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Bill C-432

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2nd Session, 36th Parliament,
48-49 Elizabeth II, 1999-2000

The House of Commons of Canada

BILL C-432

An Act respecting Raoul Wallenberg Day


Whereas Raoul Wallenberg was made an honorary citizen of Canada in 1985;

Whereas Raoul Wallenberg, at great personal risk, saved the lives of about one hundred thousand Hungarian Jews from the Holocaust;

And Whereas the people of Canada wish to further honour the memory of Raoul Wallenberg and ensure that his example of personal courage, heroism, compassion and decency is not forgotten;

Now, Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the Raoul Wallenberg Day Act.


Raoul Wallenberg Day

2. Throughout Canada, in each and every year, the 17th day of January shall be known under the name of ``Raoul Wallenberg Day''.