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Canada to welcome over 350 delegates from French-speaking world to Montreal in July 2024
The Honourable Raymonde Gagné, Speaker of the Senate, and the Honourable Greg Fergus, PC, Speaker of the House of Commons, will host the 49th Annual Session of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF) [in French only], to be held in Montreal, Canada, from July 5 to 9, 2024.
Over 350 delegates representing some 50 parliaments and interparliamentary organizations from the Francophonie will gather for the APF Annual Session. The Parliament of Canada will be represented by a delegation of senators and members of Parliament who are members of the Canadian Branch of the APF.
This year, attendees will examine issues such as the impact of artificial intelligence on parliamentary institutions and will reflect on preventive measures and responses to manage this technology’s impact on parliamentary government and democracy.
“I’m delighted that this Session of the APF will address two subjects I care deeply about: the French language and artificial intelligence,” said the Honourable Raymonde Gagné. “In thinking about artificial intelligence, it’s critical that we incorporate the francophone and parliamentary perspectives. Montreal is an especially appropriate host city given its status as a hub for AI research and innovation.”
At the same time as the APF Annual Session, 70 francophone youth from Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe will meet for the 10th edition of the Francophone Youth Parliament. Holding the two events in parallel will provide a unique opportunity for young francophones to discuss the issues that matter to them with parliamentarians and to learn how an interparliamentary organization functions.
“I’m honoured to host the world’s francophone parliamentarians in Montreal, along with all these young people who share our love for our common language,” said the Honourable Greg Fergus. “The future of French lies in the hands of its youth. Hosting the APF Annual Session and the Francophone Youth Parliament is an invaluable opportunity to deepen the intergenerational dialogue.”
About the APF
Founded in 1967, the APF is the consultative assembly of the Francophonie. The APF is composed of representatives of 92 parliaments and interparliamentary organizations on five continents. Its mandate is to promote and defend the vitality of French and multilingualism around the world, peace and democracy, respect for human rights, and gender equality. The Canadian Branch is a founding member of the APF.
Media information
On July 8, the opening ceremony for the Plenary Assembly will be open to the media. A news conference will follow on July 9. Journalists who wish to cover the event are asked to apply for accreditation by Thursday, July 4, at 8 p.m. EST or contact Philippe Perrier, Manager, Operational Services and Media Activities, at 613 992 6517 or by e-mail at philippe.perrier@parl.gc.ca. The Parliamentary Press Gallery will review applications and notify applicants of its decision. Accredited journalists will receive further information and instructions for gaining access to the event site.
Canadian Branch of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie
Julie Pelletier, Association Secretary
Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie
Jessica Malamba, Communications Advisor