This enactment implements provisions of the Canada-Yukon Oil and Gas Accord. Under the Accord, the Government of Canada has agreed to transfer to the Yukon Government both administrative and legislative jurisdiction over oil and gas in the Territory and an adjoining area. The enactment amends the Yukon Act to confer power to make laws in relation to oil and gas, analogous to the power of a province. The granting of oil and gas interests can be restricted on Crown lands required for federal government purposes and designated by the Governor in Council as such. The administration and control of oil and gas transferred to the Yukon Government could be regained by the Government of Canada if necessary for the settlement of an aboriginal land claim.

Amendments are made to federal laws relating to oil and gas in consequence of the transfer of jurisdiction to Yukon authorities. Transitional provisions govern the disposition of pending applications under federal laws, and the treatment of existing oil and gas interests under Yukon laws.