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Bill S-289

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First Session, Forty-fourth Parliament,

70-71 Elizabeth II – 1-2-3 Charles III, 2021-2022-2023-2024


BILL S-289
An Act to amend the National Capital Act (Gatineau Park)

FIRST READING, October 10, 2024




The bill amends the National Capital Act to, among other things,

(a)establish the boundaries of Gatineau Park;

(b)prioritize the ecological integrity of the park in its management by the National Capital Commission (NCC);

(c)prohibit the sale of public lands located within the park, with certain exceptions;

(d)strengthen consultation and collaboration between the NCC, the Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation and neighbouring municipalities;

(e)promote the use of services from businesses and workers of the Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation for maintenance and conservation activities in Gatineau Park;

(f)allow the NCC to negotiate a preemptive right agreement (right of first refusal) with private landowners in the park; and

(g)authorize the creation of regulations to oversee activities in the park and set corresponding fees.

Available on the Senate of Canada website at the following address:


An Act to amend the National Capital Act (Gatineau Park)


Short Title

Gatineau Park Act

National Capital Act




Consequential Amendments


Coordinating Amendments

Bill S-13


Bill C-399


Bill C-20


Bill C-27


1st Session, 44th Parliament,

70-71 Elizabeth II – 1-2-3 Charles III, 2021-2022-2023-2024


BILL S-289

An Act to amend the National Capital Act (Gatineau Park)


Whereas Parliament recognizes that it is essential to ensure that the natural environment of the National Capital Region, and especially Gatineau Park, is preserved for the enjoyment of all Canadians;

Whereas Gatineau Park is located on the unceded traditional lands of the Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation;

Whereas it is important to connect Canadians with the natural and cultural heritage of the National Capital Region and with the history of its early Indigenous inhabitants, consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act, and of others who have shaped its landscapes;

Whereas the National Capital Commission requires the legislative and regulatory tools necessary to effectively manage Gatineau Park;

Whereas Gatineau Park is a regional and national treasure promoting recreational activities respectful of the environment and must be acknowledged and defined as such;

Whereas Gatineau Park is home to diverse natural ecosystems and a significant number of plant and animal species at risk;

Whereas Parliament recognizes the importance of preserving the ecological integrity of Gatineau Park;

And whereas strengthening the effective management of protected areas is a commitment made by the government of Canada under the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, adopted by the United Nations Biodiversity Conference in Montreal on December 19, 2022;

Now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Short Title

Short title

1This Act may be cited as the Gatineau Park Act.

R.‍S.‍, c. N-4

National Capital Act


2(1)The definition National Capital Region in section 2 of the Act is replaced by the following:

National Capital Region means the seat of the Government of Canada and its surrounding area, more particularly described in Insertion start Schedule 1 Insertion end ; (région de la capitale nationale)

(2)Section 2 of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:

Start of inserted block

ecological integrity means, with respect to a park, a condition that is determined to be characteristic of its natural region and likely to persist, including abiotic components and the composition and abundance of native species and biological communities, rates of change and supporting processes; (intégrité écologique)

enforcement officer means a person designated under section 10.‍09 or belonging to a class of persons so designated; (agent de l’autorité)

Gatineau Park means the area whose boundaries are named and described in Schedule 2; (parc de la Gatineau)

End of inserted block

3The Act is amended by adding the following after section 2:

Rights of Indigenous peoples of Canada

Start of inserted block
2.‍1This Act is to be construed as upholding the Aboriginal and treaty rights of Indigenous peoples recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, and not as abrogating or derogating from them.
End of inserted block

4The Act is amended by adding the following after section 10:

Start of inserted block

Gatineau Park

End of inserted block
Park dedicated to public
Start of inserted block
10.‍01Gatineau Park is dedicated to the people of Canada, including the Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation, for their benefit, education and enjoyment, subject to this Act and the regulations, and the Park shall be maintained and made use of — and its ecological integrity protected — so as to leave it unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.
End of inserted block
Ecological integrity
Start of inserted block
10.‍02Maintenance of ecological integrity, through the protection of natural resources and natural processes, shall be the first priority of the Commission when considering all aspects of the management of Gatineau Park.
End of inserted block
Enlarging Gatineau Park
Start of inserted block
10.‍03(1)The Governor in Council may, by order, amend Schedule 2 for the purpose of enlarging Gatineau Park if the Governor in Council is satisfied that His Majesty has title to the lands that can be included in Gatineau Park, regardless of whether there are any charges on title.
End of inserted block
Judicial finding as to title
Start of inserted block
(2)If a court of competent jurisdiction finds that His Majesty does not have title to the lands referred to in subsection (1), the Governor in Council may, by order, amend Schedule 2 by altering the description of Gatineau Park to remove those lands from the Park.
End of inserted block
No reduction of park area
Start of inserted block
(3)Except as provided by subsection (2), no amendment may be made by the Governor in Council to Schedule 2 for the purpose of removing any portion of Gatineau Park.
End of inserted block
Master Plan
Start of inserted block
10.‍04(1)Within 10 years after the day on which this section comes into force, the Commission shall prepare a Gatineau Park Master Plan containing a long-term ecological vision for the park, a set of ecological integrity objectives and indicators, and provisions for resource protection and restoration, zoning, visitor use, public awareness and performance evaluation, and shall cause the plan to be tabled in each House of Parliament.
End of inserted block
Review of Master Plan by Commission
Start of inserted block
(2)The Commission shall review the Master Plan for Gatineau Park at least every 10 years and shall cause any amendments to the plan to be tabled in each House of Parliament.
End of inserted block
Consultation — public and Anishinabeg Nation
Start of inserted block
10.‍05(1)The Commission shall provide opportunities for public participation at the national, regional and local levels — including participation by Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation and the residents of Gatineau Park — in the development of regulations relating to Gatineau Park, the formulation of Master Plans, land use planning and any other matters that the Commission considers relevant.
End of inserted block
Start of inserted block
(2)The Commission must be able to demonstrate, in a report published on its website, that it has consulted both the cities and municipalities adjacent to Gatineau Park and the Algonquin Anishinabeg governing bodies of the region and has considered their recommendations.
End of inserted block
Prohibition on disposing of public land
Start of inserted block
10.‍06(1)Despite any other provision of this Act and subject to subsection (2), no person shall dispose of or grant a right or interest in any public lands in Gatineau Park.
End of inserted block
Authority to dispose
Start of inserted block
(2)Public lands or a right or interest in public lands in Gatineau Park may be disposed of to
  • (a)an Algonquin Anishinabeg organization or governing body of the region, if the disposal is necessary for the establishment of health care, social services, or cultural services for the Anishinabeg Nation; or

  • (b)a federal, provincial or municipal authority, if the disposal is required for the purpose of installing or maintaining public health care establishments or public infrastructure — including public utilities or transportation corridors.

    End of inserted block
Start of inserted block
(3)Public lands in the Gatineau Park revert to the Commission if those lands cease to be used for the purpose for which they were disposed of or the rights or interests were granted.
End of inserted block
Interdiction — use of public lands
Start of inserted block
10.‍07Subject to regulations made under subsection 20(1.‍1), no person shall use or occupy public lands in Gatineau Park except as permitted by the Commission.
End of inserted block
Right of first refusal agreements
Start of inserted block
10.‍08The Commission is authorized to negotiate with an owner of real property located within Gatineau Park an agreement granting it a right of first refusal, allowing the Commission to acquire the property before it is disposed of by that owner. In the absence of such an agreement, any owner intending to dispose of their real property must notify the Commission of their intention, unless the purchaser is a “person related”, within the meaning of the Income Tax Act, to the owner.
End of inserted block
Designation of enforcement officers
Start of inserted block
10.‍09The Minister may designate persons or classes of persons employed in the federal public administration or by a provincial, municipal or local authority or an Algonquin Anishinabeg governing body, whose duties include law enforcement, to be enforcement officers for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Act or the regulations in relation to Gatineau Park. For that purpose, enforcement officers have the same powers and are entitled to the same protections provided by law to peace officers within the meaning of the Criminal Code.
End of inserted block
Contraventions Act
Start of inserted block
10.‍1The Minister may designate persons or classes of persons employed in the federal public administration or by a provincial, municipal or local authority or by an Algonquin Anishinabeg governing body for the purpose of enforcing this Act or the regulations for Gatineau Park with respect to offences that have been designated as contraventions under the Contraventions Act.
End of inserted block
Maintenance and conservation work
Start of inserted block
10.‍11The Commission must also consider calling upon the services of businesses and workers from the Algonquin Anishinabeg Nation of the region for part of Gatineau Park’s maintenance and conservation work.
End of inserted block

5Subsection 16(3) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:

Parc de la Gatineau

(3)La Commission peut verser aux autorités compétentes, pour ceux de ses biens immeubles situés dans le Insertion start parc Insertion end de la Gatineau, des subventions n’excédant pas, dans une année fiscale donnée, les montants qu’elle estime suffisants pour indemniser ces autorités des pertes de revenu de taxes municipales et scolaires subies par elles pendant l’année en question du fait de l’acquisition de ces biens par la Commission.

