Two or more referenda

55. Two or more referenda may be held under this Act on the same day.

Electronic voting

56. If, by an Act of Parliament, provision is made for the use of electronic balloting in elections, such methods shall apply also to balloting in a referendum under this Act.

Separate ballot papers

57. (1) For a referendum held concurrently with general federal elections or by-elections, a separate ballot shall be provided for the election and the referendum questions.

Several questions

(2) If there is more than one question on the ballot, questions placed on the ballot by petition shall be first, with the questions that received the larger numbers of signatures in the petitioning process being placed above those that received lesser numbers of signatures;


(3) Every ballot shall be in prescribed form and shall have a counterfoil and a stub, with a line of perforations between the ballot paper and the counterfoil and between the counterfoil and the stub, provided that when a person votes electronically in accordance with procedures established by an Act of Parliament, no ballot shall be required.

No appropriation

58. No expense incidental to the holding of a referendum under this Act shall be paid out of public funds unless Parliament has appropriated money to the purpose.

Schedules and forms

59. Subject to the provisions of this Act and to any regulations made under this Act, the Chief Electoral Officer may prescribe the form of any document required for the administration or taking of a referendum.


60. The Governor in Council may make regulations

    (a) applying, with or without modifications, for the purpose of this Act, provisions of any regulation made under the Canada Elections Act;

    (b) prescribing forms in relation to the holding of a referendum;

    (c) prescribing the time at which, and the manner in which, special voters may vote at a referendum, whether or not at a polling place, and whether within or outside Canada;

    (d) prescribing conditions upon or subject to which special voters may vote at a referendum;

    (e) prescribing, for the purposes of a referendum, different methods of voting for different classes of special voters; and

    (f) providing for any matter necessary for giving full effect to the provisions of this Act and its administration.

Right to petition House of Commons unaffected

61. Nothing in this Act affects the right of any person to petition either House of Parliament, or the jurisdiction of any committee or other body established by either House to deal with petitions to the House.

Amendments to this Act

62. This Act may be amended only by submitting the amendment to the voters as proposed legislation pursuant to the provisions of this Act.