1st Session, 36th Parliament,
46 Elizabeth II, 1997

The House of Commons of Canada

BILL C-213

An Act respecting the designation of a Louis Riel Day and revoking his conviction of August 1, 1885


WHEREAS Louis Riel was elected to the House of Commons and served as the Member for Provencher from 1873 to 1874;

WHEREAS Louis Riel was convicted on August 1, 1885 of high treason and sentenced to death and was hanged on November 16, 1885 at Regina, Northwest Territories;

WHEREAS, notwithstanding his convic tion, Louis Riel has become a symbol and a hero to successive generations of Canadians who have, through their governments, ho noured and commemorated him in specific projects and actions;

WHEREAS, on March 9, 1992, the House of Commons unanimously adopted the fol lowing motion:

    That this House take note that the Métis people of Rupert's Land and the North Western Territory through democratic structures and procedures took effective steps to maintain order and protect the lives, rights and property of the people of the Red River;

    That this House take note that, in 1870, under the leadership of Louis Riel, the Métis of the Red River adopted a List of Rights;

    That this House take note that, based on the List of Rights, Louis Riel negotiated the terms for the admission of Rupert's Land and the North Western Territory into the Dominion of Canada;

    That this House take note that these terms for admission form part of the Manitoba Act;

    That this House take note that, after nego tiating Manitoba's entry into Confedera tion, Louis Riel was thrice elected to the House of Commons;

    That this House take note that, in 1885, Louis Riel paid with his life for his leader ship in a movement which fought for the maintenance of the rights and freedoms of the Métis people;

    That this House take note that the Constitu tion Act, 1982 recognizes and affirms the existing aboriginal and treaty rights of the Métis;

    That this House take note that since the death of Louis Riel, the Métis people have honoured his memory and continued his purposes in their honourable striving for the implementation of those rights;

    That this House recognize the unique and historic role of Louis Riel as a founder of Manitoba and his contribution in the devel opment of Confederation; and

    That this House support by its actions the true attainment, both in principle and practice, of the constitutional rights of the Métis people.

AND WHEREAS it is consistent with this recognition that the conviction of Louis Riel be now revoked and that a day be designated to commemorate his name;

NOW, THEREFORE, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as fol lows:


Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the Louis Riel Day Act..



2. The purpose of this Act is to revoke the conviction of Louis Riel for high treason and to honour his memory by designating a day to commemorate his name.


``Louis Riel Day''

3. (1) Throughout Canada, in each and every year, the 16th day of November shall be known as ``Louis Riel Day''.


(2) For greater certainty, Louis Riel Day is not a legal holiday or a non-juridical day and shall not be required to be kept or observed as such.


Revocation of conviction of Louis Riel

4. The conviction of Louis Riel on August 1, 1885 for the offence of high treason is hereby revoked.

Saving provision

5. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as limiting or affecting in any manner Her Majesty's royal prerogative of mercy or the Letters Patent Constituting the Office of Governor General of Canada relating to pardons.



6. The Minister of Canadian Heritage may

    (a) mark or commemorate by means of historical plaques, or in any other suitable manner, the places and buildings where events of historical significance in the life of Louis Riel took place; and

    (b) undertake, pursue or sponsor research relating to such historical events.