6Section 20 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (1):

Regulations — Gatineau Park

Start of inserted block
(1.‍1)The Governor in Council may also make regulations respecting
  • (a)the restriction or prohibition of activities in and the control of the use of Gatineau Park resources and facilities;

  • (b)the determination of fees, rates, rents and other charges for the use of Gatineau Park resources and facilities, the provision of works, services and improvements, and the issuance and amendment of permits, licences and other authorizing instruments; and

  • (c)the management of ecological integrity of Gatineau Park.

    End of inserted block

7Subsection 20(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:


(2) Insertion start Within the limits Insertion end set out in subsection 787(1) of the Criminal Code Insertion start , the Insertion end Governor in Council may Insertion start , Insertion end by regulation Insertion start , Insertion end prescribe the punishment that may be imposed on summary conviction for the contravention of any regulation Insertion start referred to in Insertion end subsection (1) Insertion start or (1.‍1) Insertion end .

8The schedule to the Act is renumbered Schedule 1.

9The Act is amended by adding after Schedule 1 the Schedule 2 set out in the schedule to this Act.

Consequential Amendments


10Unless the context requires otherwise, the expression “the schedule to the National Capital Act” is replaced by “Schedule 1 to the National Capital Act” in any Act of Parliament, and more particularly wherever it occurs in the following provisions:

  • (a)subsection 52(2) and section 60 of the Access to Information Act;

  • (b)subsection 4(1) of the Administrative Tribunals Support Service of Canada Act;

  • (c)subsection 50(1) of the Broadcasting Act;

  • (d)section 7 of the Budget Implementation Act, 1997;

  • (e)section 4 of the Canada Border Services Agency Act;

  • (f)subsection 2(1) of the Canada Elections Act;

  • (g)subsection 38.‍11(1.‍1) of the Canada Evidence Act;

  • (h)subsection 10.‍1(1) and section 13 of the Canada Labour Code;

  • (i)subsection 3(2) of the Canada School of Public Service Act;

  • (j)subsections 18(1) and (2) of the Canada Transportation Act;

  • (k)section 13 of the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse Act;

  • (l)section 112 of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act;

  • (m)section 9 of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act;

  • (n)subsection 34(1) and sections 48.‍5 and 48.‍7 of the Canadian Human Rights Act;

  • (o)section 11 of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act;

  • (p)subsections 10(1) and 10.‍1(1) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Act;

  • (q)subsection 3(2) of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act;

  • (r)subsection 13(1) of the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act;

  • (s)section 7 of the College of Patent Agents and Trademark Agents Act;

  • (t)subsection 7(1) of the Communications Security Establishment Act;

  • (u)subsections 6(2) and 148(1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act;

  • (v)subsection 4(1) of the Courts Administration Service Act;

  • (w)subsection 462.‍48(12) of the Criminal Code;

  • (x)subsections 27(1) and 60(1) of the Department of Employment and Social Development Act;

  • (y)subsection 6(1) of the Energy Supplies Emergency Act;

  • (z)subsection 17(1) of the Export Development Act;

  • (z.‍1)section 11 of the Farm Products Agencies Act;

  • (z.‍2)subsection 7(1) of the Federal Courts Act;

  • (z.‍3)sections 7 and 13 of the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board Act;

  • (z.‍4)subsection 26(2) of the First Nations Fiscal Management Act;

  • (z.‍5)subsection 25(2) of the First Nations Jurisdiction over Education in British Columbia Act;

  • (z.‍6)subsection 157(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act;

  • (z.‍7)section 164 of the Impact Assessment Act;

  • (z.‍8)section 22 of the Indigenous Languages Act;

  • (z.‍9)section 12 of the Law Commission of Canada Act;

  • (z.‍10)subsection 9(1) of the National Arts Centre Act;

  • (z.‍11)subsection 24(3) of the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians Act;

  • (z.‍12)subsection 3(1) of the Official Languages Act;

  • (z.‍13)subsection 5(1) of the Official Residences Act;

  • (z.‍14)section 17 of the Parks Canada Agency Act;

  • (z.‍15)paragraph 80(1)‍(a) of the Parliament of Canada Act;

  • (z.‍16)subsection 95(1) of the Patent Act;

  • (z.‍17)subsection 52(1) and section 61 of the Privacy Act;

  • (z.‍18)subsections 48(1), 60(14), 60.‍1(13) and 60.‍3(13) of the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act;

  • (z.‍19)subsection 3(4) of the Public Sector Pension Investment Board Act;

  • (z.‍20)subsection 6(2) and section 8 of the Public Service Employment Act;

  • (z.‍21)subsection 38.‍3(2) and paragraph 38.‍3(3)‍(c) of the Countering Foreign Interference Act;

  • (z.‍22)subsection 3(3) of the Royal Canadian Mint Act;

  • (z.‍23)section 13 of the Shared Services Canada Act;

  • (z.‍24)section 10 of the Standards Council of Canada Act;

  • (z.‍25)sections 8 and 14 of the Supreme Court Act;

  • (z.‍26)subsection 6(1) of the Tax Court of Canada Act; and

  • (z.‍27)section 9 of the Transportation Appeal Tribunal of Canada Act.

Coordinating Amendments

Bill S-13

11(1)Subsections (2) to (4) apply if Bill S-13, introduced in the 1st session of the 44th Parliament and entitled An Act to amend the Interpretation Act and to make related amendments to other Acts (referred to in this section as the “other Act”), receives royal assent.

(2)If section 3 of this Act comes into force before section 1 of the other Act, then on the day on which that section 1 comes into force, section 2.‍1 of the National Capital Act is repealed.

(3)If section 1 of the other Act comes into force before section 3 of this Act, then that section 3 is deemed never to have come into force and is repealed.

(4)If section 1 of the other Act comes into force on the same day as section 3 of this Act, then that section 3 is deemed never to have come into force and is repealed.

Bill C-399

12(1)Subsections (2) and (3) apply if Bill C-399, introduced in the 1st session of the 44th Parliament and entitled the Department of Citizenship and Immigration Ombud Act (referred to in this section as the “other Act”), receives royal assent.

(2)If section 10 of this Act comes into force before section 9 of the other Act, then on the day on which that section 9 comes into force, the expression “the schedule” in that section 9 is replaced by “Schedule 1”.

(3)If section 10 of this Act comes into force on the same day as section 9 of the other Act, then that section 9 is deemed to have come into force before that section 10.

Bill C-20

13(1)Subsections (2) and (3) apply if Bill C-20, introduced in the 1st session of the 44th Parliament and entitled the Public Complaints and Review Commission Act (referred to in this section as the “other Act”), receives royal assent.

(2)If section 10 of this Act comes into force before subsection 6(1) of the other Act, then on the day on which that subsection 6(1) comes into force, the expression “the schedule” in that subsection 6(1) is replaced by “Schedule 1”.

(3)If section 10 of this Act comes into force on the same day as subsection 6(1) of the other Act, then that subsection 6(1) is deemed to have come into force before that section 10.

