
(5) The Governor in Council may make regulations respecting subsidiaries that are not required to be listed for the purposes of paragraph (3)(a).

Approval by directors

841. (1) The directors of a bank holding company shall approve the annual statement and the approval of the directors shall be evidenced by the signature of

    (a) the chief executive officer or, in the event of that officer's absence or inability to act, any other officer of the bank holding company authorized by the directors to sign in the stead of the chief executive officer; and

    (b) one director, if the signature required by paragraph (a) is that of a director, or two directors if the signature required by that paragraph is that of an officer who is not a director.

Condition precedent to publication

(2) A bank holding company shall not publish copies of an annual statement unless it is approved and signed in accordance with subsection (1).

Statements - subsidiaries

842. (1) A bank holding company shall keep at its head office a copy of the current financial statements of each subsidiary of the bank holding company.


(2) Subject to this section, the shareholders of a bank holding company and their personal representatives may, on request therefor, examine the statements referred to in subsection (1) during the usual business hours of the bank holding company and may take extracts therefrom free of charge.

Barring examination

(3) A bank holding company may refuse to permit an examination under subsection (2) by any person.

Application for order

(4) Within fifteen days after a refusal under subsection (3), the bank holding company shall apply to a court for an order barring the right of the person concerned to make an examination under subsection (2) and the court shall either order the bank holding company to permit the examination or, if it is satisfied that the examination would be detrimental to the bank holding company or to any other body corporate the financial statements of which would be subject to examination, bar the right and make any further order it thinks fit.

Notice to Superintenden t

(5) A bank holding company shall give the Superintendent and the person seeking to examine the statements referred to in subsection (1) notice of an application to a court under subsection (4), and the Superintendent and the person may appear and be heard in person or by counsel at the hearing of the application.

Distribution of annual statement

843. (1) A bank holding company shall, not later than twenty-one days before the date of each annual meeting or before the signing of a resolution under paragraph 741(1)(b) in lieu of the annual meeting, send to each shareholder at the shareholder's recorded address a copy of the documents referred to in subsections 840(1) and (3), unless that time period is waived by the shareholder.


(2) A bank holding company is not required to comply with subsection (1) with respect to a shareholder who has informed the bank holding company, in writing, that the shareholder does not wish to receive the annual statement.

Effect of default

(3) Where a bank holding company is required to comply with subsection (1) and the bank holding company does not comply with that subsection, the annual meeting at which the documents referred to in that subsection are to be considered shall be adjourned until that subsection has been complied with.

Copy to Superintenden t

844. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a bank holding company shall send to the Superintendent a copy of the documents referred to in subsections 840(1) and (3) not later than twenty-one days before the date of each annual meeting of shareholders of the bank holding company.

Later filing

(2) If a bank holding company's shareholders sign a resolution under paragraph 741(1)(b) in lieu of an annual meeting, the bank holding company shall send a copy of the documents referred to in subsections 840(1) and (3) to the Superintendent not later than thirty days after the signing of the resolution.



845. The following definitions apply in this section and sections 846 to 864.

``firm of accountants''
« cabinet de comptables »

``firm of accountants'' means a partnership, the members of which are accountants engaged in the practice of accounting, or a body corporate that is incorporated by or under an Act of the legislature of a province and engaged in the practice of accounting.

« membre »

``member'', in relation to a firm of accountants, means

      (a) an accountant who is a partner in a partnership, the members of which are accountants engaged in the practice of accounting; or

      (b) an accountant who is an employee of a firm of accountants.

Appointment of auditor

846. (1) The shareholders of a bank holding company shall, by ordinary resolution at the first meeting of shareholders and at each succeeding annual meeting, appoint a firm of accountants to be the auditor of the bank holding company until the close of the next annual meeting.

Remuneration of auditor

(2) The remuneration of the auditor may be fixed by ordinary resolution of the shareholders but, if not so fixed, shall be fixed by the directors.

Qualification of auditor

847. (1) A firm of accountants is qualified to be an auditor of a bank holding company if

    (a) two or more members thereof are accountants who

      (i) are members in good standing of an institute or association of accountants incorporated by or under an Act of the legislature of a province,

      (ii) each have at least five years experience at a senior level in performing audits of a financial institution,

      (iii) are ordinarily resident in Canada, and

      (iv) are independent of the bank holding company; and

    (b) the member of the firm jointly designated by the firm and the bank holding company to conduct the audit of the bank holding company on behalf of the firm is qualified in accordance with paragraph (a).


