Activities and Reports
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Results: 1 - 239 of 239
February 23, 2024
Annual General Meeting
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
December 12, 2023
Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation for Relations with Canada
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
Damian Boeselager, a MEP from Germany, explained how the mission of the European Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO) to the United States and Ottawa, at the beginning of November 2023, was very successful. The delegates met with the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner of Canada, among others, and found those meetings useful for their work on the creation of an European ethics body.
Regarding the EU-Canada Summit held on 23 and 24 November 2023, Ambassador Campbell discussed, among other things, Canada’s enhanced participation in Horizon Europe. She underscored Canada’s gratitude towards the EU Member States that helped last summer during the worst forest fire season in Canada, to date. Ambassador Campbell noted the commitment from Canada and the EU to work together to fight climate change and the EU’s decision to join the Global Carbon Pricing Challenge. She also noted Canada-EU collaboration in the new Digital Partnership to develop together a safer digital environment, including artificial intelligence, quantum technology and online platform governance. Ambassador Campbell mentioned that Canada and the EU were hitting record highs in bilateral trade, thanks to the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) and the Strategic Partnership Agreement. She also mentioned the continued collaboration to help Ukraine and expressed the wish to deepen the collaboration with the EU in Gaza. Mr. Burgsmueller agreed with Ambassador Campbell’s positive description of the Summit’s results. He highlighted the importance of the new Green Alliance and the possibilities for future collaboration on green energy, such as hydrogen.
Francesco Sorbara, President of CAEU, touched on the Green Alliance, the Digital Partnership, the enhanced Canadian participation in Horizon Europe, and the EU’s decision to join the Global Carbon Pricing Challenge. He also talked about the Joint Statement that stemmed from the Summit and the challenges confronting Canada and the EU, such as climate change, the war in Ukraine, the crisis in Gaza, and relations with China. Mr. Sorbara also thanked Mr. Moreno Sánchez for his work as Rapporteur on the implementation of CETA. Senator David Wells, Vice-President of CAEU, discussed the seven themes of the Joint Statement, the war in Ukraine and the crisis in Israel and Palestine. Peter Boehm touched on the war in Ukraine, noting President Zelensky’s presence in Washington, D.C., the conflict in Gaza, and insisted on the importance of Canada and the EU working together on priorities related to the cyber and digital world.
Mr. Boeselager argued that the European Parliament elections that will take place in June 2024 could be a chance for a new impetus, to try to solve certain issues such as visa liberalization. Ambassador Campbell noted that CETA offers the possibility to recognize each others’ credentials, when Canadian professionals wish to work in the EU and vice versa, and that only architects are recognized in that manner so far. Stéphane Bergeron noted the quality of the relations between the EU, Canada, and Quebec, and argued that the Covid-19 pandemic showed the importance of intensifying relations with partners that share the same values and objectives.
All agreed to continue their fruitful collaboration in the future and wished each other happy holidays.
March 9, 2023
Meeting with Hlynur Guðjónsson, Ambassador of Iceland and Urban Ahlin, Ambassador of Sweden
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
Meeting with Hlynur Guðjónsson, Ambassador of Iceland, and Urban Ahlin, the Ambassador of Sweden
Canada–Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
Mr. Francesco Sorbara, M.P., President, Canada–Europe Parliamentary Association; the Hon. David Wells, Senator; the Hon. Percy Downe, Senator; Stéphane Bergeron, M.P.; Don Davies, M.P.; and Jamie Schmale, M.P.; met, on Parliament Hill, with His Excellency Hlynur Guðjónsson, the Ambassador of Iceland to Canada, and His Excellency Urban Ahlin, the Ambassador of Sweden to Canada.
Ambassador Guðjónsson delivered a presentation on Iceland’s priorities for its Chairmanship of the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers (November 2022–May 2023) and shared details about the Summit of the Council of Europe being hosted in Reykjavík from 16–17 May 2023.
Ambassador Ahlin delivered a presentation on Sweden’s priorities during its presidency of the Council of the European Union (1 January–30 June 2023) and provided an update on Sweden’s North Atlantic Treaty Organization accession process.
The ambassadors’ presentations were followed by a question-and-answer session with association members.
December 17, 2022
41st Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation for Relations with Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
The Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU) hosted the 41st Interparliamentary Meeting (IPM) with the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with Canada (D-CA) in Ottawa on 17 December 2022.
