R.S., c. L-2
Canada Labour Code |
241. (1) The definition ``organisme de
charité enregistré'' in subsection 70(4) of
the French version of the Canada Labour
Code is repealed.
(2) Subsection 70(4) of the French version
of the Act is amended by adding the
following in alphabetical order:
« organisme
enregistré » ``registered charity''
« organisme de bienfaisance enregistré »
S'entend au sens de la Loi de l'impôt sur le
R.S., c. L-8
Lieutenant Governors Superannuation Act |
242. Subsection 4(3) of the Lieutenant
Governors Superannuation Act is replaced
by the following:
Income Tax
(3) For the purposes of the Income Tax Act,
the amount contributed by a Lieutenant
Governor pursuant to subsection (1) shall be
deemed to be contributed to or under a
registered pension plan .
243. Section 14 of the Act is replaced by
the following:
Income Tax
14. For the purposes of the Income Tax Act,
the amount contributed by a contributor
pursuant to section 13 shall be deemed to be
contributed to or under a registered pension
plan .
R.S., c. 32
(2nd Supp.)
Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985 |
244. Paragraph 4(2)(a) of the French
version of the Pension Benefits Standards
Act, 1985 is replaced by the following:
R.S., c. T-3
Tax Rebate Discounting Act |
R.S., c. 53 (1st
Supp.), s. 2
245. Subsection 3(2) of the French
version of the Tax Rebate Discounting Act is
replaced by the following:
Calcul de la
(2) Dans le calcul de la contrepartie versée
ou fournie par l'escompteur pour acquérir
auprès d'un client un droit à un
remboursement d'impôt, l'escompte exigé
par l'escompteur comprend le montant des
honoraires ou frais que l'escompteur ou toute
personne avec laquelle celui-ci a un lien de
dépendance , au sens de la Loi de l'impôt sur
le revenu, a perçus ou obtenus pour remplir la
déclaration du revenu du client ou pour tout
autre service directement lié à l'opération
Miscellaneous Acts |
of ``charité''
with ``bienfai- sance''
246. The word ``charité'' is replaced by
the word ``bienfaisance'' in the French
version of the following provisions:
of ``corpora- tion'' with ``société''
247. The words ``corporation'' and
``corporations'' are replaced by the words
``société'' and ``sociétés'', respectively, in
the French version of the following
of ``exercice
248. The words ``exercice financier'' are
replaced by the word ``exercice'' in the
French version of the following provisions:
PART 3 |
Conditional Amendments |
Bill C-50
249. (1) If Bill C-50, introduced during
the first session of the thirty-sixth
Parliament and entitled A First Act to
harmonize federal law with the civil law of
the Province of Quebec and to amend certain
Acts in order to ensure that each language
version takes into account the common law
and the civil law, is assented to after this Act
is assented to, then section 62 of that Act is
Bill C-50
(2) If Bill C-50 is assented to, then, on the
later of the day on which this Act is assented
to and the day on which that Act is assented
fédéraux et
biens réels
10. (1) Le ministre a la gestion de
l'ensemble des immeubles fédéraux et des
biens réels fédéraux, à l'exception de ceux
dont la gestion est confiée à un autre ministre
ou organisme fédéral ou à une personne
Signature is
(5.1) Notwithstanding subsections (1) to
(3), if a Minister is satisfied that the federal
real property or federal immovable described
in an instrument referred to in section 5 or 11,
a licence referred to in section 6 or a plan
referred to in section 7 is under the Minister's
administration, that federal real property or
federal immovable is deemed to be under the
administration of the Minister and the
signature of the Minister on the instrument,
licence or plan is conclusive evidence that the
Minister is so satisfied.
Bill C-67
250. If Bill C-67, introduced during the
first session of the thirty-sixth Parliament
and entitled An Act to amend the Bank Act,
the Winding-up and Restructuring Act and
other Acts relating to financial institutions
and to make consequential amendments to
other Acts, is assented to before this Act is
assented to, then the reference to
``paragraph 559(g)'' in section 16 of this Act
is replaced by a reference to ``paragraph
Repeals |
251. The Canadian Exploration and
Development Incentive Program Act,
chapter 15 of the 3rd Supplement to the
Revised Statutes of Canada, is repealed.
252. The Canadian Exploration Incentive
Program Act, chapter 27 of the 4th
Supplement to the Revised Statutes of
Canada, is repealed.
253. The Canadian Home Insulation
Program Act, chapter 57 of the Statutes of
Canada, 1980-81-82-83, is repealed.
254. The Home Insulation (N.S. and
P.E.I.) Program Act, chapter 58 of the
Statutes of Canada, 1980-81-82-83, is
255. The International Development
(Financial Institutions) Assistance Act,
chapter 73 of the Statutes of Canada,
1980-81-82-83, is repealed.
Repeal of
R.S., c. L-5
256. The Land Titles Act is repealed.
Repeal of
R.S., c. P-13
257. The Petroleum Incentives Program
Act is repealed.