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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE | October 25, 2023 |
Canadian parliamentarians discuss food security, climate change, and gender equality in Mexico
On September 27-29, 2023, the Honourable Rosa Galvez, Senator, led a delegation from the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas to the jointly held 7th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and 15th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality. The other delegates were the Honourable Sharon Burey, Senator, Nathalie Sinclair-Desgagné, M.P., and Alistair MacGregor, M.P.
At the ParlAmericas Board of Directors meeting, held during the joint gathering, Senator Galvez and other board members agreed, among other decisions, to broaden the work of the climate change network to include the concept of sustainability, so the network could consider a wider range of issues of interest to member countries. The network was officially renamed the ParlAmericas’ Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability.
At the joint gathering, delegates from 18 nations in the Americas and the Caribbean heard presentations about the state of food security in the Americas and the Caribbean, the connection between food security and climate change, and the ways in which legislators can use a gender and intersectional lens to help address issues related to food security. Delegates also heard from representatives from multilateral agencies and civil society organizations, and, in working sessions, delegates discussed innovative national approaches to address poverty and hunger and to improve women’s leadership in such efforts.
Senator Galvez delivered a presentation on the Canadian government’s actions on the issues of food security and poverty reduction. In this presentation, Senator Galvez noted that addressing issues of gender equality and social inclusion at the same time as dealing with climate change is important for creating the necessary systemic change.
Finally, elections were held for ParlAmericas thematic networks, in which delegates elected Stephanie Kusie, M.P. (virtually), as the Vice-President, North America, of the Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality and re-elected Canadian Senator Rosa Galvez as the President of the Parliamentary Network on Climate Change and Sustainability.
Following these elections, Marc Serré, M.P., President of ParlAmericas and Chair of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas commented "I am so pleased that members of the Canadian Section are represented in the leadership of each of ParlAmericas’ thematic networks, and I congratulate both delegates. Senator Galvez has been a strong voice in support of taking a scientific approach to action on climate change and sustainability, and her expertise and commitment are an asset to the network. Furthermore, I am confident Ms. Kusie will be highly effective in the gender equality network, where she will be in a position to share Canadian experience and expertise and to engage profoundly with international counterparts.” He added: "The participation of Canadian parliamentarians in such leadership roles strengthens Canada’s voice in the hemisphere concerning efforts to combat climate change and to promote gender equality and inclusion as cross-cutting issues."
Following the joint gathering, Senator Galvez noted, “It was a privilege to lead a delegation of committed Canadian legislators to engage with our counterparts from elsewhere in this hemisphere on the deeply interconnected topics of food security, climate change, and gender equality.” She went on, “Sharing best practices is so valuable for facilitating progress on these themes and on sustainable development broadly.”
Founded in 2001 in Ottawa, ParlAmericas is the only interparliamentary institution with its International Secretariat headquartered in Canada. The Canadian Section of ParlAmericas has worked closely with the Secretariat to advance parliamentary diplomacy and political dialogue throughout the Americas and the Caribbean.
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To arrange an interview with Marc G. Serré, MP, Chair of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas, please contact:
Kaylie Dudgeon
(705) 897-2222