His Excellency the Governor General recommends to the House of Commons the appropriation of public revenue under the circumstances, in the manner and for the purposes set out in a measure entitled ``An Act to amend the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act''.


This enactment amends mainly Parts I and IV of the Federal-Provincial Fiscal Arrangements Act. Those two Parts deal with, respectively, fiscal equalization payments and provincial personal income tax revenue guarantee payments, and currently provide for federal payments to the provinces for each of the fiscal years in the period from April 1, 1994 to March 31, 1999. This enactment will allow those payments to be continued for each of the five fiscal years in the period from April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2004.

The enactment also amends Part I of the Act

    (a) to provide for the phasing-in of tax base changes over the period from April 1, 1999 to March 31, 2004;

    (b) to adjust the definitions of ``revenue source'' and ``revenue to be equalized''; and

    (c) to change the minimum and maximum payment provisions.

The enactment also makes minor amendments of a technical or housekeeping nature.


Clause 1: Section 3 reads as follows:

3. Subject to this Act, the Minister may pay to a province for each fiscal year in the period beginning on April 1, 1994 and ending on March 31, 1999 a fiscal equalization payment not exceeding the amount computed in accordance with section 4.

Clause 2: (1) New.

(2) The definitions ``revenue source'' and ``revenue to be equalized'' in subsection 4(2) read as follows:

``revenue source'' means any of the following sources from which provincial revenues are or may be derived:

      (a) personal income taxes,

      (b) corporation income taxes, revenues derived from government business enterprises that are not included in any other paragraph of this definition, and revenues received from the Government of Canada pursuant to the Public Utilities Income Tax Transfer Act,

      (c) taxes on capital of corporations,

      (d) general and miscellaneous sales taxes and amusement taxes,

      (e) tobacco taxes,

      (f) motive fuel taxes derived from the sale of gasoline,

      (g) motive fuel taxes derived from the sale of diesel fuel,

      (h) non-commercial motor vehicle licensing revenues,

      (i) commercial motor vehicle licensing revenues,

      (j) alcoholic beverage revenues,

      (m) hospital and medical care insurance premiums,

      (o) race track taxes,

      (p) forestry revenues,

      (q) conventional new oil revenues,

      (r) conventional old oil revenues,

      (s) heavy oil revenues,

      (t) mined oil revenues,

      (u) domestically sold natural gas revenues,

      (v) exported natural gas revenues,

      (w) sales of Crown leases and reservations on oil and natural gas lands,

      (x) oil and gas revenues other than those described in paragraphs (q) to (w),

      (y) metallic and non-metallic mineral revenues other than potash revenues,

      (z) potash revenues,

      (aa) water power rentals,

      (bb) insurance premium taxes,

      (cc) payroll taxes,

      (dd) provincial and local government property taxes,

      (ee) lottery revenues,

      (ff) miscellaneous provincial taxes and revenues including miscellaneous revenues from natural resources, concessions and franchises, sales of provincial goods and services and local government revenues from sales of goods and services and miscellaneous local government taxes, and

      (gg) revenues of the Government of Canada from any of the sources referred to in this definition that are shared by Canada with the provinces, other than revenue shared under the Public Utilities Income Tax Transfer Act;

``revenue to be equalized'' from a revenue source for a province for a fiscal year means the total revenue, as determined by the Minister, derived by the province for the fiscal year from that revenue source.

(3) Subsection 4(3) reads as follows:

(3) A description of a revenue source as set out in any of paragraphs (b), (d), (p) to (aa), (ff) and (gg) of the definition ``revenue source'' in subsection (2) may, by regulation, be revised or altered so as to constitute two or more separate revenue sources or in a manner that results in the inclusion of all or any part of any description of a revenue source in any other description of a revenue source set out in that definition.

(4) Subsections 4(5) to (7) read as follows:

(5) For the purpose of determining the revenue to be equalized derived by a province for a fiscal year,

    (a) in the case of the part of the revenue source described in paragraph (dd) of the definition ``revenue source'' in subsection (2) that consists of local government property taxes, the aggregate of the revenue derived from that part of the revenue source by each municipality, board, commission or other local authority in the province that has power to levy property taxes, for the financial year of each such local authority ending in the fiscal year, and

    (b) in the case of the part of the revenue source described in paragraph (ff) of the definition ``revenue source'' in subsection (2) that consists of local government revenues from sales of goods and services and miscellaneous local government taxes, the aggregate of the revenue derived from that part of the revenue source by each municipality, board, commission or other local authority in the province that has power to derive those revenues for the financial year of each such local authority ending in the fiscal year,

shall be deemed to be revenue derived by the province from those revenue sources for that fiscal year.

