to help people in the North to take part in the economic development in the region.


As new transportation route are opening up new opportunities for shipping and tourism, we will see an increased marine activity.  Areas should be closed for fishing and prepare the science before opening up. As both the Bering Sea and the Barents Sea are both very important for global fisheries there should be closer science cooperation. The consequences for marine mammals of shipping and other activities in the Arctic waters should also be looked closer into.


Finally Mr. Treadwell mentioned the need to have a common approach the prevention between the Arctic states.




The Committee took note of the information.





Mr. John Farrell, Executive Director of the US Arctic Research Commission talked about the goals and objectives of US Arctic research.


Why should the parliamentarians care about research? Because knowledge is the basis for making the right decisions to achieve sustainable development and environmental protection. Governments need to continue to invest to in research to develop a knowledge economy.


Economy is an important driver of Arctic change. The rich natural resources and new sea lanes are important factor in a more accessible Arctic. Knowledge economy is important to make the right choices when developing the Arctic.


Mr. Farrell moved on to telling about the US Arctic Federal Research Policy and the recently adopted 5 years Arctic Research Plan. The plan has 7 research themes:

·Sea Ice and Marine Ecosystems

·Terrestrial ice and ecosystems

·Atmospheric studies

·Observing systems

·Regional climate models

·Adaptation tools for sustaining communities

·Human health (food security, water and sanitation)


Mr. Farrell expressed concern about the current cuts in research in the US (1000 M USD), and pointed to the fact that science need predictable and stable funding to function at best.


Other important steps would be to declassify data from the military to the public, use the existing satellites in a better way and encourage international cooperation and coordination when doing Arctic research.


Finally Mr. Farrell made the Committee aware of the report “Oil spills in Arctic Waters” and the “Arctic Update” from USARC www.arctic.gov


On questions form the Committee Mr. Farrell clarified that the cuts (sequestration) will hit all research on an equal basis.

Mr. Farrell also noted that the changing of the ice in the Arctic likely influence the weather systems other places on the planet, but that the research on this is in its very early days and will have to continue to find out in an exact way.




The Committee takes note of the information




Mr. Nils Andreassen, Executive Director of the Institute of the North, introduced the Committee to the work of the institute.


The institute brings people together, nationally and internationally, for seminars and information exchange.


Energy and Transportation infrastructure are important topics in the work of the institute.

The Arctic Maritime and Transportation Infrastructure Initiative (AMATII) is done in cooperation with the Arctic Council and likely to endorsed by the ministers in Kiruna at the Ministerial meeting. Much is already available through the website www.arcticinfrastructure.org


Arctic Energy Summit will take place in Akureyri, Iceland in 8-10 October 2013 and Mr. Andreassen invited the committee to participate.


Finally Mr. Andreassen recognized the work of the Arctic parliamentarians as Arctic ambassadors.


Members of the Committee noted that the work done by the institute to raise awareness, generate information and facilitate exchange is very important. It also makes it easier to have an engaged and informed debate on the situation and the needs of the Arctic.




The Committee took note of the information.





The following issues were mentioned by the members of SCPAR when discussing topics for SCPAR to work on until the conference in 2014:


·Continue to promote the report on Arctic governance “Arctic governance in an evolving Arctic region”.

·Support the exchange of students in the Arctic

·Business forum

·Gender and gender equality – how to make young women stay and return after studies

·The Convention on Bio Diversity art 8 concerning  indigenous peoples and a global perspective

·Economic development – environmental development

·Capacity building of local residents to enable them to make use of new opportunities

·Responsible Arctic resource development

·Transportation and security of transportation

·Education and innovation


The Chair Mr. Høglund also pointed to the importance of following up the statement from the conference in Akureyri in September 2012.

When the Committee decides on a topic that doesn’t exclude other topics from the agenda of SCPAR.


Summing up the main focus of this report shall be economy, infrastructure and education.

The gender perspective should be included as well as local and international perspectives.


University of the Arctic members will be ready to assist in this process.




The Committee decided to work with economy, infrastructure and education.

The gender perspective should be included as well as local and international perspectives.







The Committee postponed the election of Vice-Chair until the next meeting of SCPAR.





The State Duma of Russia, Denmark and Canada expressed support of extending the number of participants in the SCPAR meeting, while Sweden, Finland and the Russian Council of Federation were reluctant to enlarge the number of participants. 


All the members of the Committee were positive to explore new ways of including more MPs in the work of SCPAR for example through working groups, seminars and other conferences.


The main argument against extending the number of participants in SCPAR was that this might change the character of the Committee, and make it less flexible and open, and more formal.


The main argument in favor of enlarging the number of members of SCPAR is that the interest in Arctic issues have increased in the national parliaments and that is would be good to have someone to discuss with in the home parliament.


Some of the members also pointed to the possibility to have an extended meeting of the Standing Committee in the year between the conferences with a broader participation from the national parliaments.




The Committee will explore new ways to include more representatives in the work of SCPAR without enlarging the number of SCPAR members from each member parliament.





The Russian Council of Federation reported that RAIPON still needs to make amendments in their bylaw and register once again as an organization with the Ministry of Justice.

RAIPON is suspended until 13 April 2013.


The representative from the Sami Parliamentary Council (SPC) underlined the important role for RAIPON an important partner in the Arctic cooperation. SPC was glad to hear that there seems to be a timeframe and that the issue will be solved by next meeting of SCPAR.


