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Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group



19 March 2021

Canadian Parliamentarians meet with U.S. Congressional Counterparts

From 15-18 March 2021, the Honourable Senator Michael L. MacDonald and the Honourable Wayne Easter, P.C., M.P., along with the executive committee members of the Canadian Section of the Canada–United States Inter-Parliamentary Group (IPG), hosted virtual meetings with their U.S. congressional counterparts.

“We were pleased that, despite the global COVID-19 pandemic, we were able to reinforce our shared ties with our congressional colleagues,” said Senator MacDonald. “We look forward to joining with our U.S. colleagues to ensure North American energy independence and a joint economic recovery.”

Mr. Easter added: “Circumstances have dictated that we cannot safely hold in-person meetings at this time. We will nevertheless work with our U.S. partners towards a safe re-opening of the border and anxiously anticipate a return to our regular trips to Capitol Hill.”

The views expressed in this news release are specific to the Canadian Section of the Canada–United States IPG. For this reason, they may not reflect the views of U.S. counterparts.

The Canada–United States IPG aims to find points of convergence in respective national policies, to initiate dialogue on points of divergence, to encourage the exchange of information and to promote better understanding among legislators on shared issues of concern. Additional information on the IPG can be found at


For further information:

Grant McLaughlin, Association Secretary
Canada–U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Group - 613-944-4238