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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | March 15, 2018 |
The Canadian Branch of the APF is hosting the Meeting of the Network of Women Parliamentarians in Ottawa
Ottawa, March 15, 2018 – The Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF) is proud to host the Intersessional Meeting of the APF’s Network of Women Parliamentarians in Ottawa.
The overall theme for the Network meeting taking place on Parliament Hill from March 19 to 20 will be “the social economy in the digital age as a factor for reducing poverty and empowering rural women.” Several Canadian experts have been invited to provide their national and international perspectives on the topic.
Formed in 2002, the Network aims to promote greater participation by women in political, economic, social and cultural life within the French-speaking community. To that end, the Network works to strengthen the role of women in APF member parliaments, promote exchanges of experience and solidarity among women parliamentarians, and defend the rights of women and children.
The APF is composed of parliamentarians from 83 Parliaments or interparliamentary organizations across five continents. Its mandate is to foster the prospering of the French language around the world and to promote cultural diversity, democracy, the rule of law and human rights.
The Executive Committee of the Canadian Branch of the APF is delighted to be this year’s host of the Network meeting and to be so closely supporting its work.
“I would like to welcome all the parliamentarians gathering in Ottawa to work on issues surrounding the rights of women and girls. The Network’s initiatives are extremely important and we are honoured to host them this year. The parliamentarians will be discussing the digital age and its role in reducing poverty and empowering rural women, a major issue for the APF”, stated Mr. Darrell Samson, M.P. and President of the Canadian Branch of the APF.
“The Network of Women Parliamentarians brings together parliamentarians from across La Francophonie and discusses vital issues concerning the rights of women and girls. All parliamentarians bring their unique perspectives, and diversity is our strength. This year, as the Canadian Branch rapporteur, I will be presenting a draft report on the health of refugee women and girls, a subject of concern to all nations and one that is especially important to me”, mentioned Ms. Sylvie Boucher, M.P. and Rapporteur, Network of Women Parliamentarians.
For more information, please contact:
Jean-François Lafleur
Association Secretary
Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie
131 Queen Street, Suite 05-28
Ottawa, Ontario
Tel: 613-995-9560
Email: jean-francois.lafleur@parl.gc.ca