The IPM consisted of four panels and question-and-answer sessions on the following subjects: • the Fifth anniversary of the Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement and the Strategic Partnership Agreement; • the regulation of large technology firms; • Canada-EU energy security and climate change cooperation; • global displacement. The CAEU participants were: Mr. Francesco Sorbara, M.P. and President; the Hon. Tony Loffreda, Senator; the Hon. Victor Oh, Senator; the Hon. Lucie Moncion, Senator; the Hon. David Wells, Senator; Stéphane Bergeron, M.P.; and Marie-France Lalonde, M.P. The D-CA participants were: Stéphanie Yon-Courtin (Chair, France); Damian Boeselager (Germany); Ondrej Kovarík (Czechia); Dorien Rookmaker (Netherlands); and Hildegard Bentele (Germany). The following external participants also took part in the IPM: • Patrick Leblond, Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Ottawa; • Achim Hurrelmann, Political Science Professor and Co-Director of Centre for European Studies, Carleton University; • Robert Hage, Fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, former Director General for Europe at Global Affairs Canada; • Brad Callaghan, Associate Deputy Commissioner of the Policy, Planning and Advocacy Directorate at the Competition Bureau; • Vanessa Corkal, Senior Policy Advisor at the International Institute for Sustainable Development; and • Rema Jamous Imseis, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Canada Representative.June 15, 2022
Meeting between Her Excellency Melita Gabric, Ambassador of the Delegation of the European Union to Canada, and Mr. Francesco Sorbara, M.P., President of the Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
They discussed the outcome of the May 2022 EU-Canada Joint Ministerial Committee meeting; the coverage of space-related procurement by the Canadian Space Agency under the Canada-European Union Comprehensive and Economic Trade Agreement; Canada and the EU’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; and the upcoming Canada-EU interparliamentary meeting this fall.
May 12, 2022
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
April 5, 2022
Meeting between Her Excellency Melita Gabric, Ambassador of the European Union to Canada and Mr. Francesco Sorbara, MP, President of the Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
In their first meeting since the election of Mr. Sorbara as CAEU President, the Ambassador and Mr. Sorbara discussed Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the impact on the European Union (EU)’s energy security. Mr. Sorbara voiced his understanding of the situation and highlighted the role that Canada can play in helping to meet the EU’s energy needs.
They also discussed the Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and its importance in light of current events and its upcoming five-year implementation anniversary.
Finally, they discussed opportunities for further collaboration, including ways in which CAEU could highlight Europe Day on 9 May 2022.
March 28, 2022
Meeting with the Council of the European Union Working Party on Transatlantic Relations (COTRA)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
The CAEU members were Mr. Francesco Sorbara, M.P., President; Hon. David Wells, Senator, Vice President; Hon. Julie Miville-Dechêne, Senator; Hon. Lucie Moncion, Senator; Hon. Lena Metlege Diab, M.P.; Salma Zahid, M.P.; and Stéphane Bergeron, M.P.
The COTRA delegation was headed by Mr. Tomás Reyes Ortega, Chair, and included 11 diplomats from EU member states, and two representatives from the General Secretariat of the Council of the EU and the EU’s European External Action Service. COTRA’s work focuses on EU relations with the United States and Canada and covers a broad range of issues, from cyber, energy and security policy to economics and trade.
Her Excellency, Melita Gabric, Ambassador of the European Union to Canada, chaired the meeting and was accompanied by Ms. Eva Palatova, Head of Political and Public Affairs at the Delegation of the EU to Canada.
The main topics of discussion were Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the impact on the EU’s energy security as well as food security. They also discussed increasing Russian disinformation and misinformation and potential mitigation solutions, especially considering Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Participants also highlighted collaborative defence and security initiatives between the EU and Canada.
Finally, they discussed the Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement and the importance of the ratification process that is now taking place in each EU member state.
March 15, 2022
Meeting between Mr. Francesco Sorbara, M.P., President of the Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association and Mrs. Stéphanie Yon-Courtin, MEP, Chair of the European Parliament's Delegation for Relations with Canada
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
The main topic of discussion was future plans for renewed parliamentary cooperation between the two associations. Ms. Yon-Courtin congratulated Mr. Sorbara on his election as CAEU President and expressed D-CA’s desire to travel to Canada in September 2022 for the annual interparliamentary meeting (IPM). They also discussed a list of topics that could be part of the IPM’s agenda, including a recognition of the five-year implementation anniversary of the Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement.