Bill C-27

14(1)Subsections (2) and (3) apply if Bill C-27, introduced in the 1st session of the 44th Parliament and entitled the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2022 (referred to in this section as the “other Act”), receives royal assent.

(2)If section 10 of this Act comes into force before section 37 of the other Act, then on the day on which that section 37 comes into force, the expression “the schedule” in section 13 of the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act is replaced by “Schedule 1”.

(3)If section 10 of this Act comes into force on the same day as section 37 of the other Act, then that section 37 is deemed to have come into force before that section 10.


(Section 9)
(Sections 2 and 10.‍3)
Description of Gatineau Park Boundaries

1 — Purpose

The boundaries of Gatineau Park are within the registration divisions of Hull, Gatineau and Pontiac, Province of Quebec, are located in the municipalities of Chelsea, La Pêche, Pontiac and the City of Gatineau, and form part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Hull, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre du Québec. Included within these boundaries are, in particular, the lots described below.

2 — Description

2.‍1 Section 1

This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 1, is included in the registration divisions of Gatineau and Hull, located in the City of Gatineau, and forms part of the cadastre of the Township of Hull and the Cadastre du Québec.

City of Gatineau

Commencing at the north corner of lot 3 557 256, thence in a general southeasterly direction, following the southwest boundary of boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes comprising lots 1 090 869, 3 557 257, 1 090 833, 1 090 817, 3 690 369, 1 345 137, 1 345 120, 1 345 121, 1 345 115, 1 345 101, 1 345 114, 1 344 870 and 1 814 247, to the intersection of the division line between lots 3 119 481 and 4 158 497 to the west boundary of lot 1 814 247; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 158 496 and 4 158 497 to the northwest corner of lot 4 158 496; thence, in a general westerly direction, following the division line between lot 4 158 497 and lots 2 744 929, 2 744 928, 2 744 927, 2 744 926, 2 744 925, 2 744 924, 2 744 923, 2 744 922, 2 744 921, 2 744 920, 2 481 516, 2 481 515, 2 481 514, 2 481 513 and 1 794 609, to the northwest corner of lot 1 794 609; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 4 158 497 and 1 794 609, to the northeast corner of lot 1 795 143 (rue des Fées); thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 4 158 497 and lots 1 795 143 and 1 794 577, to the northwest corner of lot 1 794 577; thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 4 158 497 and lots 1 794 577, 1 794 575, 1 794 573, 2 401 402 (rue des Lutins), 1 794 568, 1 794 569, 2 401 400 (rue Merlin), 1 794 565, 1 794 564, 2 401 398 (rue des Feux-Follets), to the southwest corner of lot 2 401 398 (rue des Feux-Follets ); thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 4 158 497 and 2 401 398 (rue des Feux-Follets) to the most westerly corner of lot 1 794 567; thence, southeasterly, following the division line between lots 4 158 497 and 1 794 567, to the most southerly corner of lot 1 794 567; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 4 158 497 and 1 794 567, to the most easterly corner of lot 1 794 567; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 4 158 497 and 1 794 567, to the southwest corner of lot 1 794 580; thence, easterly, following the division line between lot 4 158 497 and lots 1 794 580 and 1 794 582, to the northwest corner of lot 1 794 585;thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 4 158 497 and lots 1 794 585, 1 795 137 (rue des Farfadets), 1 794 670 and 1 794 673, to the southwest corner of lot 1 794 673; thence, southerly, following the extension of the division line between lots 1 794 673 and 4 158 497, crossing lots 1 814 190 (rue Gamelin) and 3 754 072, to a point located on the division line between lots 3 754 072 and 4 139 221; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3 754 072 and 4 139 221 to a southwest corner of lot 1 814 190 (rue Gamelin); thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 1 814 190 (rue Gamelin) and 4 139 221, to the easterly corner of lot 1 814 190 (rue Gamelin), a distance of 60.‍96 m; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3 754 073 and 4 139 221, to the northeast corner of lot 4 139 221; thence, in a general southerly direction, following the division line between lots 4 139 220 and 4 139 221; 4 139 216 and 4 139 217; 4 139 218 and 4 139 219; 4 139 215 and 4 139 216; 4 139 211 and 4 139 212; 4 139 213 and 4 139 214; 4 139 209 and 4 139 211, to a southwest corner of lot 4 139 211; thence, easterly following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and 4 139 211 to the northwest corner of lot 1 288 391; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and lot 1 288 391, to the southwest corner of lot 1 288 391; thence, easterly, following the division line between lot 4 139 209 and lots 1 288 391 and 1 288 388, to the northwest corner of lot 1 288 387; thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 4 139 209 and lots 1 288 387, 1 288 386, 1 288 385 and 4 139 210, to the southwest corner of lot 4 139 210; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and 4 139 210, to the southeast corner of lot 4 139 210; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and lot 3 620 965, to the southwest corner of lot 3 620 965; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and 3 620 965, to the northwest corner of lot 1 286 748; thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 4 139 209 and lots 1 286 748, 1 288 419, 1 286 749 and 1 288 383, to the most westerly corner of lot 1 288 383; thence, southeasterly, following the division line between lot 4 139 209 and lots 1 288 383, 1 286 750, 2 555 266, 2 555 265, 1 288 381, 1 288 379, 1 288 380 and 1 286 746; to the southwest corner of lot 1 286 746; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and 4 045 687, to the northwest corner of lot 4 045 687; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and 1 286 685, to the northeast corner of lot 1 286 685; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and 1 286 685, to the northwest corner of lot 1 286 685, a distance of 41.‍16 m; thence, northwesterly, following the northeast boundary of rue Boucherville, the division line between lot 4 139 209 and lots 1 288 281 and 1 288 280, to the northwest corner of lot 1 288 280 (rue Boucherville); thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 1 288 280 (rue Boucherville) and lots 4 139 214, 1 288 549 and 1 288 157, to the southeast corner of lot 1 288 157; thence, westerly, crossing lot 1 286 450, to the southeast corner of lot 1 288 158, a distance of 65.‍63 m; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and lot 1 286 450, to the northeast corner of lot 1 286 553; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lot 4 160 587 and lots 1 286 553, 1 286 552, 1 286 906 and 1 286 451, to the north corner of lot 1 286 451; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 587 and lots 1 286 451, 1 286 449, 1 286 448 and 1 286 447, to the north corner of lot 1 286 447; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 587 and lots 1 286 447, 1 286 446, 1 286 445 and 1 286 444, to the northwest corner of lot 1 286 444; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 286 443, to the northeast corner of lot 1 286 443; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 286 443, to the northwest corner of lot 1 286 443; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 286 443, to the southwest corner of lot 1 286 443; thence, southerly, following the lines between lot 4 160 587 and lots 1 288 289 (rue Augustin-Thibeault), 1 288 294 (rue Hormidas-Dupuis), to the southwest corner of lot 1 288 294 (rue Hormidas-Dupuis); thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 288 295 (rue Hormidas-Dupuis), to a point located at the northeast corner of lot 4 160 586; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 586 and 4 160 587, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 4 160 586; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 587 and lots 1 876 616, 1 876 615 and 1 286 289, to the northeast corner of lot 1 286 289; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 286 289, to a point located at the intersection of the east boundary of lot 3 558 336; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 587 and lots 3 558 336, 3 558 337 and 1 286 192, to the northeast corner of lot 1 286 192; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 286 192, to a point located at the tangent point of a curve 24.‍80 m in radius, a distance of 12.‍29 m; thence, northeasterly, northerly and northwesterly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 288 296 (rue Gendron), to the southerly corner of lot 1 286 239; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 1 288 296 (rue Gendron) and 1 286 239, to the southeast corner of lot 1 286 238; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 1 286 238 and 1 286 239, a distance of 4.‍21 m, to the southeast corner of lot 1 286 238; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 1 286 238 and 1 286 239, to the northwest corner of lot 1 286 239; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 587 and lots 1 286 238 and 1 286 237, to the northwest corner of lot 1 286 237; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 286 442, to the northeast corner of lot 1 286 442; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 1 286 442 and 1 286 441, to the north corner of lot 1 286 442; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 1 286 442 and 1 286 441, to the northwest corner of lot 1 286 442; thence, northeasterly, to a point located at the intersection of the northeast boundary of lot 1 286 441, a distance of 50.‍05 m; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 1 286 441 and 1 288 534, to the west corner of lot 1 288 534, a distance of 80.‍36 m; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 1 086 216 and 1 286 441, to the northwest corner of lot 1 286 441; thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 640 and lots 1 286 441, 1 286 440 and 1 286 441, to the southeast corner of lot 4 160 640; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 639 and 4 160 640, to the northwest corner of lot 4 160 639; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 640 and lots 1 794 544, 1 794 546, 1 794 547, 1 794 549, 1 795 107 (rue Des Prés) and 1 794 551, to the northeast corner of lot 1 794 551; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 640 and lots 1 794 551, 1 794 550 and 1 794 542, to the northwest corner of lot 1 794 542; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 3 119 485 (boulevard Saint-Raymond) and 1 795 133 (boulevard Saint-Raymond), to the southwest corner of lot 3 119 485 (boulevard Saint-Raymond); thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 1 795 165 (boulevard Saint-Raymond) and lots 3 119 485 (boulevard Saint-Raymond) and 4 160 640, to a point located at a distance of 317.‍65 m; thence, northerly, crossing lot 1 795 165 (boulevard Saint-Raymond), a distance of 117.‍04 m, to the southeast corner of lot 3 119 490; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the line between lots 3 119 490 and 3 119 488, to the southeast corner of lot 1 814 268 (rue des Conifères); thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 1 795 163 (rue des Conifères) and 1 814 268 (rue des Conifères), to the northeast corner of lot 1 814 268 (rue des Conifères); thence, in a general northerly direction, following the line between lots 3 119 481 (boulevard Saint-Raymond) and 4 158 497 (boulevard Saint-Raymond), at successive distances of 58.‍55 m, 39.‍74 m and 37.‍32 m; thence, northerly, crossing lot 3 119 481 (boulevard Saint-Raymond) and lot 3 119 478 (chemin Pink), to a point located at the division line between lots 3 119 478 (chemin Pink) and 3 119 479, a distance of 167.‍17 m; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 3 119 478 (Pink Road) and 3 119 479, to the west corner of lot 3 119 479; thence, in a general northwesterly and westerly direction, following the division line between lots 1 344 862 (chemin Pink) and 1 341 362, to the southeast corner of lot 1 344 861 (chemin de la Montagne nord); thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 1 341 362 and 1 344 861 (chemin de la Montagne nord), at successive distances of 72.‍92 m and 10.‍50 m, to the northwest corner of lot 1 344 861 (chemin de la Montagne nord); thence, on an azimuth bearing of 314˚09’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 101.‍11 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 314˚00’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 69.‍40 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 313˚48’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 51.‍31 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 312˚49’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 61.‍49 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 303˚50’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 39.‍68 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 305˚36’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 75.‍58 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 301˚35’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 64.‍99 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 305˚41’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 41.‍19 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚15’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 35.‍86 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 319˚27’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 58.‍37 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 317˚24’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 30.‍36 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 313˚20’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 54.‍89 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 308˚49’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 44.‍32 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 303˚33’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 34.‍20 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 294˚05’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 39.‍18 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 288˚49’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 67.‍92 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 286˚18’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 56.‍40 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚45’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 32.‍00 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 277˚34’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 136.‍62 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 279˚59’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 22.‍28 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 282˚07’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 37.‍99 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 287˚33’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 21.‍87 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 294˚55’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 34.‍39 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 304˚04’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 66.‍77 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 307˚52’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 28.‍36 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚49’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 37.‍89 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 322˚11’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 24.‍17 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 320˚04’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 32.‍61 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚01’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the said boundary and the division line between lots 12 and 13B, range 5, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 63.‍76 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚03’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 79.‍76 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 317˚30’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 80.‍13 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 317˚48’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 38.‍15 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚06’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 36.‍10 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 310˚22’ , following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 42.‍66 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 312˚00’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 109.‍83 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚25’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 21.‍00 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 321˚07’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 25.‍17 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 324˚21’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 48.