(2) For the purposes of subsection (1),

    (a) independence is a question of fact; and

    (b) a member of a firm of accountants is deemed not to be independent of a bank holding company if that member or any other member of the firm of accountants, or if the firm of accountants

      (i) is a director or an officer or employee of the bank holding company or of any affiliate of the bank holding company or is a business partner of any director, officer or employee of the bank holding company or of any affiliate of the bank holding company,

      (ii) beneficially owns or controls, directly or indirectly, a material interest in the shares of the bank holding company or of any affiliate of the bank holding company, or

      (iii) has been a liquidator, trustee in bankruptcy, receiver or receiver and manager of any affiliate of the bank holding company within the two years immediately preceding the firm's proposed appointment as auditor of the bank holding company, other than an affiliate that is a subsidiary of the bank holding company acquired pursuant to section 934 or through a realization of security pursuant to section 935.

Notice of designation

(3) Within fifteen days after appointing a firm of accountants as auditor of a bank holding company, the bank holding company and the firm of accountants shall jointly designate a member of the firm who has the qualifications described in subsection (1) to conduct the audit of the bank holding company on behalf of the firm and the bank holding company shall forthwith notify the Superintendent in writing of the designation.

New designation

(4) Where for any reason a member of a firm of accountants designated pursuant to subsection (3) ceases to conduct the audit of the bank holding company, the bank holding company and the firm of accountants may jointly designate another member of the same firm of accountants who has the qualifications described in subsection (1) to conduct the audit of the bank holding company and the bank holding company shall forthwith notify the Superintendent in writing of the designation.

Deemed vacancy

(5) In any case where subsection (4) applies and a designation is not made pursuant to that subsection within thirty days after the designated member ceases to conduct the audit of the bank holding company, there shall be deemed to be a vacancy in the office of auditor of the bank holding company.

Duty to resign

848. (1) An auditor that ceases to be qualified under section 847 shall resign forthwith after any member of the firm becomes aware that the firm has ceased to be so qualified.

Disqualificati on order

(2) Any interested person may apply to a court for an order declaring that an auditor of a bank holding company has ceased to be qualified under section 847 and declaring the office of auditor to be vacant.

Revocation of appointment

849. (1) The shareholders of a bank holding company may, by ordinary resolution at a special meeting, revoke the appointment of an auditor.

Revocation of appointment

(2) The Superintendent may at any time revoke the appointment of an auditor made under subsection (3) or 846(1) or section 851 by notice in writing signed by the Superintendent and sent by registered mail to the auditor and to the bank holding company addressed to the usual place of business of the auditor and the bank holding company.

Filling vacancy

(3) A vacancy created by the revocation of the appointment of an auditor under subsection (1) may be filled at the meeting at which the appointment was revoked and, if not so filled, shall be filled by the directors under section 851.

Ceasing to hold office

850. (1) An auditor of a bank holding company ceases to hold office when

    (a) the auditor resigns; or

    (b) the appointment of the auditor is revoked by the shareholders or the Superintendent.

Effective date of resignation

(2) The resignation of an auditor becomes effective at the time a written resignation is sent to the bank holding company or at the time specified in the resignation, whichever is later.

Filling vacancy

851. (1) Subject to subsection 849(3), where a vacancy occurs in the office of auditor of a bank holding company, the directors shall forthwith fill the vacancy, and the auditor so appointed holds office for the unexpired term of office of the predecessor of that auditor.

Where Superintenden t may fill vacancy

(2) Where the directors fail to fill a vacancy in accordance with subsection (1), the Superintendent may fill the vacancy and the auditor so appointed holds office for the unexpired term of office of the predecessor of that auditor.

Designation of member of firm

(3) Where the Superintendent has, pursuant to subsection (2), appointed a firm of accountants to fill a vacancy, the Superintendent shall designate the member of the firm who is to conduct the audit of the bank holding company on behalf of the firm.

Right to attend meetings

852. (1) The auditor of a bank holding company is entitled to receive notice of every meeting of shareholders and, at the expense of the bank holding company, to attend and be heard thereat on matters relating to the duties of the auditor.

Duty to attend meeting

(2) If a director or shareholder of a bank holding company, whether or not the shareholder is entitled to vote at the meeting, gives written notice, not less than ten days before a meeting of shareholders, to an auditor or former auditor of the bank holding company that the director or shareholder wishes the auditor's attendance at the meeting, the auditor or former auditor shall attend the meeting at the expense of the bank holding company and answer questions relating to the auditor's or former auditor's duties as auditor.

Notice to bank holding company

(3) A director or shareholder who gives notice under subsection (2) shall send concurrently a copy of the notice to the bank holding company and the bank holding company shall forthwith send a copy thereof to the Superintendent.

