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Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association



December 21, 2022

Canadian Parliamentarians return from mission to the Republic of Senegal

As part of its mandate to promote exchanges between Canadian and African parliamentarians, the Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association visited Dakar and Thiès, Senegal, from 5–11 November 2022. Four members of the Association took part in this productive bilateral mission: the two co-chairs of the Association, the Honourable Senator Amina Gerba and Ms. Brenda Shanahan, M.P., as well as the Honourable Senator René Cormier and Mr.  Jamie Schmale, M.P.

The delegation met with His Excellency Dr. Amadou Mame Diop, Speaker of the new National Assembly of Senegal resulting from the July parliamentary election, two deputy speakers, the Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Senegalese Abroad and African Integration, and the Chair of the Committee on Laws, Decentralization, Labour and Human Rights. In his opening remarks, Speaker Diop stressed the importance of revitalizing relations between Senegal and Canada.

Members of the Association met with officials from the External Trade Policy Division of the Ministry of Trade, Consumer Affairs and SMEs. Senator Amina Gerba, co-chair of the Association, stated that “this meeting allowed Canadian parliamentarians to better understand the potential impact on Senegal and West Africa of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).” Another meeting included representatives from a women’s business organization. The delegation’s visit also included meetings with representatives of Senegalese civil society in the areas of culture, human rights and security.

In Thiès, a city 70 km east of Dakar, the delegation visited three Canadian and Senegalese NGOs that support social housing, nutrition and reproductive health, and capacity building for women.

“The mission provided an opportunity for Canadian parliamentarians to learn about and express their views on several issues of interest to the bilateral relationship: strengthening parliamentary cooperation, the business environment, governance, respect for human rights and the implementation of Canadian-funded aid projects,” said Ms. Brenda Shanahan, co-chair of the Association.

ABOUT THE ASSOCIATION: Founded in 2003, the Canada-Africa Parliamentary Association promotes exchanges between Canadian and African parliamentarians and proposes initiatives aimed at increasing understanding of national and international issues. The Association also works to establish ties with regional parliamentary groups and the Pan-African Parliament.


For more information, please contact:

Freddy Bobo Mukinayi, Association Secretary,, 613-402-5463