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Bill S-29

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Second Session, Thirty-sixth Parliament,
48-49 Elizabeth II, 1999-2000
An Act to provide for the recognition of the Canadien Horse as the national horse of Canada

first reading, June 27, 2000

The Honourable Senator Murray, P.C.


This enactment declares the breed of horse known as the Canadien Horse to be the national horse of Canada.

Available on the Parliament of Canada Web Site at the following address:

2nd Session, 36th Parliament,
48-49 Elizabeth II, 1999-2000
senate of canada
An Act to provide for the recognition of the Canadien Horse as the national horse of Canada
Whereas the Canadien Horse was introduced into Canada in 1665, when the King of France sent horses from his own stables to the people of his North American colony;
Whereas the Canadien Horse increased in number during the ensuing century to become an invaluable ally to the settlers in their efforts to survive and prosper in their new home;
Whereas all Canadians who have known the Canadien Horse have made clear their high esteem for the qualities of great strength and endurance, resilience, intelligence and good temper that distinguish the breed;
Whereas the Canadien Horse was at one time in danger of being lost through interbreeding or as a casualty of war, but has survived these perils;
Whereas, since 1885 and all during the present century, widespread and increasingly successful efforts have been made to re-establish and preserve the Canadien Horse;
And Whereas the Government of Canada wishes to recognize the unique place of the Canadien Horse in the history of Canada;
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the National Horse of Canada Act.
Breed to be the national horse
2. The breed of horse known as the Canadien Horse is hereby recognized and declared to be the national horse of Canada.
Published under authority of the Senate of Canada