
Appendix B


Mr. President,

I have the honor to submit the following Report on the AIPO-Canada Dialogue.

1.         The dialogue was held in the afternoon of 12 September 2006 at Tokyo B, Marco Polo Hotel, Cebu City from 2:50pm-4:15pm.

2.         The Dialogue was attended by the following delegates:


1.         Hon. Joseph Day

2.         Hon. Bryon Wilfert

3.         Mr. Paul Cardegna


1.         Hon. Ky Lum Ang

2.         Ms. Ly Son

3.         Mr. Uy Visal


1.         Hon. Abdillah Toha

2.         Hon. Bindu Marbun

3.         Mr. Robert Juheng Purba

Lao People's Democratic Republic

1.         Hon. Singkham Khongsavanh

2.         Hon. Davone Vangvichith


1.           Hon. Syed Razlan Jamalullail


1.           Hon. Edgar M. Chatto – Chairperson


1.         Hon. Hri Kumar

2.         Hon. Ho Geok Choo


1.           Hon. Po. Lt. Col. Chachvan Bunmee


1.         Hon. Nguyen Van Thuan

2.         Hon. Nguyen Thi Bach Mai

Brunei Darussalam

1.         P.D.N. Pg. Abdul Momin


3.         The Chairman of the Dialogue, Hon. Edgar M. Chatto, welcomed the delegates to the dialogue with Canada. Subsequently, the members of the AIPO, observers and the representatives from Canada introduced themselves. Canada expressed its gratitude to the delegates for attending the dialogue.

4.         The Dialogue was held in the spirit of friendship and mutual understanding. All delegates expressed their gratitude to Canada for its assistance to their countries. During the discussion delegates focus on the topic/s that they considered important to their countries. Following are the highlights of the discussion on the following topics:

a) Regional and Security Matters

Indonesia was concerned about travel advisories issued by foreign countries as such advisories affect Indonesia's tourism industry. Canada responded that travel advisory is just precautionary measure and may not apply to entire country. Malaysia was apprehensive about the visa restrictions where bona fide students and civil servants on study and official business may be denied entry due to such restrictions. Canada responded that it will bring the matter to proper department to review the issue. Thailand underscored the importance of the presence of law enforcement representative of Canada in Thailand and requested Canada for more training assistance for its law enforcement agencies.

b) Economic and Trade Cooperation

Lao People's Democratic Republic requested Canada to support the English Teaching program of Lao. Lao also requested for extension of quota for its textile export as well as assistance to Lao's small and medium enterprises. On export quota Canada replied that the local and political issue on the matter require further study. Singapore noted that it enjoys good working relations with Canada. Canada in return requested for the establishment of permanent mission in Ottawa. Canada commented on the calling off of the Canada-Singapore FTA. Singapore assured Canada that it is still on the agenda.

Canada encouraged all delegates to apply for the development assistance of Canada through CIDA (Canadian International Development Agency).

c) Investment Opportunities

Canada encourages its investors to South East Asian countries but requested for the assurance of transparency on government policies on trade and investment. It urged countries to enact legislations on the matter like the Foreign Investment Act of Vietnam.

d) Environmental Issues

Singapore looks forward to a partnership with Canada on environmental front. Canada called upon national legislators to act aggressively on environmental protection emphasizing significant reviews of government proposals affecting environment.

e) Information and Technology Cooperation

Indonesia and the Philippines advocated for better exchange of information before travel advisories are issued. Philippines requested for a precise travel advisory which should be confined only to particular locality.

f) Strategies to Create Breakthrough in the World Trade Organization
(WTO) “DOHA Round”

Canada strongly espouses bilateralism and multiculturalism. Canada mentioned about Japan-Philippines FT A, which included nursing services, as a great alternative to the WTO. Cambodia's problem on massive agricultural subsidies of developed countries can be addressed through bilateral trade agreement with other countries for the market of Cambodia's chemical free agricultural products.

g) Exchange of Parliamentary Visits as Means of Strengthening Inter-Parliamentary Diplomacy

All delegates expressed interest in extending parliamentary visits.

h) Cooperation in Fighting Pandemic/Infectious Disease like Avian flu, HIV / AIDS

Cambodia echoed the call of neighboring countries in requesting financial and technical assistance to prevent and control avian flu and other pandemic disease.



