of administra- tion
(4) Where any federal real property or
federal immovable is under the administration
of a Minister for the purposes of a department,
that Minister has the right to the use of that
property for the purposes of that department,
subject to any conditions or restrictions
imposed by or under this or any other Act or
any order of the Governor in Council, but is
not entitled by reason only of the
administration of the property to dispose of it
or to retain the proceeds of its use or
disposition or the fruits and revenues of its use.
For greater
(5) For greater certainty, a Minister may
have the administration of federal real
property or federal immovables for the
purposes of any department of which that
Minister is the Minister.
Signature is
(5.1) Despite subsections (1) to (3), if a
Minister is satisfied that the federal real
property or federal immovable described in an
instrument or act referred to in section 5 or 11,
a licence referred to in section 6 or a plan
referred to in section 7 is under the Minister's
administration, that property is deemed to be
under the administration of the Minister and
the signature of the Minister on the
instrument, act, licence or plan is conclusive
evidence that the Minister is so satisfied.
n by
(6) If, by or under any Act or any order of
the Governor in Council, a corporation has, by
the use of any expression mentioned in
subsection (2) or any similar expression, the
right to the use of any federal real property or
federal immovable, and no Minister has the
administration of the property, the corporation
has, for the purposes of paragraphs 16(1)(g)
and (h) and (2)(g), the administration of that
21. Subsections 19(1) and (2) of the Act
are replaced by the following:
vested in Her
19. (1) Such of the real property and
immovables mentioned in the schedule to the
Ordnance and Admiralty Lands Act, chapter
115 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1927,
as was on June 1, 1950 vested in Her Majesty,
by whatever mode of conveyance it was
acquired or taken and whether in fee, for life,
for years or otherwise, and all the
appurtenances of the real property and the
accessories and dependencies of the
immovables, unless disposed of since that
date, continue absolutely vested in Her
Majesty for the purposes of Canada in the
same manner and to the same extent as on June
1, 1950.
Disposition of
(2) Until the Governor in Council provides
otherwise, federal real property and federal
immovables that are declared by the Governor
in Council to be necessary for the defence of
Canada shall not be disposed of, but the
Governor in Council may authorize the lease
or other use of any such property as the
Governor in Council thinks best for the
advantage of Canada.
22. Section 20 of the Act is replaced by the
Grants or
concessions to
persons not
null or void
20. A Crown grant that is issued to or in the
name of a person who is deceased is not for
that reason null or void, but the title to the real
property or immovable intended to be granted
or conceded vests in the heirs, assigns or
successors, legatees or legatees by particular
title, or other legal representatives of the
deceased person according to the laws in force
in the province in which the property is
situated as if the Crown grant had issued to or
in the name of the deceased person during the
person's lifetime.
23. Section 21 of the French version of the
Act is replaced by the following:
21. Si la concession de l'État comporte une
erreur d'écriture, une fausse appellation, une
description incorrecte ou défectueuse de
l'immeuble ou du bien réel, une omission dans
les conditions ou tout autre vice, le ministre de
la Justice peut, en l'absence de revendication
contraire, ordonner que la concession
défectueuse soit annulée et remplacée par une
concession correcte; cette dernière a dès lors
la même valeur que si elle avait été octroyée
à la date de la concession annulée.
24. Subsection 22(1) of the Act is replaced
by the following:
Relief from
22. (1) Where, through error, inconsistent
transactions relating to the same federal real
property or federal immovable have been
entered into, the Governor in Council may
PART 4 |
R.S., c. B-3
1997, c. 12,
s. 1(1)
25. The definition ``secured creditor'' in
subsection 2(1) of the Bankruptcy and
Insolvency Act is replaced by the following:
creditor'' « créancier garanti »
``secured creditor'' means a person holding a
mortgage, hypothec, pledge, charge or lien
on or against the property of the debtor or
any part of that property as security for a
debt due or accruing due to the person from
the debtor, or a person whose claim is based
on, or secured by, a negotiable instrument
held as collateral security and on which the
debtor is only indirectly or secondarily
liable, and includes
26. Paragraph 5(3)(c) of the English
version of the Act is replaced by the
27. Subsection 50(4) of the English
version of the Act is replaced by the
Proposal, etc.,
not to be
(4) No proposal or any security, guarantee
or suretyship tendered with the proposal may
be withdrawn pending the decision of the
creditors and the court.
28. Section 75 of the French version of the
Act is replaced by the following:
La loi
s'applique en
faveur de
75. Nonobstant les autres dispositions de la
présente loi, un acte, transport, transfert,
contrat de vente, charge ou hypothèque,
consenti à un acheteur ou à un créancier
hypothécaire de bonne foi, ou consenti en sa
faveur, pour contrepartie valable et suffisante,
et couvrant des biens immeubles visés par une
ordonnance de séquestre ou une cession en
vertu de la présente loi, est valable et efficace
selon sa teneur et selon les lois de la province
dans laquelle ces biens sont situés, aussi
pleinement et efficacement, et pour toutes fins
et intentions, que si aucune ordonnance de
séquestre n'avait été rendue ou cession faite
en vertu de la présente loi, à moins que
l'ordonnance de séquestre, la cession, ou un
avis de cette ordonnance ou de cette cession,
ou un avis, n'ait été enregistré contre les biens
au bureau approprié, antérieurement à
l'enregistrement de l'acte, du transport, du
transfert, du contrat de vente, de la charge ou
de l'hypothèque, conformément aux lois de la
province où sont situés les biens.