‍12 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 326˚52’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the said boundary and the division line between lots 13B and 13A, range 5, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 51.‍01 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 336˚12’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.‍62 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 337˚26’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 27.‍89 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 327˚38’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 27.‍49 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚30’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 25.‍42 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 305˚46’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 25.‍96 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 291˚37’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 22.‍70 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚05’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 22.‍05 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 277˚26’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 30.‍31 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 277˚08’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 44.‍27 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 276˚24’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the said boundary and the division line between lots 13A and 14A, range 5, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 28.‍13 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 276˚32’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 52.‍12 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚11’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 30.‍81 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 285˚57’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 39.‍13 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 285˚13’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 59.‍80 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 287˚08’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 19.‍48 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 292˚50’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the said boundary and the division line between lots 14A, range 5, and lot 14, range 6, all part of the cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 26.‍87 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 293˚14’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 68.‍54 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 292˚28’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 55.‍88 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 294˚43’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 92.‍77 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 290˚42’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 53.‍02 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 285˚18’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 44.‍21 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 277˚16’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the said boundary and the division line between lots 14 and 15, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 18.‍50 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 270˚54’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 21.‍73 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 259˚54’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 36.‍79 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 257˚18’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 43.‍29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 262˚56’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 28.‍82 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 274˚39’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 23.‍87 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 284˚08’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 20.‍68 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 297˚25’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 16.‍22 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 297˚28’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 105.‍55 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 302˚41’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 27.‍53 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 314˚58’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 17.‍80 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚03’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 39.‍62 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 310˚41’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 27.‍14 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 307˚17’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 54.‍95 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 308˚33’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan) and the southwest boundary of Skyridge Road (lot 15-4, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Hull), a distance of 32.‍01 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 301˚39’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 40.‍33 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 285˚25’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 66.‍57 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚13’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 15 and 16C, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 39.‍26 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 276˚25’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.‍10 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 285˚47’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 21.‍80 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 292˚13’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 20.‍77 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 296˚10’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 25.‍71 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 297˚07’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 101.‍29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 296˚21’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 69.‍42 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 303˚30’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 129.‍60 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 302˚10’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 59.‍21 m; thence, northwesterly, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), 29.‍15 m following the arc of a circle 75.‍65 m in radius; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 324˚15’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 34.‍06 m; thence, northwesterly, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), 61.‍46 m following the arc of a circle 99.‍70 m in radius; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 286˚04’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 40.‍03 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 288˚56’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 40.‍00 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 278˚29’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 16C and 17, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 20.‍34 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 288˚38’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 62.‍53 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 303˚48’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 21.‍43 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 311˚14’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 41.‍42 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚58’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 42.‍52 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚39’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 48.‍57 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚04’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 35.‍96 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 301˚20’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 19.‍48 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 295˚17’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 22.‍45 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 290˚56’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 53.‍54 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 289˚43’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 68.‍60 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 281˚52’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 26.‍85 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 272˚32’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 31.‍55 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 270˚47’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 77.‍11 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 268˚26’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 41.‍15 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 265˚19’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 34.‍02 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 262˚41’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 78.‍44 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 262˚13’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 27.‍43 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 262˚27’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 59.‍96 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 262˚24’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 190.‍90 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 261˚37’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 65.‍23 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 263˚50’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 18 and 19A, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 112.‍25 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 267˚22’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 101.‍16 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 266˚28’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 96.‍29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 272˚26’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 72.‍29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚29’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 48.‍24 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 282˚48’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 47.‍43 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 283˚31’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 73.‍12 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 284˚40’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 45.‍35 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 287˚50’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 34.‍74 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 293˚56’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 18.‍26 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 297˚21’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 19A and 20A, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 22.‍00 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 303˚31’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 51.‍72 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 288˚45’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 45.‍53 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 286˚26’, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 34.‍92 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 297˚34’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 28.‍82 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 308˚26’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 26.‍29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 311˚05’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 70.‍68 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 312˚45’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 93.‍11 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 311˚56’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 44.‍83 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 310˚44’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 106.‍35 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 305˚12’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 38.‍47 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 304˚20’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 62.‍26 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 308˚42’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.‍63 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 311˚04’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 50.‍27 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚14’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 37.‍19 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 317˚26’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 20 and 21, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 6.‍20 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 317˚26’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 89.‍64 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 319˚45’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 145.‍42 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 319˚17’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 83.‍89 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 318˚39’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 29.‍39 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚12’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 31.‍51 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 311˚03’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 69.‍43 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 312˚55’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.‍54 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 319˚53’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 58.‍23 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 328˚34’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 66.‍81 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 328˚01’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 115.‍41 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 325˚14’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 133.‍25 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 326˚35’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 21 and 22, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 119.‍94 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 325˚40’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.‍57 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 320˚24’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 35.‍04 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 312˚03’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 104.‍08 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 314˚10’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 54.‍26 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 318˚29’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 35.‍35 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 320˚33’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 110.‍86 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 322˚14’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 81.‍36 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 324˚16’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.‍47 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 331˚58’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 60.‍65 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 340˚13’, following the east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.‍32 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 356˚47’, following the east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 28.‍69 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 3˚27’, following the east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 126.‍46 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 358˚40’, following the east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 25.‍67 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 350˚44’, following the east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 15.‍95 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 348˚11’, following the east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 31.‍70 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 319˚05’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 35.‍36 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 323˚06’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 27.‍24 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 319˚53’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 31.‍04 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 317˚38’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 23.‍45 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 314˚51’, following the northeast boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lot 22, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Hull and lot 2 635 271, Cadastre du Québec, a distance of 9.‍68 m.

