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Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group



23 March 2017


From 20–22 March 2017, Senator Michael L. MacDonald, Co-Chair and the Honourable Wayne Easter, P.C., M.P., Co-Chair led a delegation from the Canadian Section of the Canada–United States Inter-Parliamentary Group to meetings with members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, and their staff, in Washington, D.C. The other members of the delegation were six of the Inter-Parliamentary Group’s Vice-Chairs –  Senator Paul Massicotte, Senator Yuen Pau Woo, the Honourable Judy Sgro, P.C., M.P., Ms. Yvonne Jones, M.P., Mr. Brian Masse, M.P and Mr. Phil McColeman, M.P. – as well as the Honourable John McKay, P.C., M.P., Mr. Vance Badawey, M.P. and Mr. Todd Doherty, M.P.

“We were very pleased to be able to meet with over 80 members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, and their staff,” said Mr. Easter. “During the meetings, our main focus was four areas where there is scope for ongoing or new cooperation: a range of natural resources; trade between our two countries; joint economic prosperity; and international armed conflicts. The meetings that the Inter-Parliamentary Group’s Canadian Section holds with our Congressional counterparts enable us to make friends, renew friendships and – importantly – reinforce the nature and scope of the Canada–United States relationship.”

Senator MacDonald concluded: “Certainly, because these meetings were our first following the election of President Trump, they were particularly valuable and informative. With a change in Administration, and with the election of new Senators and members of the House of Representatives, we must always strive to gather information about the President’s priorities, and those of Congress. The Canada–United States relationship is long-standing, mutually beneficial and strong. Going forward, we must continue to work together to ensure the prosperity of both of our countries, and its citizens and businesses.”

The views expressed in this news release are specific to the Canadian Section of the Canada–United States Inter-Parliamentary Group. As such, they may not reflect the views of U.S. counterparts.

The Canada–United States Inter-Parliamentary Group aims to find points of convergence in respective national policies, to initiate dialogue on points of divergence, to encourage the exchange of information and to promote better understanding among legislators on shared issues of concern. Additional information can be found at


For further information:

Hon. Michael L. MacDonald, Senator, Co-Chair
Canada–U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Group - 613-995-1866

Hon. Wayne Easter, P.C., M.P., Co-Chair
Canada–U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Group - 613-992-2406

Ms. Miriam Burke, Association Secretary
Canada–U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Group - 613-944-4238