Other topics of discussion included recent developments related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s address to the Canadian Parliament, and the importance of people-to-people ties. Finally, plans were made for a future meeting to finalize the details for the upcoming IPM.
February 10, 2022
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
Members reported on the priorities of the Arctic regions of their respective countries including:
• sustainable economic development to benefit Arctic residents, along with increased investments;
• the need for mental health services in remote communities;
• climate change and its impacts on all aspects of life in the Arctic; and
• the development or release of country-specific Arctic strategies.
SCPAR members provided an update on the COVID 19 pandemic. Vaccination campaigns in Arctic regions seem successful in most countries, with high rates of fully vaccinated residents. Common challenges experienced by Arctic residents included: social isolation and financial burdens due to restrictions limiting gatherings and the operation of businesses and movement between communities and countries, particularly for Indigenous peoples; and an increase in the need for mental health services.
The next meeting of SCPAR is planned for 12 May 2022 to potentially be hosted in Washington D.C., United States.
March 30, 2021
Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for Relations with Canada
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
February 25, 2021
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
January 26, 2021
Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for Relations with Canada
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
December 3, 2020
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
December 1, 2020
Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for Relations with Canada
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
November 4, 2020
Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for Relations with Canada
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
September 29, 2020
Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for Relations with Canada
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
July 8, 2020
Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for Relations with Canada
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
June 4, 2020
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
June 3, 2020
Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for Relations with Canada
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
April 15, 2020
Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for Relations with Canada
By videoconference
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
March 11, 2020
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
February 25, 2020
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
Room 306, Valour Building
6:30 p.m.
To be eligible to vote at the AGM the deadline for membership for this association is 7 days before the meeting
February 12 - 13, 2020
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
January 27 - 31, 2020
First Part of the 2020 Ordinary Session of the PACE
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
September 30 - October 4, 2019
Fourth Part of the 2019 Session of the PACE
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
The Parliament of Canada has observer status at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and regularly sends delegates to participate in debates. This forum is also an opportunity for the Canadian delegation to hold meetings with representatives from member and observer states of the Council of Europe to discuss bilateral and European Union-related issues.
June 24 - 28, 2019
Third Part of the 2019 Session of the PACE and Parliamentary Mission to Italy
Strasbourg, France and Rome, Italy
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
A delegation went to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to participate in its debates. The delegation then proceeded to Italy for a bilateral mission held in conjunction with the Canada-Italy Interparliamentary Group. The objectives of this mission were to pursue meaningful discussions between Italian and Canadian parliamentarians, to promote a better understanding of the impacts and opportunities created by CETA (the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement). The following themes were discussed in the different meetings and discussions: trade and investment; bilateral relations; the Italian style of government; migration; and climate change.
June 12, 2019
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
May 23 - 24, 2019
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
The Standing Committee of the Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region met in Ottawa (SCPAR). Parliamentarians from six countries, and representatives from three Arctic groups, were present. Some of the themes discussed were: heavy fuel oil (HFO) in Arctic marine shipping; the extended continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean; an update from the Arctic Economic Council; the University of the Arctic; and the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme – AMAP.
May 2, 2019
Luncheon with a Delegation from Germany
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 15 - 18, 2019
Parliamentary Mission to Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
The bilateral mission to Portugal was held in conjunction with the Canada-Portugal Parliamentary Friendship Group. The objectives of this mission were to pursue meaningful discussions between Portuguese and Canadian parliamentarians, to promote a better understanding of the impacts and opportunities created by CETA and to allow Canadian parliamentarians to better understand the diversity of the Portuguese socio-economic fabric, and the important investments in greening its economy.
April 2, 2019
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
Room 410, Wellington Building
6:30 p.m.
To be eligible to vote at the AGM the deadline for membership for this association is 7 days before the meeting.
March 27 - 28, 2019
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Murmansk, Russia
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
March 12 - 14, 2019
40th Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for the Relations with Canada
Brussels, Belgium and Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
An annual interparliamentary meeting was held between Canadian parliamentarians and members of the European Parliament as well as representatives of this institution. This year's meeting focused on the environment and climate change, trade policy and the Canada-European Union Strategic Partnership Agreement, as well as migration and refugees.
February 27, 2019
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
November 21, 2018
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
October 8 - 19, 2018
Fourth Part of the 2018 Session of the PACE and Parliamentary Mission to the country that will next hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Strasbourg, France and Bucharest, Romania
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
September 16 - 19, 2018
Conference of the Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Inari, Finland
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
CPAR works actively to promote the work of the Arctic Council and participates in the meetings of the Council as an observer. This year's discussion topics include: shipping possibilities, education and research, digital arctic, human development and climate change.
