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Bill C-201

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1nd Session, 35th Parliament,
42 Elizabeth II, 1994

The House of Commons of Canada

BILL C-201

An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (oath or solemn affirmation)

R.S., c. P-1; R.S., cc. 31, 42 (1st Supp.), c. 38 (2nd Supp.), c. 1 (4th Supp.); 1991, cc. 20, 30

      Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

1. Subsection 13(2) of the Parliament of Canada Act is repealed and the following substituted therefor:


      (2) Every oath and solemn affirmation and declaration under this Part shall be in the Forms 1 and 2 in Schedule I .

2. The headings preceding section 21 of the said Act are repealed and the following substituted therefor:



Division A

Eligibility, Resignation, Oath or Solemn Affirmation and Vacancies

Simultaneous Candidacies

3. The said Act is further amended by adding thereto, immediately after section 27 thereof, the following heading and section:

Oath or Solemn Affirmation

Oath or solemn affirmation

      27.1 No person holding a seat in the House of Commons shall sit therein nor shall any funds be made available to such a person for the carrying out of parliamentary functions unless the person, in writing, has taken the oath or made the solemn affirmation provided for in Schedule II before the Governor General or any person authorized by the Governor General to administer such oath or solemn affirmation.

4. The schedule of the said Act is renumbered as Schedule I.

5. The said Act is further amended by adding thereto the following:


(Section 27.1)

    I, (full name of the member), swear (or solemnly affirm) that I will be loyal to Canada and that I will perform the duties of a member of the House of Commons honestly and justly in conformity with the Constitution of Canada.