2.‍2 Section 2

This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 2, is included in the registration division of Gatineau, located in the Municipality of Chelsea, and forms part of the Cadastre du Québec.

Municipality of Chelsea

Beginning at the southeast corner of lot 2636632 (chemin de la Montagne nord), northwesterly, following the division lines between lots 2636632 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635271, to the west corner of lot 2635271; thence, northwesterly, following the division lines between lots 2636632 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635272, to the west corner of lot 2635272; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2636632 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635270, to the west corner of lot 2635270; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2636632 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635272, to the west corner of lot 2635272; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lot 2636632 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and lots 2635270, 2635272 and 2635273, to the northwest corner of lot 2636632 (chemin de la Montagne nord); thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2735412 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635273, to the southeast corner of lot 2635259; thence, in a general westerly direction, following the division lines between lots 2735412 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635259, to the northwest corner of lot 2735412; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2735411 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635259, to the southwest corner of lot 2635259; thence, in a general westerly direction, following the division lines between lots 2735411 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635273, to the northwest corner of lot 2735411; thence, northwesterly, following the division lines between lots 2735408 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635273, to the north corner of lot 2735408; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2735407 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635273, to the northwest corner of lot 2735407; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2636633 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635273, to the northwest corner of lot 2636633; thence, in a general westerly direction, following the division lines between lots 2735406 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635273, to the southeast corner of lot 2635406; thence, northwesterly, following the division lines between lots 2735404 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635406, to the north corner of lot 2735404; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lot 2735403 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and lots 2635406 and 2635074, to the north corner of lot 2735403; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2735402 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635074, to the northwest corner of lot 2735402; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2636634 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635074, to the northwest corner of lot 2636634; thence, westerly, following the lines between lot 2735399 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and lots 2635074, 2635020 and 2635074, to the northwest corner of lot 2735399; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2636635 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635074, to the northwest corner of lot 2636635; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2735398 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2635074, to the northwest corner of lot 2735398.

2.‍3 Section 3

This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 3, is included in the registration divisions of Gatineau and Pontiac, located in the Municipalities of Pontiac and La Pêche and forms part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre du Québec.

