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Bill C-38

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1st Session, 36th Parliament,
46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98

The House of Commons of Canada


An Act to amend the National Parks Act

R.S., c. N-14; R.S., c. 31 (1st Supp.), c. 28 (3rd Supp.), c. 39 (4th Supp.); SOR/90-45; 1991, c. 24; 1992, cc. 1, 23, 47; 1994, c. 34; 1995, c. 11; 1996, c. 10

      Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

1. Schedule I to the National Parks Act is amended by adding the following after Part XI:



(1) Tuktut Nogait National Park

    In the Northwest Territories; In the Inuvialuit Settlement Region;

All that parcel being more particularly described as follows:

(Geographic coordinates are NAD 27)

Commencing at a point being the intersection of the shoreline of Amundsen Gulf and the mouth of the Outwash River at approximate latitude 69 degrees 33 minutes north and approximate longitude 120 degrees 40 minutes and 51 seconds west, the said point being a corner of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region as described in Annex A-1 of the Agreement referred to in the Western Arctic (Inuvialuit) Claims Settlement Act;

Thence south in a straight line along the limit of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region to a point at latitude 68 degrees 00 minutes north and approximate longitude 120 degrees 40 minutes and 51 seconds west (that point being a corner of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region);

Thence west along latitude 68 degrees 00 minutes north, also being the limit of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, to its intersection with longitude 122 degrees 05 minutes west;

Thence northwesterly in a straight line to a point having a latitude of 68 degrees 30 minutes north and longitude 123 degrees 20 minutes west;

Thence north along longitude 123 degrees 20 minutes west to its intersection with the surveyed boundary of the Paulatuk 7(1)(b) lands at approximate latitude 69 degrees 00 minutes north;

Thence easterly along the surveyed boundary of the Paulatuk lands to the surveyed corner at approximate latitude 69 degrees 00 minutes north and approximate longitude 123 degrees 10 minutes west;

Thence northerly along the surveyed boundary of the Paulatuk 7(1)(b) and 7(1)(a) lands to the surveyed corner of the 7(1)(b) lands at approximate latitude 69 degrees 19 minutes north and approximate longitude 123 degrees 10 minutes west;

Thence easterly, northerly, northeasterly, easterly and southeasterly along the surveyed boundary of Paulatuk 7(1)(b) lands to its intersection with the middle thread of the Outwash River at approximate latitude 69 degrees 27 minutes and 46 seconds north and approximate longitude 120 degrees 51 minutes and 51 seconds west;

Thence northerly and easterly along the middle thread of the Outwash River to the point of commencement.

That parcel containing about 16,340 square kilometres.