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Bill C-38

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The primary purpose of this enactment is to prevent acts of violence against the Canadian marine transportation system and the persons involved in it. The enactment parallels existing legislation relating to air and rail transportation. It enables the implementation of an appropriate preventive security regime for persons, goods, vessels and marine facilities.

The enactment applies to vessels and marine facilities in Canada and to Canadian-registered ships anywhere. It provides authority to make regulations and take preventive action when necessary. It also provides for the implementation of detailed security measures by the marine transportation industry and allows marine operators to formulate and seek approval of security rules as an alternative to regulations and security measures prescribed by the Government.

The enactment also permits the security screening of passengers and their goods and gives the Minister of Transport authority to re-direct vessels posing security concerns to locations where these concerns can be most effectively managed.

Finally, the enactment contains provisions to ensure the confidentiality of security measures and rules and provides authority to monitor compliance and enforce the enactment with appropriate penalties.