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Canadian Section of ParlAmericas



January 23, 2017

Bilateral visit to Bogota, Colombia

Canadian parliamentarians head to Bogota, Colombia to discuss trade, Human Rights, Peace and Security

(OTTAWA) Today ‎members of the Canadian section of ParlAmericas, led by Mr. Anthony Rota, M.P., will visit Bogota, Colombia from 23 to 26 January 2017.

Accompanying Mr. Rota are the Honourable Pana Merchant, Senator, the Honourable David Wells, Senator, Mr. William Amos, M.P. and Mr. Françoi‎s Choquette, M.P.

In Bogota, the delegation will meet with parliamentarians, governmental officials, key partners, stakeholders and subject-matter experts about the economic and trade issues, and the on-going human rights, justice, security and peace-building efforts in Colombia.

After more than 50 years of armed conflict, in November 2016, a historic peace agreement was reached between Colombia’s government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Canada supports this process and transition to peace, maintaining its longstanding relationship of open dialogue ‎with Colombia.

“Although I won’t be joining this particular mission, I am extremely pleased that ParlAmericas has such a diverse and talented group of parliamentarians representing Canada in Colombia,” stated the Hon. Robert Nault, M.P., and Chair of the Canadian section of ParlAmericas. “I look forward to speaking with members of the delegation upon their return, to discuss what they’ve learned about Colombia, and how Canada can continue to grow our relationship with the country.”

Founded 15 years ago in Ottawa, ParlAmericas international is the only inter-parliamentary secretariat headquartered in Ottawa.  Since the beginning, the Canadian section of ParlAmericas has worked closely with the ParlAmericas International and plays a key role in furthering dialogue by bringing together parliamentarians and hemispheric observers from across the Americas and the Caribbean.


To arrange an interview with the Hon. Robert Nault, please contact:
Julian Morelli
(613) 222-6123

Melissa Dawe
(613) 996-1161