Municipality of Pontiac

Beginning at the southeast corner of lot 2 684 171, westerly and then northwesterly, following the division lines between lots 2 756 027 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 684 171, to the northwest corner of lot 2 756 027; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 756 028 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 684 171, to the northwest corner of lot 2 684 171; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2 684 171 and 2 750 617, to the most southwesterly corner of lot 2 683 938, a distance of 20.‍77 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2 683 938 and 2 750 617, to a point located at a distance of 31.‍44 m; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 2 683 938 and 2 750 617, to a point located at a distance of 16.‍83 m; thence, in a general northerly-northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 683 938 and 2 750 617, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 750 617; thence, westerly and northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 683 938 and 2 683 923, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 683 923; thence, northwesterly, northerly and westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 683 937 and 2 683 938, to a point located at the northeast corner of lot 2 683 821; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 821 and 2 683 938, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 683 821; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 820 and 2 683 938, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 683 820; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the division line between lots 2 683 819 and 2 683 938, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 683 819; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 683 938 and 2 683 818, to the north corner of lot 2 683 818; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 818 and 2 683 822, to a point located at a distance of approximately 103 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 350˚53’, to a point located at 287.‍90 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚35’, to a point located at 3.‍85 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 263˚05’, to a point located at the intersection of the east boundary of lot 2 683 751; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 751 and 2 683 822, to a point located at the northeast corner of lot 2 683 751; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 683 751 and 2 683 822, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 683 751; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 755 775 and 2 683 822, to a point located at the southeast corner of lot 2 683 558; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 558 and 2 683 822, to a point located at the northeast corner of lot 2 683 558; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 683 558 and 2 683 822, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 683 558; thence, southwesterly, following the division lines between lots 2 755 775 and 2 683 822, to a point located at distances of 32.‍50 m and 35.‍65 m; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 755 775 and 2 683 822, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 755 775; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 822 and 2 755 775, to the northeast corner of lot 2 683 557; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 822 and 2 683 557, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 683 557; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 822 and 2 683 556, to a point located at the northeast corner of lot 2 683 556; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 683 822 and 2 683 556, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 683 556; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 2 683 822 and lots 2 755 747 and 2 755 746 to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 755 746; thence, northwesterly, crossing lot 2 683 464, to a point located at the southeast corner of lot 2 750 624; thence, northwesterly, crossing lot 2 750 624, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 750 624; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 750 622 and 2 864 183 (Chemin de l’Hôtel-de-Ville), to a point located at the northeast corner of lot 2 864 183 (Chemin de l’Hôtel-de-Ville); thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 750 622 and 2 864 183 (Chemin de l’Hôtel-de-Ville), to a point located at the southeast corner of lot 2 750 623; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 750 623 and 2 864 183 (Chemin de l’Hôtel-de-Ville), to a point located at the southwest corner of lot 2 750 623; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 889 768 and 2 864 182 (Chemin de l’Hôtel-de-Ville), to a point located at the southeast corner of lot 2 683 360; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 889 768 and 2 683 360, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 889 768; thence, in a westerly, northerly and westerly directions, following the division line between lots 2 683 360 and 2 750 622, to a point located at the intersection of the east boundary of lot 2 682 401; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 2 750 622 and lots 2 682 401 and 2 683 356, to a point located at the northeast corner of lot 2 683 356; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 2 750 622 and lots 2 683 356, 2 755 693 and 2 683 351, to a point located at the intersection of the east boundary of lot 2 683 347; thence, northerly, northwesterly and southwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 750 622 and 2 683 347, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 683 347; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 2 750 622 and lots 2 683 100, 2 864 184, 2 683 102, 2 683 141, 2 683 140, 2 683 142 and 2 683 143, to a point located at the east corner of lot 2 683 143; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lot 2 750 622 and lots 2 683 143, 2 683 144 and 2 683 138, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 750 622; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 2 756 039 and lots 2 683 138, 2 683 129 and 2 683 128, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 683 128; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 756 039 and 2 683 117, to a point located at the northeast corner of lot 2 683 117; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 756 039 and 2 683 117, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 683 117; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 756 039 and 2 683 103, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 683 103; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 756 039 and 2 872 193, to a point located at the north corner of lot 2 872 193; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 756 039 and 2 750 627, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 750 627; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 2 750 627 and 2 750 628, to a point located at the southwest corner of lot 2 750 627; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 2 750 628 and lots 2 682 987, 2 755 643, 2 682 904, 2 750 709, 2 682 899, 2 682 896 and 2 864 191, to a point located at the southwest corner of lot 2 750 628; thence, westerly, crossing lots 2 682 908 and 2 682 889, to a point located at the southeast corner of lot 2 682 670; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 682 666 and 2 682 670, to a point located at the southwest corner of lot 2 682 670; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 295˚24’, to a point located at a distance of 72.‍02 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 350˚47’, to a point located at a distance of 283.‍68 m; thence, northwesterly, crossing lots 2 682 669, 2 750 682, 2 682 667 and 2 872 186, to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 2 756 041 and 2 872 186, at an approximate distance of 677 m. This point is also located at an approximate distance of 235 m easterly of the northwest corner of lot 2 682 507; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 2 756 041 and lots 2 872 186, 2 682 507, 2 750 676 and 2 750 675, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 2 750 675; thence, westerly, crossing lot 2 864 194, to a point located at the northeast corner of lot 2 750 674; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 682 498 and 2 750 674, to the southwest corner of lot 2 682 498; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 682 498 and 2 872 178, and then following the division line between lots 2 682 499 and 2 872 179, to the northwest corner of lot 2 682 499; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 682 501 and 2 872 179, to the northwest corner of lot 2 872 179; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lot 2 750 673 and lots 2 682 501 and 2 750 633, to the northwest corner of lot 2 750 673; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 2 864 199 and lots 2 682 500 and 2 682 472, to a point located at an approximate distance of 521.‍6 m; thence, northerly, to a point located at the intersection of the south boundary of lot 3 964 882, at an approximate distance of 403.‍1 m; thence, westerly, following the deflections of the division line between lot 3 964 882 and 2 682 472, to the southwest corner of lot 3 964 882, at distances of 122.‍30 m and 192.‍75 m; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 682 472 and 3 964 882, to the northeast corner of lot 2 682 472; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 682 472 and 3 964 882, to the northwest corner of lot 2 682 472; thence, in a general northeasterly direction, following the deflections of the east and southeast boundaries of chemin Eardley-Masham, namely, the division lines between lots 3 754 086 and 3 964 882; 3 754 087 and 3 964 882; 3 754 088 and 2 682 471, to the northeast corner of lot 3 754 088 (chemin Eardley-Masham); thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 3 754 088 and 3 754 089, to the west corner of lot 3 754 089; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 750 634 and 2 682 469, to the northwest corner of lot 2 682 469; thence, westerly, following the deflections of the division line between lots 2 682 402 and 2 750 634, to the northwest corner of lot 2 682 402; thence, westerly, crossing lot 2 682 400 in a straight line and then lot 2 872 173, to the southeast corner of lot 2 889 747; thence, westerly, following the deflections of the division line between lot 2 889 747 and lots 2 682 399 and 2 682 398, to the southwest corner of lot 2 889 747; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 257˚1929" to a point located on the division line between lots 28C and 28B, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 270.‍87 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 281˚1752" to a point located on the division line between lots 28B and 27C, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 268.‍35 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 311˚0559" to a point located at a distance of 229.‍29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 264˚5124", to a point located at a distance of 204.‍61 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 266˚5521", to a point located on the division line between lots 27A and 26C, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 156.‍85 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 262˚0855", to a point located on the division line between lots 26C and 26B, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 262.‍26 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 288˚3518", to a point located on the division line between lots 26B and 25B, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 282.‍32 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 321˚0740" to a point located on the division line between the ranges 6 and 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 164.‍54 m; thence, following the division line between the ranges 6 and 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, on an azimuth bearing of 265˚1824" to the east boundary of chemin Wilson a distance of 418.‍49 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 295˚3001", to a point located at a distance of 12.‍63 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 265˚3346", to a point located on the division line between lots 24A and 23B, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 516.‍54 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 260˚5103", to a point located at a distance of 18.‍97 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 224˚4809", to a point located at a distance of 64.‍20 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 243˚0458", to a point located at a distance of 53.‍53 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 259˚5437", to a point located at a distance of 32.‍50 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 266˚2448", to a point located at a distance of 100.‍18 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 272˚3410", to a point located on the division line between lots 23B and 22B, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 274.‍02 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 357˚3700" to a point located at the southwest corner of lot 23A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 28.‍99 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 268˚3320", to a point located at the southwest corner of lot 22A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 537.‍48 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 268˚0214", to a point located at a distance of 251.‍05 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 5˚0919", to a point located at a distance of 59.‍28 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚4818", to a point located at a distance of 213.‍14 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚2724", to a point located at a distance of 181.‍95 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 296˚4922", to a point located at a distance of 74.‍39 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 292˚0121", to a point located at a distance of 128.‍91 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚3118", to a point located at a distance of 71.‍10 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 296˚1122", to a point located at a distance of 87.‍77 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 292˚5321", to a point located at a distance of 72.‍23 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 289˚2520", to a point located at a distance of 191.‍35 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 283˚5219", to a point located on the division line between lots 20A and 19A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 110.‍65 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 255˚4408", to a point located at a distance of 231.‍75 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 281˚1618", to a point located at a distance of 131.‍35 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 261˚3411", to a point located on the division line between lots 19A and 18A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 221.‍49 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 267˚0313", to a point located at a distance of 376.‍93 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 274˚2823", to a point located on the division line between lots 18A and 17A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 107.‍71 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 269˚1622", to a point located on the division line between lots 17A and 16C, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 534.‍44 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 258˚1917", to a point located on the division line between lots 16B and 15A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 533.‍21 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 274˚5623", to a point located at a distance of 257.‍29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 277˚0836", to a point located on the division line between lots 15A and 14B, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 276.‍49 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 258˚0634", to a point located at a distance of 462.‍20 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 257˚3434", to a point located on the division line between lots 13C and 12B, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 578.‍97 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 245˚2638", to a point located at a distance of 281.‍55 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 266˚3434", to a point located at a distance of 169.‍05 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 276˚1836", to a point located at a distance of 239.‍01 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 261˚0834", to a point located at a distance of 286.‍52 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 284˚2640", to a point located on the division line between lots 11B and 10A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 132.‍77 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 268˚2112", to a point located on the division line between lots 10A and 9B, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 545.‍37 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 252˚5535", to a point located on the division line between lots 8B and 9B, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 524.‍27 m; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 8A and 9A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 474.‍68 m; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 8A and 9A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 730.‍13 m; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 8A and 9A, range 7, then lots 8B and 9A, range 8, then lots 8D and 9C, range 8, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 992.‍58 m; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 8D and 9C, range 8, to the southwest corner of lot 9A, range 9, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 752.‍24 m; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 8A from lots 9A and 9B, range 9, then following the division line between lot 8B from lots 9C and 9D, range 9, to the northwest corner of lot 9D, range 9, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, northerly following the division line between lot 8B from lots 9A and 9B, range 10, to the northwest corner of lot 9B, range 10, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 8 and 9, range 11, to the northwest corner of lot 9, range 11, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 8A from lots 9A and 9B, range 12, then following the division line between lot 8B from lots 9B and 9C, range 12, to the northwest corner of lot 9C, range 12, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, northerly following the division line between lot 8C from lots 9A and 9B, range 13, to the northwest corner of lot 9B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, located on the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 10C, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to a point located at a distance of 1,432.‍50 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to a point located at the northeast corner of lot 15B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 1,695.‍73 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to a point located at the northwest corner of lot 17C, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 525.‍87 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to a point located on the west boundary of chemin Gauvin, a distance of 12.‍92 m; thence, southwesterly, following the northwest boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 27.‍71 and 16.‍44 m; thence, southerly, following the west boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 106.‍63 m and 29.‍67 m; thence, southeasterly, following the southwest boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 29.‍95 m, 39.‍95 m, 27.‍98 m, 26.‍75 m and 25.‍99 m; thence, easterly following the south boundary of the chemin Gauvin, a distance of 136.‍53 m; thence, southeasterly, crossing chemin du Lac-La-Pêche, following the southwest boundary of chemin Gauvin, a distance of 15.‍55 m; thence, southeasterly, following the southwest boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 11.‍65 m, 34.‍05 m and 13.‍04 m; thence, easterly, following the south boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 10.‍07 m, 21.‍72 m, 13.‍51 m and 10.‍88 m; thence, southeasterly, following the southwest boundary of chemin Gauvin, a distance of 29.‍84 m; thence, easterly, following the south boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 30.‍55 m, 81.‍02 m, 41.‍05 m, 32.‍62 m and 28.‍89 m; thence, northeasterly, following the southeast boundary of chemin Gauvin, a distance of 22.‍30 m; thence, easterly, following the south boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 11.‍99 m, 35.‍90 m, 27.‍85 m, 40.‍14 m, 22.‍33 m and 9.‍07 m; thence, northeasterly, following the southeast boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 12.‍51 m and 28.‍00 m; thence, following the southwest shore of ruisseau du Lac-des-Loups to the intersection of the division line between lots 18A and 18B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 18A and 18B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, towards the intersection of the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, also known as the northwest corner of lot 18B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, easterly, following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, towards the southwest corner of lot 12, range 1, cadastre of the Township of Aldfield, a distance of 1,760.‍22 m.

