This enactment provides a judge with the discretion to assign a security classification of maximum to certain offenders who pose a high risk of safety to the public and who require a high degree of supervision and control within a penitentiary. The enactment sets out the requirements that a judge must take into consideration for determining whether an offender should be assigned the security classification of maximum.

Another important aspect of this enactment is the focus that it brings to the rights of Canadian citizens, particularly victims. The enactment will ensure that the public and victims have the right to request and be kept informed of information about certain offenders who are identified in the enactment. In the case of a review by the National Parole Board of the case of an offender by way of a hearing, the National Parole Board will be required to notify a victim of the date, time and location of the hearing and the victim will be entitled to attend the hearing for the purpose of providing the Board with a victim impact statement.

Also, this enactment establishes a new Board of Management for the Correctional Service of Canada. The Board of Management will be responsible for the control and management of the Correctional Service and all matters connected with the Correctional Service.

Finally, this enactment establishes the independent Office of Victims Ombudsman of Canada. The enactment clearly defines the function of the Office of Victims Ombudsman. The function of the Victims Ombudsman will be to conduct investigations, reviews of Service or National Parole Board policies and studies into the problems of victims related to decisions, recommendations, policies, acts or omissions of the Service or the National Parole Board, or any person under the control and management of or performing services for or on behalf of the Service or the National Parole Board, that affect victims either individually or as a group. The Victims Ombudsman will be required to maintain a program of communicating information to victims concerning the function of the Victims Ombudsman and the circumstances under which an investigation, a review of Service or National Parole Board policies or a study may be commenced by the Victims Ombudsman.