May 23, 2018
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
May 13 - 14, 2018
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Kiruna, Sweden
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
May 10, 2018
Presentation followed by reception with H.E. Nelli Feroci, Ambassador of the Republic of Italy
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
May 7 - 8, 2018
39th Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for the Relations with Canada
Ottawa, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
April 16 - 27, 2018
Parliamentary Mission to the country that will next hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union and Second Part of the 2018 Session of the PACE
Vienna, Austria and Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
March 28, 2018
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
March 26, 2018
Working Dinner with H.E. Stefan Pehringer, Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
March 4 - 10, 2018
Parliamentary Mission
Dublin, Ireland and Belfast, Northern Ireland
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
February 14, 2018
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
February 6, 2018
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
November 1, 2017
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
October 12 - 13, 2017
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Reykjavik, Iceland
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
October 4 - 13, 2017
Parliamentary Mission to the country that will next hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union and Fourth Part of the 2017 Session of the PACE
Sofia, Bulgaria and Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
June 21 - 30, 2017
38th Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for the Relations with Canada and Third Part of the 2017 Session of the PACE
Brussels, Belgium and Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
May 17, 2017
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
May 15 - 18, 2017
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Kangerlussuaq and Sisimiut, Greenland/Denmark
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
April 19 - 28, 2017
Parliamentary Mission to the country that will next hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union and Second Part of the 2017 Session of the PACE
Tallinn, Estonia and Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
March 13 - 17, 2017
Parliamentary Mission -– London, United Kingdom and Edinburgh, Scotland -– Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 23 - 24, 2017
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Anchorage, Alaska, United States of America
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 15, 2017
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 15, 2017
Annual Briefing with GAC
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 7, 2017
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association (CAEU)
November 14 - 15, 2016
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 2, 2016
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
October 10 - 20, 2016
Fourth Part of the 2016 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and Parliamentary Mission to the country that will next hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Strasbourg, France and Valetta, Malta
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 14 - 16, 2016
12th Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Ulan-Ude, Russia
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 31, 2016
Meeting with a Delegation of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Sweden
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 23 - 24, 2016
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region - Bodo, Norway
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 17, 2016
37th Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for the Relations with Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 4, 2016
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 18 - 28, 2016
Second Part of the 2016 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and Parliamentary Mission to the next country that will hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Strasbourg, France and Bratislava, Slovakia
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
March 2 - 3, 2016
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region - Stockholm, Sweden
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 16, 2016
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 16, 2016
Annual Briefing with DFATD
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 2, 2016
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 2, 2016
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
September 28 - October 2, 2015
Fourth Part of the 2015 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 10 - 12, 2015
Fourth Northern Dimension Parliamentary Forum and Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Reykjavik, Iceland
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 13 - 24, 2015
Parliamentary Mission to the two next countries that will hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union and Second Part of the 2015 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
The Hague, Netherlands; Luxembourg, Luxembourg; and Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
March 10 - 11, 2015
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Washington, D.C., United States of America
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 23, 2015
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 4, 2015
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 4, 2015
Annual Briefing with DFATD
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
January 26 - 30, 2015
First Part of the 2015 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 26, 2014
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 19 - 21, 2014
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Helsinki, Finland
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 10 - 20, 2014
36th Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation responsible for the Relations with Canada and Parliamentary Mission to the country that will next hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Brussels, Belgium; Berlin, Germany and Riga, Latvia
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
October 23 - 25, 2014
Visit of Mr. André Antoine, Speaker of the Parliament of Wallonia
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
September 9 - 11, 2014
11th Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 23 - 27, 2014
Third Part of the 2014 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 10 - 11, 2014
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Copenhagen, Denmark
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 7 - 16, 2014
Second Part of the 2014 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and Mission to the country that will next hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Strasbourg, France and Rome, Italy
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 24, 2014
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 4, 2014
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
January 27 - 31, 2014
First Part of the 2014 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 27, 2013
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 14 - 20, 2013
Parliamentary Mission to the country that will next hold the rotating Presidency of the Council of the European Union and to the newest country to join the European Union
