1st Session, 36th Parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98
The House of Commons of Canada
BILL C-453 |
An Act to regulate the issue of ceremonial
statements of service and recognition of
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Issue of
Ceremonial Statements of Service Act.
2. The definitions in this section apply in
this Act.
``ceremo- nial statement of service'' « attestation honoraire d'état de service »
``ceremonial statement of service'' means a
ceremonial statement of service issued by
the Minister under section 4.
``common law
spouse'' « conjoint de fait »
``common law spouse'' means a person who
has cohabited with another person in a
conjugal relationship for at least one year.
``Minister'' « ministre »
``Minister'' means the Minister of Veterans
``veteran'' « ancien combattant »
``veteran'' means
3. (1) A person who believes that he or she
helped Canada in a significant way in a war or
armed conflict in which Canada took part or a
veteran may make application to the Minister
for a ceremonial statement of service.
where person
(2) Where a spouse, common law spouse or
descendent of a deceased person believes that
the deceased person helped Canada in a
significant way in a war or armed conflict in
which Canada took part or was a veteran, the
spouse, common law spouse or descendent
may make application to the Minister for the
ceremonial statement of service referred to in
subsection (1) respecting the deceased person.
(3) An application for a ceremonial
statement of service shall be made on a form
provided or approved by the Minister.
Content of an
application by
a veteran
(4) An application made by a veteran under
section 3 shall include
Content of an
respecting a
person who
was a veteran
(5) An application respecting a deceased
person who was a veteran shall include
Content of an
application by
a person who
is not a
(6) The application of a person who is not a
veteran shall include
Content of an
respecting a
person who
was not a
(7) An application respecting a deceased
person who was not a veteran shall include
Issue of a
statement of
4. (1) Subject to subsections (3) and (4),
after receiving an application from a veteran
or an application respecting a deceased person
who was a veteran, the Minister shall cause a
ceremonial statement of service to be issued to
the applicant, where the Minister is satisfied
that the information obtained under section 3
is true.
Issue of a
statement of
(2) Subject to subsections (3) to (5), after
receiving an application from a person who
was not a veteran or an application respecting
a person who was not a veteran, the Minister
shall cause a ceremonial statement of service
to be issued to the applicant where the
Minister is satisfied that
Request for
(3) The Minister may request additional
information from the applicant where the
Minister is satisfied that additional
information would be useful in determining
whether the information obtained under
section 3 is true.
(4) Subject to subsection (5), the Minister,
in determining whether the information
obtained under section 3 is true, shall give the
applicant the benefit of the doubt.
(5) For the purposes of paragraph (2)(b), the
Minister may, in his or her discretion, decide
whether the applicant or, as the case may be,
the deceased person helped Canada in a
significant way in a war or armed conflict in
which Canada took part.
5. The Minister may make regulations
not affected
6. Nothing in this Act limits the right of the
Governor General to exercise all powers and
authorities of Her Majesty in respect of
honorary decorations.
Of no legal
7. The issue of a ceremonial statement of
service under this Act shall not entitle the
applicant, his heirs or descendants to receive
any compensation, benefit or damages for the
services described in the application under
section 3 or in the ceremonial statement of
Not a
statement of
8. A ceremonial statement of service shall
not constitute a statement of service for the
purposes of paragraph 419(c) or (d) of the
Criminal Code.