29. Subsection 94(4) of the Act is replaced
by the following:
Definition of
(4) For the purposes of this section,
``assignment'' includes assignment by way of
security, hypothec and other charges on book
30. Subsection 120(6) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
(6) An inspector duly authorized by the
creditors or by the other inspectors to perform
special services for the estate may be allowed
a special fee for those services, subject to
approval of the court, which may vary that fee
as it deems proper having regard to the nature
of the services rendered in relation to the
obligations of the inspector to the estate to act
in good faith for the general interests of the
administration of the estate.
31. Paragraph 136(1)(e) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
32. Paragraph 178(1)(d) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
33. (1) The portion of subsection 183(1) of
the French version of the Act before
paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
183. (1) Les tribunaux suivants possèdent la
compétence en droit et en equity qui doit leur
permettre d'exercer la juridiction de première
instance, auxiliaire et subordonnée en matière
de faillite et en d'autres procédures autorisées
par la présente loi durant leurs termes
respectifs, tels que ces termes sont maintenant
ou peuvent par la suite être tenus, pendant une
vacance judiciaire et en chambre :
(2) Paragraph 183(1)(b) of the Act is
(3) Subsection 183(2) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
jurisdiction in
the Province
of Quebec
(1.1) In the Province of Quebec, the
Superior Court is invested with the
jurisdiction that will enable it to exercise
original, auxiliary and ancillary jurisdiction in
bankruptcy and in other proceedings
authorized by this Act during its term, as it is
now, or may be hereafter, held, and in vacation
and in chambers.
Courts of
appeal -
common law
(2) Subject to subsection (2.1), the courts of
appeal throughout Canada, within their
respective jurisdictions, are invested with
power and jurisdiction at law and in equity,
according to their ordinary procedures, except
as varied by this Act or the General Rules, to
hear and determine appeals from the courts
vested with original jurisdiction under this
Court of
Appeal of the
Province of
(2.1) In the Province of Quebec, the Court
of Appeal, within its jurisdiction, is invested
with power and jurisdiction, according to its
ordinary procedures, except as varied by this
Act or the General Rules, to hear and
determine appeals from the Superior Court.
PART 5 |
R.S., c. C-50;
1990, c. 8,
s. 21
34. (1) The definition ``tort'' in section 2
of the Crown Liability and Proceedings Act
is repealed.
(2) Section 2 of the Act is amended by
adding the following in alphabetical order:
``liability'' « responsabi- lité »
``liability'', for the purposes of Part 1, means
35. The Act is amended by adding the
following after section 2:
Definition of
2.1 For the purposes of sections 3 to 5,
``person'' means a natural person of full age
and capacity other than Her Majesty in right of
Canada or a province.
36. Section 3 of the Act and the heading
before it are replaced by the following:
Liability and Civil Salvage |
3. The Crown is liable for the damages for
which, if it were a person, it would be liable
37. Section 4 of the Act is replaced by the
4. The Crown is liable for the damage
sustained by anyone by reason of a motor
vehicle, owned by the Crown, on a highway,
for which the Crown would be liable if it were
a person.
38. Subsection 5(1) of the Act is replaced
by the following:
Civil salvage
5. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the law
relating to civil salvage, whether of life or
property (except sections 453 to 456, 459 to
463 and 465 of the Canada Shipping Act),
applies in relation to salvage services
rendered in assisting any Crown ship or
aircraft, or in saving life from the ship or
aircraft, or in saving any cargo or apparel
belonging to the Crown, in the same manner
as if the ship, aircraft, cargo or apparel
belonged to a person.
39. Section 9 of the French version of the
Act is replaced by the following:
é entre
recours et
droit à une
pension ou
9. Ni l'État ni ses préposés ne sont
susceptibles de poursuites pour toute
perte - notamment décès, blessure ou
dommage - ouvrant droit au paiement d'une
pension ou indemnité sur le Trésor ou sur des
fonds gérés par un organisme mandataire de
40. Sections 10 and 11 of the Act are
replaced by the following:
Liability for
acts of
10. No proceedings lie against the Crown by
virtue of subparagraph 3(a)(i) or (b)(i) in
respect of any act or omission of a servant of
the Crown unless the act or omission would,
apart from the provisions of this Act, have
given rise to a cause of action for liability
against that servant or the servant's personal
representative or succession.
11. No proceedings lie against the Crown by
virtue of section 4 in respect of damage
sustained by any person by reason of a motor
vehicle on a highway unless the driver of the
motor vehicle or the driver's personal
representative or succession is liable for the
damage so sustained.
41. Section 13 of the Act is replaced by the
Application of
3(a)(ii) and
13. (1) Subparagraphs 3(a)(ii) and (b)(ii)
are not applicable in respect of any property
owned by the Crown unless the Crown or a
person acting for the Crown has, in fact,
Effect of
(2) Where the Governor in Council has, by
order published in the Canada Gazette,
declared that the Crown has, before, on or
after November 15, 1954, ceased to be in
control or in occupation of any property
specified in paragraphs (1)(a) and (b),
subparagraphs 3(a)(ii) and (b)(ii) are not
applicable in respect of the specified property
from the day of publication of the order until
the day the order is revoked.
42. Section 14 of the Act is replaced by the
in rem
14. Nothing in this Act