Athens, Greece and Zagreb, Croatia
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
October 30, 2013
Annual Briefing with DFATD
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
September 30 - October 4, 2013
Fourth Part of the 2013 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
September 18 - 20, 2013
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Murmansk, Russia
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 3 - 5, 2013
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Svalbard, Norway
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 1 - 1, 2013
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 4 - 9, 2013
Parliamentary Mission to the Country that will next hold the European Union Presidency and to the European Parliament
Vilnius, Lithuania and Brussels, Belgium
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
March 12 - 13, 2013
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Washington, D.C., United States of America
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 13, 2013
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 5 - 5, 2013
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
January 21 - 25, 2013
First Part of the 2013 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 12 - 14, 2012
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Inari, Finland
Canada- Europe Parliamentary Association
November 7, 2012
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
October 29 - 30, 2012
35th Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation Responsible for the Relations with Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
October 1 - 11, 2012
Fourth Part of the 2012 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and Mission to Dublin, Ireland (Next President of the Council of the European Union)
Dublin, Ireland; Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
September 5 - 7, 2012
Tenth Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Akureyri, Iceland
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 25 - 29, 2012
Third Part of the 2012 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 3, 2012
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 2 - 3, 2012
Visit of the Bureau of the Delegation for Relations with Canada of the European Parliament
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 22 - 23, 2012
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Montréal, Québec, Canada
Canada- Europe Parliamentary Association
April 19 - 25, 2012
Parliamentary Mission to the Country that will next hold the European Union Presidency and the United Kingdom
Nicosia, Cyprus; London, United Kingdom
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 13 - 15, 2012
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Stockholm, Sweden
Canada- Europe Parliamentary Association
February 8, 2012
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
January 23 - 27, 2012
First Part of the 2012 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 16, 2011
Executive Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
October 19 - 19, 2011
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association and OSCE PA
October 3 - 7, 2011
Fourth Part of the 2011 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
September 27 - 30, 2011
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Syktyvkar, Komi, Russian Federation
Canada- Europe Parliamentary Association
September 12 - 16, 2011
34th Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation Responsible for the Relations with Canada and Mission to the country which will hold next the EU Presidency
Strasbourg, France; Copenhagen, Denmark
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
July 17 - 21, 2011
Visit of the Bureau of the Delegation for Relations with Canada of the European Parliament
Toronto, Ontario; Winnipeg and Churchill, Manitoba, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 11 - 19, 2011
Parliamentary Mission to the Country that will next hold the European Union Presidency and the Second Part of the 2011 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Warsaw, Republic of Poland; Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 22 - 23, 2011
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region and Second Northern Dimension Parliamentary Forum
Tromso, Norway
Canada- Europe Parliamentary Association
February 2, 2011
Visit to Canada of a Delegation from the Parliament of the Kingdom of Sweden
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
January 20 - 28, 2011
Meeting of the Economic Affairs and Development Committee of PACE and the First Part of the 2011 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
London, United Kingdom; Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 16, 2010
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 1 - 5, 2010
33rd Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation Responsible for the Relations with Canada
Fort McMurray and Edmonton, Alberta; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
September 13 - 17, 2010
Ninth Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Brussels, Belgium
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 18 - 25, 2010
Meeting of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the Third Part of the 2010 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Paris and Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 10 - 14, 2010
Visit of the Bureau of the Delegation for Relations with Canada of the European Parliament
Ottawa, Ontario; Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 4, 2010
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 26 - 30, 2010
Second Part of the 2010 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 15 - 17, 2010
Visit of Mr. Philip Bradbourn, Member of the European Parliament
Montréal, Quebec; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
January 21 - 29, 2010
Meeting of the Economic Affairs and Development Committee of PACE and the First Part of the 2010 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
London, United Kingdom; Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 18 - 19, 2009
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Helsinki, Finland
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 7 - 14, 2009
32nd Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation Responsible for the Relations with Canada
Brussels, Belgium
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
September 28 - October 2, 2009
Fourth Part of the 2009 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 22 - 26, 2009
Third Part of the 2009 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 27 - 28, 2009
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Ilulissat, Greenland
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 27 - 30, 2009
Second Part of the 2009 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 23 - 24, 2009
Parliamentary Mission to the Country that will next hold the European Union Presidency
Stockholm, Sweden
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 25 - 26, 2009
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region and Parliamentary Conference on the Northern Dimension
Brussels, Belgium
Canada- Europe Parliamentary Association
February 24 - 24, 2009
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
January 26 - 30, 2009
First Part of the 2009 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
January 22 - 23, 2009
Meeting of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
London, United Kingdom
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 5 - 7, 2008
