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Bill C-346

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The purpose of this enactment is to provide for the identification of species that are endangered in Canada and for the establishment of wildlife sanctuaries as suitable habitat for such species to enable them to recover their populations.

It provides for the establishment of sanctuaries on federal land, for agreements with provinces to establish sanctuaries on provincial land, and for agreements with private land owners.

The designation of species as endangered and the creation of sanctuaries is to be on the basis of reports by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada to the Minister of the Environment.

In cases of absolute necessity to secure a piece of unique land to save an endangered species, land or an interest may be expropriated or a restrictive covenant may be placed on the land. In such cases the interest taken or secured is to be the minimum to achieve the objective of the sanctuary and, where feasible, other uses and enjoyments of the land that are compatible with the object of the sanctuary may be continued or established.