Short title: National Framework for a Guaranteed Livable Basic Income Act
[...] First Session, Forty-fourth Parliament, 70 Elizabeth II, 2021 SENATE OF CANADA BILL S-233 An Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income FIRST READING, December 16, 2021 THE HONOURABLE SENATOR Pate 4412114 SUMMARY This enactment requires the Minister of Finance to develop a national framework to provide all persons over the age of 17 in Canada with access to a guaranteed livable basic income.
[...] Available on the Senate of Canada website at the following address: 1st Session, 44th Parliament, 70 Elizabeth II, 2021 SENATE OF CANADA BILL S-233 An Act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income Preamble Whereas every person should have access to a livable basic income; Whereas the provision of a guaranteed livable basic income would go a long way toward eradicating poverty and improving income equality, health conditions and educational outcomes; Whereas the provision of a guaranteed livable basic income would benefit individuals, families and communities and protect those who are made most vulnerable in society, while facilitating the transition to an economy that responds to the climate crisis and other current major challenges; And whereas a guaranteed livable basic income program implemented through a national framework would ensure the respect, dignity and security of all persons in Canada
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