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Ostersund, Sweden
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
October 26 - November 1, 2008
31st meeting with the Delegation for relations with Canada of the European Parliament
Ottawa, Ontario; Vancouver, British Columbia and Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
September 25 - October 3, 2008
Parliamentary Mission to the Country that will next hold the European Union Presidency and the Fourth Part of the 2008 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Prague, Czech Republic; Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
August 12 - 14, 2008
Eighth Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Fairbanks, Alaska, United States of America
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 19 - 27, 2008
Parliamentary Mission to the Country that will next hold the European Union Presidency, Meeting of the Economic Affairs and Development Committee of PACE and the Third Part of the 2008 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Paris and Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 28 - 30, 2008
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Vladivostok, Russian Federation
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 14 - 18, 2008
Second Part of the 2008 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
March 11 - 11, 2008
Annual General Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 27 - 29, 2008
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Rovaniemi, Finland
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 21, 2008
Conference on Bicamerism
Paris, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
January 17 - 25, 2008
Meeting of the Economic Affairs and Development Committee of PACE and the First Part of the 2008 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
London, United Kingdom; Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 20 - 22, 2007
30th Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation Responsible for the Relations with Canada
Brussels, Belgium
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 13, 2007
Address and Dinner Hosted by the Hon. Lorna Milne
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
October 18 - 20, 2007
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
September 27 - October 5, 2007
Parliamentary Mission in the Country which will hold the next European Union Presidency and Fourth Part of 2007 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Ljubljana, Slovenia and Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 22 - 29, 2007
Meeting of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development (OECD Meeting) and Third Part of 2007 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Paris and Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 14, 2007
Special General Meeting (all members), Ottawa, Ontario, Canada - Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 30 - June 1, 2007
Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Reykjavik, Iceland
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 21 - 22, 2007
Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Kiev, Ukraine
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 16 - 20, 2007
Second Part of 2007 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 11 - 14, 2007
Parliamentary Mission in the Country who will hold the next European Union Presidency
Lisbon, Portugal
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
February 27 - March 1, 2007
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region and Conference on the European Union Northern Dimension
Brussels, Belgium
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
January 18 - 26, 2007
Annual meeting of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (EBRD Meeting) and First Part of 2007 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
London, United Kingdom and Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
October 25 - 29, 2006
Visit of the Committee on Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE)
Québec, Quebec, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
October 2 - 6, 2006
Fourth Part of the 2006 Session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
August 2 - 4, 2006
7th Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Kiruna, Sweden
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 26 - 30, 2006
Third Part of the 2006 Session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 23, 2006
Meeting of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development
Paris, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 9, 2006
Meeting of the Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Paris, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
May 12, 2006
Meeting of the Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Paris, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 10 - 13, 2006
Second Part of the 2006 Session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
March 26 - 27, 2006
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
January 23 - 27, 2006
First Part of the 2006 Session of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
January 19 - 20, 2006
Meeting of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
London, United Kingdom
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
October 23 - 25, 2005
Political Affairs Committee Meeting
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
October 3 - 7, 2005
Fourth part of the 2005 Session, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
September 29 - 30, 2005
Meeting of the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region
Oslo, Norway
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
September 27 - 30, 2005
Parliamentary Mission
Vienna, Austria
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 20 - 24, 2005
Third Part of the 2005 Session, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
June 17, 2005
Meeting of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Paris, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
April 25 - 29, 2005
Second Part of the 2005 Session, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
March 31 - April 1, 2005
Parliamentary Mission
London, United Kingdom
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
March 27 - 31, 2005
28th Interparliamentary Meeting with the European Parliament's Delegation Responsible for the Relations with Canada
Brussels, Belgium
Canada-Europe Parliamantary Association
January 24 - 28, 2005
First Part of the 2005 Session, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
January 20 - 21, 2005
Meeting of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development
London, United Kingdom
Canada-Euorpe Parliamentary Association
October 4 - 8, 2004
Fourth Part of the 2004 Session, Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
June 17 - 25, 2004
Meeting of the Committee on Economic Affairs and Development of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe at the OECD and Third Part of the 2004 Session
Paris, France; Strasbourg, France
Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association
November 20 - 21, 2003
Interparliamentary Conference on the Global Partnership against the spread of weapons of mass destruction and materials of mass destruction
July 5 - 9, 2003
12th annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Rotterdam, Netherlands
July 6 - 10, 2001
Tenth Annual Session of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe - Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA)
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