PART 5 |
82. (1) The purpose of the youth custody
and supervision system is to contribute to the
protection of society by
Principles to
be used
(2) The following principles are to be used
in achieving that purpose:
Young person
to be held
apart from
83. Subject to subsection 30(3), paragraphs
76(1)(b) and (c) and sections 88 to 92, a young
person who is committed to custody shall be
held separate and apart from any adult who is
detained or held in custody.
Levels of
84. (1) In the youth custody and supervision
system in each province there must be at least
two levels of custody for young persons
distinguished by the degree of restraint of the
young persons in them.
of youth
(2) Every youth custody facility in a
province that contains one or more levels of
custody shall be designated by
director to
level -
committal to
(3) The provincial director shall, when a
young person is committed to custody under
paragraph 41(2)(n), (p) or (q) or an order is
made under subsection 97(3), paragraph
102(2)(b), subsection 103(1) or paragraph
108(2)(b), determine the level of custody
appropriate for the young person, after having
taken into account the factors set out in
subsection (5).
director to
level -
(4) The provincial director may determine
a different level of custody for the young
person when the provincial director is
satisfied that the needs of the young person
and the interests of society would be better
served by doing so, after having taken into
account the factors set out in subsection (5).
(5) The factors referred to in subsections (3)
and (4) are
Placement and
transfer at
(6) After the provincial director has
determined the appropriate level of custody
for the young person under subsection (3) or
(4), the young person shall be placed in the
youth custody facility that contains that level
of custody specified by the provincial director.
(7) The provincial director shall cause a
notice in writing of a determination under
subsection (3) or (4) to be given to the young
person and a parent of the young person and
set out in that notice the reasons for it.
85. The provincial director shall ensure that
procedures are in place to ensure that the due
process rights of the young person are
protected with respect to a determination
made under subsection 84(3) or (4), including
that the young person be
86. (1) A young person may apply for a
review under this section of a determination
(2) The provincial director shall ensure that
procedures are in place for the review under
subsection (1), including that
(3) The review board shall take into account
the factors referred to in subsection 84(5) in
reviewing a determination.
Decision is
(4) A decision of the review board under
this section in respect of a particular
determination is final.
Functions to
be exercised
by youth
justice court
87. The lieutenant governor in council of a
province may order that the powers conferred
by subsections 84(3) and (4) be exercised by
the youth justice court in that province. The
following provisions of the Young Offenders
Act, chapter Y-1 of the Revised Statutes of
Canada, 1985, apply, with any modifications
that the circumstances require, to the exercise
of those powers:
Exception if
young person
is twenty
years old or
88. (1) When a young person is twenty years
old or older at the time the youth sentence is
imposed on him or her under paragraph
41(2)(n), (p) or (q), the young person shall,
despite section 84, be committed to a
provincial correctional facility for adults to
serve the youth sentence.
If serving
sentence in a
(2) If a young person is serving a youth
sentence in a provincial correctional facility
for adults pursuant to subsection (1), the youth
justice court may, on application of the
provincial director at any time after the young
person begins to serve a portion of the youth
sentence in a provincial correctional facility
for adults, after giving the young person, the
provincial director and representatives of the
provincial and federal correctional systems an
opportunity to be heard, authorize the
provincial director to direct that the young
person serve the remainder of the youth
sentence in a penitentiary if the court
considers it to be in the best interests of the
young person or in the public interest and if,
at the time of the application, that remainder
is two years or more.
Provisions to
(3) If a young person is serving a youth
sentence in a provincial correctional facility
for adults or a penitentiary under subsection
(1) or (2), the Prisons and Reformatories Act
and the Corrections and Conditional Release
Act, and any other statute, regulation or rule
applicable in respect of prisoners or offenders
within the meaning of those Acts, statutes,
regulations and rules, apply in respect of the
young person except to the extent that they
conflict with Part 6 of this Act, which Part
continues to apply to the young person.
Youth worker
89. (1) When a youth sentence is imposed
committing a young person to custody, the
provincial director of the province in which
the young person received the youth sentence
and was placed in custody shall, without
delay, designate a youth worker to work with
the young person to plan for his or her
reintegration into the community, including
the preparation and implementation of a
reintegration plan that sets out the most
effective programs for the young person in
order to maximize his or her chances for
reintegration into the community.
Role of youth
worker when
young person
in the
(2) When a portion of a young person's
youth sentence is served in the community in
accordance with section 96 or 104, the youth
worker shall supervise the young person,
continue to provide support to the young
person and assist the young person to respect
the conditions to which he or she is subject,
and help the young person in the
implementation of the reintegration plan.
90. (1) The provincial director of a province
may, subject to any terms or conditions that he
or she considers desirable, authorize, for a
young person committed to a youth custody
facility in the province further to an order
under paragraph 76(1)(a) or a youth sentence
imposed under paragraph 41(2)(n), (p) or (q),
Renewal of
(2) A reintegration leave authorized under
paragraph (1)(a) may be renewed by the
provincial director for one or more thirty-day
periods on reassessment of the case.