Municipality of La Pêche

Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 12, range 1, cadastre of the Township of Aldfield; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 12 and 13A, range 1, Township of Aldfield, towards the intersection at the south boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), a distance of 422.‍88 m; thence, easterly following the south boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), at distances of 79.‍58 m, 82.‍18 m and 43.‍03 m; thence, southeasterly, following the southwest boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), at distances of 41.‍52 m, 75.‍96 m and 45.‍06 m; thence, easterly following the South boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), a distance of 52.‍42 m; thence, southeasterly, following the southwest boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), at distances of 51.‍22 m, 54.‍54 m, 100.‍89 m and 45.‍93 m; thence, easterly following the south boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), a distance of 49.‍17 m; thence, easterly following the south boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), to the intersection of the division line between lots 9A and 10, range 1, cadastre of the Township of Aldfield, a distance of 141.‍82 m; thence, southerly following the division line between lots 9A and 10, range 1, cadastre of the Township of Aldfield, towards the southeast corner of lot 10, range 1, cadastre of the Township of Aldfield.

Municipality of Pontiac

Beginning at the southeast corner of lot 10, range 1, cadastre of the Township of Aldfield; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to the intersection of the south boundary of Route 366, a distance of 78.‍41 m; thence, southeasterly, following the southwest boundary of Route 366, at distances of 216.‍83 m, 78.‍78 m, 135.‍30 m, 56.‍26 m, 61.‍53 m, 22.‍15 m, 85.‍68 m and 47.‍32 m; thence, easterly following the southwest of Route 366, at distances of 28.‍49 m, 33.‍10 m, 47.‍66 m, 35.‍82 m, 122.‍39 m, 113.‍79 m, 29.‍34 m, 30.‍78 m, 49.‍76 m and 158.‍29 m; thence, southeasterly, following the southwest boundary of Route 366, to the intersection of the division line between lots 25B and 26B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 19.‍68 m; thence, southerly to the intersection of the division line between the ranges 12 and 13 and the division line between lots 25B and 26A, range 12, all in the Township of Onslow, a distance of 1,139.‍03 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the ranges 12 and 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, at distances of 263.‍87 m, 259.‍55 m, 265.‍33 m and 261.‍51 m; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 27C and 28B, range 12, then lots 27B and 28A, range 12, to the southeast corner of lot 27B, range 12, all in the cadastre of the said Township, a distance of 1,714.‍29 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the ranges 11 and 12, to the northeast corner of lot 28, range 11, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 114.‍88 m; thence, southerly following the division line between the Township of Masham and the Township of Onslow, towards the southeast corner of lot 28, range 11, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 1,701.‍74 m; thence, southerly following the division line between the Township of Masham and the Township of Onslow, towards the northwest corner of lot 2755996 (Cadastre du Québec), a distance of 1,235.‍70 m.

Municipality of La Pêche

Beginning at the northwest corner of lot 2755996 (Cadastre du Québec), following segments of the north boundary of said lot, to the northeast corner of lot 2755996; thence, easterly and crossing chemin Eardley-Masham, to the northwest corner of lot 2755995; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2755995, 3117982, 3117981, 2755994 and 3117980, to the northeast corner of lot 3117980; thence, southerly following the east boundary of lot 3117980, to the southeast corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2755991 and 2755990 and following segments of the north boundary of lot 2684840, to the intersection with the southeast corner of lot 2685155; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 2685155 and 2685822, to the northeast corner of lot 2685155; thence, easterly following the south boundaries of lots 2685203 and 2685402, to the southeast corner of lot 2685402; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 2685402 and 2685822, to the southwest corner of lot 2685406; thence, easterly following the south boundary of lot 2685406, to the southeast corner of said lot; thence, southeasterly, to the intersection at the northwest corner of lot 2685428 and the southwest boundary of lot 2864213 (chemin de la Prairie); thence, southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly, easterly, southeasterly and easterly following the south boundary of lots 2864213, 2864212 and 2864211 (chemin de la Prairie), to the northeast corner of lot 2756053; thence, northerly crossing chemin de la Prairie, to the southeast corner of lot 2685601; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 2685601 and 2685822, the division line between lots 2685600 and 2685822, then the division line between lots 2685430 and 2685822, towards the southwest corner of lot 2685608; thence, easterly following the south boundary of lot 2685608, to the southeast corner of said lot; thence, northerly following the east boundary of lot 2685608, to the northeast corner of said lot; thence, northerly crossing chemin Schnob, to the southwest corner of lot 2756050; thence, northerly following the west boundary of lot 2756050, to the intersection at the northwest corner of said lot and the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory); thence, in a general easterly direction, following the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west boundary of lot 2756119; thence, northerly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the west boundary of lot 2756119, to the northwest corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lot 2756119, to the northeast corner of said lot, also located on the west boundary of lot 2864223 (chemin Brazeau); thence, southerly and southeasterly following the east boundary of lot 2756119, to the intersection at the north shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), being the southeast corner of lot 2756119; thence, southeasterly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the northeast corner of lot 2756050; thence, following the division line between the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the north boundaries of lots 3274668 (chemin Brazeau), 2685630, 2685633, 2685824, 3579542, 3389947 and 3389948, to the intersection of the southerly extension of the division line between lots 3389960 and 3654717; thence, northerly crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) to the intersection of the division line between lots 3389960 and 3654717 and the north shore of said River; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 3654717 and 3389960, a distance of 77.‍57 m; thence, northeasterly following the division line between lots 3654717 and 3389960, a distance of 20.‍42 m; thence, northeasterly crossing lots 3654717 and 3389949, to the southwest corner of lot 3390091; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lot 3389949, to the southeast corner of lot 3390090; thence, easterly following the division line between lots 3389949 and 3389950, then the division line between lots 3389950 and 3654718, towards the southeast corner of lot 3389950; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 3389950 and 3654718, at a northwest corner of lot 3654718; thence, southeasterly following the southwest boundary of Route 366 (Principale est), being lots 3654734, 3654218 and 3654220, towards the northwest corner of lot 3654223; thence, southeasterly following the southwest boundary of Route 366 (Principale est), being lot 3654223, towards the south corner of lot 3654223; thence, southeasterly following the southwest and west boundary of Route 366 (Principale est), being lot 3654253, at successive distances of 216.‍74 m, 73.‍18 m, 103.‍09 m, then southerly, following the west boundary of Route 366 (Principale est), distances of 99.‍00 m and 30.‍00 m; thence, easterly, crossing lots 3654223, 3654253, 3654256, 3654257 (Route 366 (Principale est)) and 3654259 (Autoroute 5), to the northwest corner of lot 3391737; thence, easterly following the division line between lots 3391737 and 3389951, to the far southwest corner of lot 3391738, at distances of 63.‍10 m, 74.‍88 m, 9.‍58 m, 17.‍51 m and 9.‍35 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 3389951 and 3391738, a distance of 10.‍55 m; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3389951 and 3391738, to the northeast corner of lot 3391738, at distances of 9.‍72 m, 13.‍84 m, 62.‍31 m, 40.‍90 m, 21.‍09 m, 23.‍10 m, 45.‍26 m and 2.‍35 m; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3389951 and 3391732, to the northwestern corner of lot 3391732, at distances of 6.‍25 m, 13.‍60 m, 61.‍77 m and 27.‍73 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 3389951 and 3391732, to the northwest corner of lot 3391736, a distance of 246.‍25 m; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3391736 and 3391732, to the southwest corner of lot 3391736; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 3391736 and 3391732, to the southeast corner of lot 3391736; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3391670 and 3391732, to the southwest corner of lot 3391670; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 3391670 and 3391732, to the south corner of lot 3391670; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3391732 and 3391670, to the northeast corner of lot 3391732, a distance of 1.‍95 m; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3391675 and 3391732, to the intersection of the north shore of the Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory); thence, southerly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to a point located at the intersection of the south shore of said river and the division line between lots 3391748 and 3364796; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3391748 and 3654796, to a point located at the intersection of the north boundary of lot 3654317 (chemin Mill); thence, crossing lot 3654317 (chemin Mill), to a point located at the intersection of the south boundary of said chemin Mill and the division line between lots 3 391 750 and 3 391 773; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3391773 and 3391750, to the southwest corner of lot 3391750; thence, westerly following the division line between lots 3391773 and 3654775, to the north corner of lot 3654775, at successive distances of 45.‍15 m, 214.‍92 m and 27.‍92 m; thence, southwesterly, following the division line between lots 3391773 and 3654775, a distance of 203.‍89 m; thence, westerly following the division line between lots 3391773 and 3654775, to the intersection with the southeast boundary of lot 3654244 (chemin Mill), successive distances of 84.‍42 m and 93.‍58 m; thence, southwesterly following the southeast boundary of lot 3654244 (chemin Mill), at distances of 25.‍93 m and 18.‍49 m, then westerly, a distance of 20.‍71 m, then to the southwest, a distance of 6.‍94 m, to the northwest corner of lot 3391769; thence, westerly, crossing Autoroute 5, being lot 3654238, to the northeast corner of lot 3654100, following the south boundary of the old chemin Mill; thence, westerly, to the northwest corner of lot 3654100 at successive distances of 28.‍76 m and 17.‍13 m; thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following the southwest boundary of the proposed Autoroute 5, being lots 3654100 and 3391986, to the southwest corner of lot 3391986; thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following the southwest boundary of the proposed Autoroute 5 and crossing lot 3389945, to the northwest corner of lot 3391995; thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following the southwest boundary of the proposed Autoroute 5, being lot 3391997, to the east corner of lot 3391995.