The representative from the Russian State Duma informed the Committee of a big ecological conference which will take place soon in St. Petersburg.


The Canadian delegation informed about the preparations for the coming Chairmanship of the Arctic Council which has “Development for the people of the North” as the main theme with several sub-themes. Minister of Health Ms. Leona Aglukkaq has been given the Arctic Council added to her ministerial portfolio.

There is also taking place a review of the Arctic policy of Canada and a report should be ready some time in advance in the Kiruna meeting.


The representative from the Nordic Council reminded the members of the theme session last spring on the Arctic. In conjunction with a big meeting on security cooperation in Stockholm in April, the Nordic Council of Ministers will have a one day seminar 9 April on the topic “Sustainable use of Arctic resources”.


The representative from the University of the Arctic informed the Committee about a report which addresses the strengths and weaknesses of UArctic and they will work to respond to the findings in the report.


The US delegation informed about the work to get the new Secretary of State engaged in Arctic issues. Secretary Kerry is a strong supporter of US ratifying UNCLOS and they will continue to address the issue in the Senate.


The delegate from the Sami Parliamentary Council informed about the ongoing negotiations about the Nordic Sami Convention. A new mineral strategy of Norway will be presented in the near future and the delegate expressed hope that the Sami people will have a say in the process of mining in Norway.


The delegate from Denmark represents the Faroe Islands in the Danish parliament and informed about the situation in the Faroe Islands. Statoil is active outside the coast of Faroe Islands with good prospects of finding petroleum resources.

There is an ongoing dispute on mackerel between the Faroe Islands, EU and Norway, and EU have prepared a framework for sanctions.

The parliament of Greenland passed a law last September permitting possibly 5000 workers from China to may come to Greenland and work in a mine. This has created intense debate in Folketinget (Danish parliament) and is a main topic in today’s local election in Greenland.


The delegate from Sweden referred to the latest debate on foreign affairs in the Swedish parliament which included Arctic issues.

Sweden is at the moment holding the presidency of both the Arctic Council and the Nordic Council of Ministers.


The delegate from Finland referred to the conference on regional cooperation in the Arctic last November.

A new Arctic strategy is also being prepared by the Finnish government and it is expected to be ready before the summer.


The delegate from Norway informed about an upcoming visit from the Norwegian delegation on Arctic cooperation to Finland 8-10 April.

There has also recently been a debate in the Norwegian parliament on the role of the Arctic Council.  Mr. Høglund also had a meeting with the incoming chair of the Arctic Council Ms. Leona Aglukkaq and ended by encouraging the members of the Committee to convince their respective governments to find a solution to the observer question in the upcoming Ministerial meeting in Kiruna 15 May 2013.


The representative from the West-Nordic Council informed the Committee about a report presenting the findings from the latest theme conference of the Council regarding health care.

A new conference on “common understanding of the utilization of the living resources” will take place in the South of Greenland this coming August.





The next meeting of SCPAR will be in Svalbard 3-5 June 2013.





There was no other business.














       12 March 2013



Draft list of participants




Canada                      Mr. Ryan Leef, MP

                                    Mr. Dennis Bevington, MP

Ms. Shauna Troniak, Analyst, Parliamentary Information and Research Service, Library of Parliament


Denmark                    Mr. Sjúrður Skaale, MP,

Mr. Peder Pedersen, Head of Section

Ms. Joan Ólavsdóttir, Adviser


European Parliament          Ms. Eva Palatova, Liaison Officer



Finland                      Ms. Johanna Ojala-Niemelä, MP

                                    Mr Guy Lindström, Deputy Director


Norway                      Mr. Morten Høglund, MP   


Russia                                   Mr. Vladimir Torlopov, Senator

Mr. Kirill Mangush, Acting Head of the Section 

                                    Mr. Nikolay Dankov, Counsellor


Mr. Michael Slipenchuk, MP

                                    Mr. Alexander Kurdyumov, MP

Mr. Georgy Karlov, MP

                                    Ms. Irina Kuzmina, Secretary

Ms. Natalia Voronina, Interpreter


Sweden                     Ms. Ann-Kristine Johansson, MP

Ms. Eva Hjelm, International Adviser


United States                        Ms. Lisa Murkowski, Senator

                                    Mr. Isaac Edwards, Adviser





Sámi Parliamentary Ms. Aili Keskitalo, Member of the Board


                                    Ms. Kirsten Anne Guttorm, Adviser, Sami Parliament of Norway





Nordic Council         Mr. Helgi Hjørvar, MP,

            Mr. Torkil Sørensen, Senior Adviser


West-Nordic Council           Mr. Thordur Thorarinsson, Secretary General


University of the       Mr. Brian Rogers, Chancellor University of Alaska, Fairbanks

Arctic                          Ms. Outi Snellman, Vice-President


SECRETARIAT        Mr. Bjørn Willy Robstad, Secretary General



GUESTS        Mr. Evan Bloom, Director of the Office of Ocean and Polar Affairs in the Bureau of Oceans and Environment and Science at the U.S. Department of State

                                    Ms. Fran Ulmer, US Arctic Research Commission

                                    Mr. Mead Treadwell, Lt. Governor, State of Alaska

                                    Mr. Nils Andreassen, Executive Director, Institute of the North






