if law enforcement agencies of that foreign
state, or of Canada, as the case may be, have
participated in the investigation of the offence
or offences that led to the forfeiture of the
property or the imposition of the fine or if the
law enforcement agencies' participation led to
the forfeiture of the property or the payment of
the penalty under the Proceeds of Crime
(Money Laundering) Act.
Conditional Amendments |
Bill C-6
97. (1) If Bill C-6, introduced in the 2nd
Session of the 36th Parliament and entitled
Personal Information Protection and
Electronic Documents Act (referred to in
this section as ``that Act''), is assented to,
(2) Subsection (1) comes into force on the
later of the coming into force of section 7 of
this Act and section 9 of that Act.
Repeal |
98. The Proceeds of Crime (money
laundering) Act, chapter 26 of the Statutes
of Canada, 1991, is repealed.
Coming into Force |
Coming into
99. The provisions of this Act, other than
section 97, come into force on a day or days
to be fixed by order of the Governor in