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Statement of the Canadian-Africa Parliamentary Association on World Africa Day
On May 25, the Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association is pleased to mark World Africa Day. This day celebrates the anniversary of the agreements that led to the creation of the Organization of African Unity on May 25, 1963, which became the African Union in 2002.
The Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association was created in 2003. It is one of 13 officially recognized parliamentary associations. It is made up of members of the Senate and the House of Commons from all political parties represented in Parliament.
The Association aims to encourage exchanges between Canadian and African parliamentarians, and to facilitate the sharing of best practices around the core parliamentary functions of oversight, representation and legislation. It also seeks to improve Canadian parliamentarians' understanding of the issues and opportunities facing the African continent.
To this end, and to mark World Africa Day, the Association organized a conference in Ottawa on April 17 under the theme Canada-Africa Relations: Towards Sustainable Economic Development. The plenary session provided an opportunity for exchange between the presenters, Ms. Susan Namulindwa and Professors Edward Ansah Akuffo and Jeremy de Beer and, the parliamentarians and members of the African diplomatic corps in attendance.
On World Africa Day, the Association wishes to affirm its unwavering support for African success, and for the development of harmonious and enriching relations between African nations and Canada and its Parliament.
For more information, please contact:
Mr. Marc-André Bourgon
Association Secretary
Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association