2.‍4 Section 4

This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 4, is included in the registration division of Gatineau, located in the Municipality of Chelsea, and forms part of the Cadastre du Québec.

Municipality of Chelsea

Beginning at the east corner of lot 3391995, in a general southeasterly direction, following the southwest boundary of the proposed Autoroute 5, being lots 4138880, 3264820, 3264830, 3264860, 3264906 and 3264908; thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following the southwest boundary of Autoroute 5, being lots 3264970, 3265005, 3265028, 3265027, 3265072, 3265073 and 2924035, to the intersection of the south boundary of lot 2 924 035 (Autoroute 5) and of the west boundary of lot 2924014 (chemin Scott); thence, in a general southerly direction, following the west boundaries of 2924014, 2735360, 2735361, 2636730, 2735385 and 2636729 (chemin Scott), to the southeast corner of lot 3754061; thence, southerly, crossing lots 2924047 and 2636722 (chemin Old Chelsea), to the northwest corner of lot 2635548; thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 2635548 and lots 2924048 and 4138881, to the southwest corner of lot 2635548; thence, easterly, following the division line between lot 4138881 and lots 2635548 and 2635547, to the southwest corner of lot 2635 547, a distance of 42.‍98 m; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 2635547 and 4138881, to the southwest corner of lot 2635547, a distance of 26.‍82 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2635547 and 4138881, to the southeast corner of lot 2635547, a distance of 14.‍30 m; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2635547 and 4138881, to the southeast corner of lot 2635547, a distance of 26.‍82 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2635547 and 4138881, to the southeast corner of lot 2635547, a distance of 6.‍55 m; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2635547 and 4138881, to the northeast corner of lot 2635547, a distance of 42.‍15 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2635551 and 4138881, to the southeast corner of lot 2635551, a distance of 10.‍83 m; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2635551 and 4138881, to the northeast corner of lot 2635551, a distance of 18.‍23 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2924049 and 4138881, to the northwest corner of lot 4138882; thence, southerly, to the southwest corner of lot 4138882, a distance of 65.‍87 m; thence, easterly, to the southwest corner of lot 2635573, a distance of 76.‍01 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2635573 and 4138881, to the southeast corner of lot 2635573; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 2635585 and 4138881, to the southwest corner of lot 2635585; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2635583 and 4138881, to the southwest corner of lot 2635583; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 2635583 and 4138881, to the southeast corner of lot 4138881; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2635493 and 4138881, to the north corner of lot 2635493; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2635533 and 4138881, to the northeast corner of lot 2635533; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4138881 and 2635533, to the intersection of the eastern boundary of lot 2735434 (chemin Kingsmere); thence, westerly, following the extension of the division line between lots 2635533 and 4138881, crossing lot 2735434 (chemin Kingsmere), to the intersection of the west boundary of said lot 2735434, a distance of 12.‍24 m; thence, southerly, following the west boundary of lot 2735434 (chemin Kingsmere), to the southwest corner of lot 2735434; thence, southwesterly, following the northwest boundary of lot 2636668 (chemin Kingsmere), to the southwest corner of said lot 2636668; thence, southwesterly, crossing lot 2735441 (chemin Kingsmere), to the northwest corner of lot 2735433 (chemin Notch); thence, southerly, following the west boundary of chemin Notch, being lots 2735433, 2735431, 2735464, 2735463 and 2636667, to the southwest corner of lot 2636667; thence, easterly, following the division line between lot 2636667 (chemin Notch) and lots 2635407 and 2735329 (chemin Notch), to the southeast corner of lot 2636667 (chemin Notch); thence, easterly, then southerly, following the division line between lots 2735342 (chemin de la Mine) and 2735329 (chemin Notch), to the northwest corner of lot 2635425; thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following the southwest boundary of chemin de la Mine, being lots 2735342, 2735341, 2636585 and 2735338, 2735336, 2735333, 2636583, 2735331, 2735330, which becomes the boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes, lot 2636582, to the north corner of lot 3557256, to the point of commencement.

3 — System of Measurement

In this description, measurements are in metres (SI) and bearings are in reference of the geodetic system of plane coordinates of Quebec (SCOPQ).


National Capital Act
Clause 2: (1)Text of the definition:

National Capital Region means the seat of the Government of Canada and its surrounding area, more particularly described in the schedule; (région de la capitale nationale)

Clause 3:New.
Clause 4:New.
Clause 5:Text of subsection 16(3):

(3)The Commission may pay grants to the appropriate authorities in respect of real property of the Commission situated in Gatineau Park not exceeding in any tax year the amounts estimated by the Commission to be sufficient to compensate such authorities for the loss of tax revenue during that tax year in respect of municipal and school taxes by reason of the acquisition of the property by the Commission.

Clause 6:New.
Clause 7:Text of subsection 20(2):

(2)The Governor in Council may by regulation prescribe the punishment that may be imposed on summary conviction for the contravention of any regulation made under subsection (1), but the punishment so prescribed shall not exceed that set out in subsection 787(1) of the Criminal Code.

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