1990, c. 37
Integrated Circuit Topography Act |
90. Paragraph 14(4)(a) of the Integrated
Circuit Topography Act is replaced by the
R.S., c. I-15
Interest Act |
91. Section 4 of the Interest Act is replaced
by the following:
When per
annum rate
not stipulated
4. Except as to mortgages on real property
or hypothecs on immovables , whenever any
interest is, by the terms of any written or
printed contract, whether under seal or not,
made payable at a rate or percentage per day,
week, month, or at any rate or percentage for
any period less than a year, no interest
exceeding the rate or percentage of five per
cent per annum shall be chargeable, payable
or recoverable on any part of the principal
money unless the contract contains an express
statement of the yearly rate or percentage of
interest to which the other rate or percentage
is equivalent.
92. Section 6 of the Act and the heading
before it are replaced by the following:
No interest
recoverable in
certain cases
6. Whenever any principal money or
interest secured by mortgage on real property
or hypothec on immovables is, by the
mortgage or hypothec , made payable on a
sinking fund plan, on any plan under which the
payments of principal money and interest are
blended or on any plan that involves an
allowance of interest on stipulated
repayments, no interest whatever shall be
chargeable, payable or recoverable on any
part of the principal money advanced, unless
the mortgage or hypothec contains a
statement showing the amount of the principal
money and the rate of interest chargeable on
that money , calculated yearly or half-yearly,
not in advance.
93. Section 7 of the English version of the
Act is replaced by the following:
No rate
beyond that so
7. Whenever the rate of interest shown in
the statement mentioned in section 6 is less
than the rate of interest that would be
chargeable by virtue of any other provision,
calculation or stipulation in the mortgage or
hypothec , no greater rate of interest shall be
chargeable, payable or recoverable, on the
principal money advanced, than the rate
shown in the statement.
94. Subsection 8(1) of the Act is replaced
by the following:
No fine, etc.,
allowed on
payments in
8. (1) No fine, penalty or rate of interest
shall be stipulated for, taken, reserved or
exacted on any arrears of principal or interest
secured by mortgage on real property or
hypothec on immovables that has the effect of
increasing the charge on the arrears beyond
the rate of interest payable on principal money
not in arrears.
95. Section 10 of the Act is replaced by the
When no
10. (1) Whenever any principal money or
interest secured by mortgage on real property
or hypothec on immovables is not, under the
terms of the mortgage or hypothec , payable
until a time more than five years after the date
of the mortgage or hypothec , then, if at any
time after the expiration of the five years, any
person liable to pay, or entitled to pay in order
to redeem the mortgage, or to extinguish the
hypothec , tenders or pays, to the person
entitled to receive the money, the amount due
for principal money and interest to the time of
payment, as calculated under sections 6 to 9,
together with three months further interest in
lieu of notice, no further interest shall be
chargeable, payable or recoverable at any
time after the payment on the principal money
or interest due under the mortgage or
hypothec .
When section
not to apply
(2) Nothing in this section applies to any
mortgage on real property or hypothec on
immovables given by a joint stock company
or other corporation, nor to any debenture
issued by any such company or corporation,
for the payment of which security has been
given by way of mortgage on real property or
hypothec on immovables .
3, c. 85
An Act to incorporate the Jules and Paul-Émile Léger Foundation |
96. Paragraph 4(c) of An Act to
incorporate the Jules and Paul-Émile Léger
Foundation is replaced by the following:
R.S., c. L-1
Labour Adjustment Benefits Act |
97. Section 23 of the French version of the
Labour Adjustment Benefits Act is replaced
by the following:
23. Les prestations d'adaptation ne peuvent
être cédées, grevées, saisies ou données en
garantie et, sous réserve des paragraphes 22(1)
et 26(1), toute opération en ce sens est nulle.
1996, c. 9
Law Commission of Canada Act |
98. Paragraph 4(e) of the French version
of the Law Commission of Canada Act is
replaced by the following:
R.S., c. 25 (1st
Meat Inspection Act |
99. Section 19 of the Meat Inspection Act
is replaced by the following:
Evidence of
19. The Minister may require any person or
class of persons importing meat products into
Canada to provide evidence of financial
responsibility in any form, including an
insurance or indemnity bond, or a suretyship ,
that is satisfactory to the Minister.
R.S., c. 29
(3rd Supp.)
Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 |
100. (1) Paragraph 9(1)(g) of the English
version of the Motor Vehicle Transport Act,
1987 is replaced by the following:
(2) Subsection 9(2) of the English version
of the Act is replaced by the following:
Fitness criteria
(2) The criteria relating to the fitness of an
applicant referred to in paragraph (1)(e) shall
include requirements related to safety and
insurance and may include requirements
relating to bonding or suretyship coverage
and to any other requirement relating to the
fitness of an applicant to hold a licence.
R.S., c. N-3
National Arts Centre Act |
101. Paragraphs 10(a) and (b) of the
National Arts Centre Act are replaced by the
R.S., c. N-7
National Energy Board Act |
102. (1) Paragraph 29(3)(b) of the
National Energy Board Act is replaced by
the following:
(2) Section 29 of the Act is amended by
adding the following after subsection (3):
Adminis- trator in Province of Quebec
(3.1) In the Province of Quebec the
administrator of the property of the company
appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction
to carry on the business of the company is also
deemed to be the company.
103. Paragraph 84(b) of the English
version of the Act is replaced by the
104. Paragraph 86(2)(d) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
105. Paragraph 111(b) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
106. Paragraph 114(1)(b) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
R.S., c. N-8
National Film Act |
107. (1) Paragraph 10(1)(c) of the
National Film Act is replaced by the
(2) Paragraph 10(1)(e) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
R.S., c. N-15
National Research Council Act |
108. Subsection 3(2) of the National
Research Council Act is replaced by the
(2) The Council is a body corporate that has
power to acquire and hold real, personal,
movable and immovable property for the
purposes of and subject to this Act.
109. Paragraph 5(1)(f) of the French
version of the Act is replaced by the
R.S., c. N-21
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Act |
110. Section 16 of the French version of
the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council Act is replaced by the
16. Le Conseil peut, par don, legs ou autre
mode de libéralités, acquérir des biens,
notamment sous forme d'argent ou de valeurs
mobilières et, malgré toute disposition
contraire de la présente loi, les employer, les
gérer ou en disposer , pourvu qu'il respecte les
conditions dont sont assorties ces libéralités.
R.S., c. O-9
Old Age Security Act |
1997, c. 40,
s. 105
111. Subsection 37(2.6) of the Old Age
Security Act is replaced by the following:
Charge on
(2.6) A document issued by the Federal
Court or by a superior court of a province
evidencing a certificate in respect of a debtor
registered under subsection (2.3) or (2.4) may
be recorded for the purpose of creating
security, or a charge, lien or legal hypothec, on
land in a province, or on an interest in land in
a province, held or owned by the debtor, in the
same manner as a document evidencing a
judgment of the superior court of the province
against a person for a debt owing by the person
may be recorded in accordance with the law of
the province to create security, or a charge,
lien or legal hypothec, on land, or an interest
in land, held or owned by the person.