Revocation of
(3) The provincial director of a province
may, at any time, revoke an authorization
made under subsection (1).
Arrest and
return to
(4) If the provincial director revokes an
authorization under subsection (3) or if a
young person fails to comply with any term or
condition of a reintegration leave or a release
from custody under this section, the young
person may be arrested without warrant and
returned to custody.
Transfer to
adult facility
91. (1) When a young person is committed
to custody under paragraph 41(2)(n), (p) or
(q), the youth justice court may, on application
of the provincial director made at any time
after the young person attains the age of
eighteen years, after giving the young person,
the provincial director and representatives of
the provincial correctional system an
opportunity to be heard, authorize the
provincial director to direct that the young
person, subject to subsection (3), serve the
remainder of the youth sentence in a
provincial correctional facility for adults, if
the court considers it to be in the best interests
of the young person or in the public interest.
If serving
sentence in a
(2) The youth justice court may authorize
the provincial director to direct that a young
person, subject to subsection (3), serve the
remainder of a youth sentence in a
Provisions to
(3) If the provincial director makes a
direction under subsection (1) or (2), the
Prisons and Reformatories Act and the
Corrections and Conditional Release Act, and
any other statute, regulation or rule applicable
in respect of prisoners and offenders within
the meaning of those Acts, statutes,
regulations and rules, apply in respect of the
young person except to the extent that they
conflict with Part 6 of this Act, which Part
continues to apply to the young person.
when adult
and youth
(4) If a person is subject to more than one
sentence, at least one of which is a youth
sentence imposed under paragraph 41(2)(n),
(p) or (q) and at least one of which is a sentence
referred to in either paragraph (b) or (c), he or
she shall serve, in a provincial correctional
facility for adults or a penitentiary in
accordance with section 743.1 of the Criminal
Code, the following:
sentence and
adult sentence
(5) If a young person is committed to
custody under a youth sentence under
paragraph 41(2)(n), (p) or (q) and is also
already subject to an adult sentence to which
an order under paragraph 76(1)(a) applies, the
young person may, in the discretion of the
provincial director, serve the sentences, or any
portion of the sentences, in a youth custody
facility, in a provincial correctional facility for
adults or, if the unexpired portion of the
sentence is two years or more, in a
When young
twenty years
of age
92. (1) When a young person who is
committed to custody under paragraph
41(2)(n), (p) or (q) is in a youth custody
facility when the young person attains the age
of twenty years, the young person shall be
transferred to a provincial correctional facility
for adults to serve the remainder of the youth
sentence, unless the provincial director orders
that the young person continue to serve the
youth sentence in a youth custody facility.
If serving
sentence in a
(2) If a young person is serving a portion of
a youth sentence in a provincial correctional
facility for adults pursuant to a transfer under
subsection (1), the youth justice court may, on
application of the provincial director after the
transfer, after giving the young person, the
provincial director and representatives of the
provincial and federal correctional systems an
opportunity to be heard, authorize the
provincial director to direct that the young
person serve the remainder of the youth
sentence in a penitentiary if the court
considers it to be in the best interests of the
young person or in the public interest and if,
at the time of the application, that remainder
is two years or more.
Provisions to
(3) If the provincial director makes the
direction, the Prisons and Reformatories Act
and the Corrections and Conditional Release
Act, and any other statute, regulation or rule
applicable in respect of prisoners and
offenders within the meaning of those Acts,
statutes, regulations and rules, apply in
respect of the young person except to the
extent that they conflict with Part 6 of this Act,
which Part continues to apply to the young
93. (1) When a young person is committed
to custody pursuant to a youth sentence under
paragraph 41(2)(n), (p) or (q) for a period
exceeding one year, the provincial director of
the province in which the young person is held
in custody shall cause the young person to be
brought before the youth justice court at the
end of one year from the date of the most
recent youth sentence imposed in respect of
the offence - and at the end of every
subsequent year from that date - and the
youth justice court shall review the youth
(2) When a young person is committed to
custody pursuant to youth sentences imposed
under paragraph 41(2)(n), (p) or (q) in respect
of more than one offence for a total period
exceeding one year, the provincial director of
the province in which the young person is held
in custody shall cause the young person to be
brought before the youth justice court without
delay at the end of one year from the date of
the earliest youth sentence imposed - and at
the end of every subsequent year from that
date - and the youth justice court shall
review the youth sentences.
(3) When a young person is committed to
custody pursuant to a youth sentence imposed
under paragraph 41(2)(n), (p) or (q) in respect
of an offence, the provincial director may, on
the provincial director's own initiative, and
shall, on the request of the young person, the
young person's parent or the Attorney
General, on any of the grounds set out in
subsection (6), cause the young person to be
brought before a youth justice court to review
the youth sentence,