Superintenden t may attend

(4) The Superintendent may attend and be heard at any meeting referred to in subsection (2).

Statement of auditor

853. (1) An auditor of a bank holding company that

    (a) resigns,

    (b) receives a notice or otherwise learns of a meeting of shareholders called for the purpose of revoking the appointment of the auditor, or

    (c) receives a notice or otherwise learns of a meeting of directors or shareholders at which another firm of accountants is to be appointed in its stead, whether because of the auditor's resignation or revocation of appointment or because the auditor's term of office has expired or is about to expire,

shall submit to the bank holding company and the Superintendent a written statement giving the reasons for the resignation or the reasons why the auditor opposes any proposed action.

Statement to be sent to shareholders

(2) Where a bank holding company receives a written statement referred to in subsection (1) that relates to a resignation as a result of a disagreement with the directors or officers of the bank holding company or that relates to a matter referred to in paragraph (1)(b) or (c), the bank holding company shall forthwith send a copy of the statement to each shareholder who is entitled to vote at the annual meeting of shareholders.

Duty of replacement auditor

854. (1) Where an auditor of a bank holding company has resigned or the appointment of an auditor has been revoked, no firm of accountants shall accept an appointment as auditor of the bank holding company or consent to be an auditor of the bank holding company until the firm of accountants has requested and received from the other auditor a written statement of the circumstances and reasons why the other auditor resigned or why, in the other auditor's opinion, the other auditor's appointment was revoked.


(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1), a firm of accountants may accept an appointment or consent to be appointed as auditor of a bank holding company if, within fifteen days after a request under that subsection is made, no reply from the other auditor is received.

Effect of non-complian ce

(3) Unless subsection (2) applies, an appointment as auditor of a bank holding company is void if subsection (1) has not been complied with.

Auditors' examination

855. (1) The auditor of a bank holding company shall make such examination as the auditor considers necessary to enable the auditor to report on the annual statement and on other financial statements required by this Part to be placed before the shareholders, except such annual statements or parts thereof as relate to the period referred to in subparagraph 840(1)(a)(ii).

Auditing standards

(2) The examination of the auditor referred to in subsection (1) shall, except as otherwise specified by the Superintendent, be conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, the primary source of which is the Handbook of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Right to information

856. (1) On the request of the auditor of a bank holding company, the present or former directors, officers, employees or agents of the bank holding company shall, to the extent that such persons are reasonably able to do so,

    (a) permit access to such records, assets and security held by the bank holding company or any entity in which the bank holding company has a substantial investment, and

    (b) provide such information and explanations

as are, in the opinion of the auditor, necessary to enable the auditor to perform the duties of the auditor of the bank holding company.

Directors to provide information

(2) On the request of the auditor of a bank holding company, the directors of the bank holding company shall, to the extent that they are reasonably able to do so,

    (a) obtain from the present or former directors, officers, employees and agents of any entity in which the bank holding company has a substantial investment the information and explanations that such persons are reasonably able to provide and that are, in the opinion of the auditor, necessary to enable them to perform the duties of the auditor of the bank holding company; and

    (b) provide the auditor with the information and explanations so obtained.

No civil liability

(3) A person who in good faith makes an oral or written communication under subsection (1) or (2) shall not be liable in any civil action arising from having made the communication.

Auditor's report and extended examination

857. (1) The Superintendent may, in writing, require that the auditor of a bank holding company report to the Superintendent on the extent of the procedures of the auditor in the examination of the annual statement and may, in writing, require that the auditor enlarge or extend the scope of that examination or direct that any other particular procedure be performed in any particular case, and the auditor shall comply with any such requirement of the Superintendent and report to the Superintendent thereon.

Special examination

(2) The Superintendent may, in writing, require that the auditor of a bank holding company make a particular examination to determine whether any procedures adopted by the bank holding company may be prejudicial to the interests of depositors, policyholders or creditors of any federal financial institution that is affiliated with the bank holding company, or any other examination as, in the Superintendent's opinion, the public interest may require, and report to the Superintendent thereon.

Special examination

(3) The Superintendent may direct that a special audit of a bank holding company be made if, in the opinion of the Superintendent, it is so required and may appoint for that purpose a firm of accountants qualified pursuant to subsection 847(1) to be an auditor of the bank holding company.

Expenses payable by bank holding company

(4) The expenses entailed by any examination or audit referred to in any of subsections (1) to (3) are payable by the bank holding company on being approved in writing by the Superintendent.

Auditor's report

858. (1) The auditor shall, not less than twenty-one days before the date of the annual meeting of the shareholders of the bank holding company, make a report in writing to the shareholders on the annual statement referred to in subsection 840(1).