1st Session, 36th Parliament, 46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98
The House of Commons of Canada
BILL C-427 |
An Act to amend the National Defence Act
(Her Majesty's Canadian Ship)
R.S., c. N-5;
R.S., cc. 27,
31, 41(1st
Supp.), c. 34
(3rd Supp.),
cc. 6, 22 (4th
Supp.); 1990,
c. 14; 1991, c.
43; 1992, cc.
16, 20; 1993,
c. 34; 1995,
cc. 11, 39;
1996, c. 19;
1997, c. 18
1. The National Defence Act is amended
by adding the following after section 36:
Her Majesty's Canadian Ship |
Her Majesty's
Canadian Ship
36.1 Notwithstanding any Act or law, the