An Act to amend certain Acts
[Assented to 6th May, 2004]
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Amendments
and Corrections Act, 2003.
1999, c. 17
2. Section 21 of the French version of the
Canada Customs and Revenue Agency Act is
replaced by the following:
Indemnisa- tion
21. Les administrateurs et le commissaire
délégué nommé en vertu du paragraphe 26(1)
sont réputés être des agents de l'État pour
l'application de la Loi sur l'indemnisation des
agents de l'État et appartenir à
l'administration publique fédérale pour
l'application des règlements pris en vertu de
l'article 9 de la Loi sur l'aéronautique.
3. The heading before section 25 of the
French version of the Act is replaced by the
Commissaire et commissaire délégué |
4. Sections 26 to 29 of the French version
of the Act are replaced by the following:
Nomination et
mandat du
26. (1) Le gouverneur en conseil peut
nommer un commissaire délégué des douanes
et du revenu à titre amovible pour un mandat
maximal de cinq ans. Celui-ci peut recevoir un
ou plusieurs nouveaux mandats d'au plus cinq
ans chacun.
(2) Le commissaire délégué exerce les
attributions que lui confie le commissaire.
Absence ou
(3) En cas d'absence ou d'empêchement du
commissaire ou de vacance de son poste, sa
charge est assumée par le commissaire
Absence ou
27. En cas d'absence ou d'empêchement du
commissaire et du commissaire délégué ou de
vacance de leur poste, le ministre peut confier
à un employé de l'Agence les attributions du
commissaire; cependant, l'intérim ne peut
dépasser soixante jours sans l'approbation du
gouverneur en conseil.
Temps plein
28. (1) Le commissaire et le commissaire
délégué assument leur charge à temps plein.
Rémunéra- tion
(2) L'Agence verse au commissaire et au
commissaire délégué la rémunération que fixe
le gouverneur en conseil.
Frais de
et de séjour
29. Le commissaire et le commissaire
délégué sont indemnisés des frais de
déplacement et de séjour entraînés par
l'accomplissement de leurs fonctions hors de
leur lieu habituel de travail.
5. Section 57 of the French version of the
Act is replaced by the following:
57. Les articles 32 à 34 de la Loi sur l'emploi
dans la fonction publique s'appliquent aux
commissaire, commissaire délégué et
employés de l'Agence. À ces fins, les
commissaire et commissaire délégué sont
réputés être des administrateurs généraux, et
les employés, des fonctionnaires, au sens de
l'article 2 de cette loi.
R.S., c. 1 (2nd
2001, c. 25,
s. 36
6. Paragraph 43.1(1)(b) of the French
version of the Customs Act is replaced by the
R.S., c. F-11
1991, c. 24,
s. 29
7. Section 104.1 of the Financial
Administration Act is replaced by the
Definition of
104.1 In this Division, ``officer-director'',
in respect of a parent Crown corporation,
means the chairperson and the chief executive
officer of the corporation, by whatever name
8. (1) Subsection 105(4) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
in office
(4) Despite subsection (1), if a director of a
parent Crown corporation is not appointed to
take office on the expiration of the term of an
incumbent director, other than an
officer-director, the incumbent director
continues in office until his or her successor is
(2) Subsection 105(8) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
Qualifica- tions preserved
(8) Nothing in this section is to be construed
as empowering the appointment or
re-appointment as a director or
officer-director of a parent Crown
corporation, or the continuation in office as a
director of a parent Crown corporation, of any
person who does not meet any qualifications
for the appointment, re-appointment or
continuation established by any other Act of
R.S., c. I-3
2002, c. 22
9. Subparagraph 3(2)(e)(i) of the
Importation of Intoxicating Liquors Act, as
enacted by subsection 411(7) of the Excise
Act, 2001, is replaced by the following:
R.S., c. L-8
10. (1) The definition ``disabled'' in
section 2 of the Lieutenant Governors
Superannuation Act is repealed.
(2) The definition ``contributor'' in
section 2 of the Act is replaced by the
``contributor'' « contributeur »
``contributor'' means
2000, c. 12,
s. 170
(3) Subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition
``survivor'' in section 2 of the Act is
replaced by the following:
2000, c. 12,
s. 170
(4) Subparagraph (b)(ii) of the definition
``survivor'' in section 2 of the Act is
replaced by the following:
11. (1) The portion of subsection 3(1) of
the Act before subparagraph (a)(i) is
replaced by the following:
Pension to
3. (1) Every contributor who has
contributed under this Act for five consecutive
years is, subject to this Act,
(2) Subsections 3(2) to (4) of the Act are
replaced by the following:
Amount of
(2) Subject to this Act, the pension to which
a contributor is entitled under this section is
deemed to be
(3) If under subsection (1) a contributor is
entitled to a deferred pension or a return of
contributions at his or her option and he or she
fails to exercise the option within six months
after the later of the day on which he or she
ceases to hold office as the lieutenant
governor of a province and the day on which
he or she ceased to contribute under
subsection 4.1(3), he or she is deemed to have
exercised the option in favour of a deferred
Return of
(4) Every contributor who, on the later of
the day on which he or she ceases to hold
office as the lieutenant governor of a province
and the day on which he or she ceases to
contribute under subsection 4.1(3), is not
entitled to a pension under subsection (1) is,
on that later date, entitled to a return of the
total contributions made by him or her under
this Part, together with interest, if any,
calculated under subsection (5).
(3) Paragraph 3(5)(b) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
(4) Section 3 of the Act is amended by
adding the following after subsection (5):
Meaning of
(6) In this section, ``disabled'' means
afflicted with a permanent infirmity that
renders the contributor incapable of
performing the duties and functions of his or
her office or incapable of pursuing regularly
any substantially gainful occupation
commensurate with his or her qualifications.
1991, c. 31,
s. 242
12. Subsection 4(3) of the Act is replaced
by the following:
Income Tax
(3) For the purposes of the Income Tax Act,
the amount contributed under subsection (1)
or 4.1(3) is deemed to be contributed to or
under a registered pension plan.
13. The Act is amended by adding the
following after section 4:
deemed to be
4.1 (1) A contributor who ceases to hold
office as the lieutenant governor of a province
by reason of having become disabled is
deemed, for the purposes of this Act, to remain
a lieutenant governor of a province for the
period referred to in subsection (2) if
Duration of
(2) The contributor is deemed to remain a
lieutenant governor of a province during the
period that commences on the day on which he
or she ceased to hold office by reason of
having become disabled and ends on the
earliest of the day
(3) During the period referred to in
subsection (2), the contributor shall contribute
to the Consolidated Revenue Fund six per cent
of the salary that he or she would have been
paid if he or she had remained a lieutenant
governor of a province.
Manner of
(4) The contributions that the contributor is
required to make under subsection (3) are to be
14. (1) Subsection 5(1) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
Choix de ne
pas contribuer
sous le régime
de l'article 4
5. (1) Un lieutenant-gouverneur peut
choisir, par écrit, dans les six mois qui suivent
sa nomination à la charge de
lieutenant-gouverneur d'une province, de ne
pas contribuer sous le régime de l'article 4 et,
s'il fait ce choix, il n'est pas tenu, malgré
l'article 4, de contribuer sous le régime de cet
2000, c. 12,
s. 172
(2) Subsection 5(4) of the Act is replaced
by the following:
Sections do
not apply
(4) Sections 3 to 4.1 do not apply to a
Lieutenant Governor who has made an
election under this section and sections 7 and
8 do not apply to the survivor of a Lieutenant
Governor who has made an election under this
15. The heading before section 7 and
sections 7 to 9 of the Act are replaced by the