(6) Notwithstanding subsections (1) to (5), the fiscal equalization payment that may be paid to a province for each fiscal year in the period beginning on April 1, 1994 and ending on March 31, 1999 shall not be less than

    (a) ninety-five per cent of the amount determined with respect to the province under subsection (1) or (1.1), as the case may be, and adjusted in accordance with subsection (9), where applicable, for the immediately preceding fiscal year, if the provincial per capita revenue for that province for the fiscal year in respect of which the determination is made is less than or equal to seventy per cent of the national per capita revenue for the fiscal year in respect of which the determination is made;

    (b) ninety per cent of the amount determined with respect to the province under subsection (1) or (1.1), as the case may be, and adjusted in accordance with subsection (9), where applicable, for the immediately preceding fiscal year, if the provincial per capita revenue for that province for the fiscal year in respect of which the determination is made is less than or equal to seventy-five per cent of the national per capita revenue for the fiscal year in respect of which the determination is made but greater than seventy per cent of the national per capita revenue for the fiscal year in respect of which the determination is made; or

    (c) eighty-five per cent of the amount determined with respect to the province under subsection (1) or (1.1), as the case may be, and adjusted in accordance with subsection (9), where applicable, for the immediately preceding fiscal year, if the provincial per capita revenue for that province for the fiscal year in respect of which the determination is made is greater than seventy-five per cent of the national per capita revenue for the fiscal year in respect of which the determination is made.

(7) In subsection (6),

``national per capita revenue'' is the quotient obtained by dividing

      (a) the total revenue to be equalized, as determined by the Minister, derived by all the provinces for a fiscal year from all revenue sources,


      (b) the total population for all the provinces for that fiscal year;

``provincial per capita revenue'' is the amount equal to the aggregate of the per capita yield of all revenue sources in a province for a fiscal year.

(5) Subsection 4(9) reads as follows:

(9) Notwithstanding anything in this Part, where

    (a) the total amount of the fiscal equalization payments to all provinces as determined under this Part for a fiscal year commencing with the fiscal year that begins on April 1, 1993,


    (b) the amount that would result if the total of the fiscal equalization payments to all provinces for the fiscal year that begins on April 1, 1992, determined in the manner set out in subsection (13), were changed by the percentage change in Canada's gross national product, as determined by the Chief Statistician of Canada in the prescribed manner, from the calendar year ending on December 31, 1992 to the calendar year ending in the fiscal year,

the fiscal equalization payment to each province for a fiscal year shall be reduced by an amount equal to the product obtained by multiplying

    (c) the total population of the province as of June 1 of the fiscal year


    (d) the quotient obtained by dividing the amount by which the amount referred to in paragraph (a) exceeds the amount referred to in paragraph (b) by the total population of all the provinces to which a fiscal equalization payment is made for that fiscal year.

(6) Subsection 4(11) reads as follows:

(11) In order for subsection (10) to apply in respect of the offshore minerals revenue included in the description set out in paragraph (gg) of the definition ``revenue source'' in subsection (2) as revised or altered in accordance with subsection (3), a province that is eligible for a fiscal equalization offset payment in the fiscal year under the Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Resources Accord Implementation Act, or the Canada - Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act, in respect of a fiscal year beginning on or after April 1, 1993 shall make an election, in the prescribed manner, before the end of the calendar year ending in the fiscal year.

(7) Subsection 4(13) reads as follows:

(13) For the purposes of paragraph (9)(b), the fiscal equalization payments that are determined in respect of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 1992 are to be determined as if

    (a) in respect of fiscal years beginning on or after April 1, 1993, subsection (10) were applicable; and

    (b) in respect of fiscal years beginning on or after April 1, 1994, the expression ``revenue base'' in respect of a revenue source described in any of paragraphs (c), (q), (r), (s), (u), (v) and (dd) of the definition ``revenue source'' in subsection (2) or the description of which is revised or altered in accordance with subsection (3) has the meaning given to the expression ``revenue base'' in respect of that revenue source by the regulations made in the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 1994.

Clause 3: (1) Subsection 6(1) reads as follows:

6. (1) Subject to subsections (8) to (10), the fiscal stabilization payment that may be paid to a province for a fiscal year is the amount, if any, as determined by the Minister, by which

    (a) ninety-five per cent of the revenue subject to stabilization of the province for the immediately preceding fiscal year


    (b) the revenue subject to stabilization of the province for the fiscal year, adjusted in prescribed manner to offset the amount, as determined by the Minister, of any change in the revenue subject to stabilization of the province for the fiscal year resulting from changes made by the province in the rates or in the structures of provincial taxes or other modes of raising the revenue of the province referred to in paragraphs (a) to (cc) and (ee) of the definition ``revenue source'' in subsection 4(2), other than revenues received from the Government of Canada pursuant to the Public Utilities Income Tax Transfer Act, from the rates or the structures in effect in the immediately preceding fiscal year.

(2) The relevant portion of subsection 6(2) reads as follows:

(2) With respect to a fiscal stabilization payment for a fiscal year that begins after March 31, 1987, in this section, ``revenue subject to stabilization'' of a province for a fiscal year means, in the case of the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 1986 and a fiscal year beginning on or after April 1, 1987, the aggregate of

    (a) the total revenues, as determined by the Minister, derived by the province for the fiscal year from the revenue sources described in the definition ``revenue source'' in subsection 4(2), other than the revenue sources described in paragraphs (dd) and (ff) of that definition, and

(3) Subsections 6(2.1) and (2.2) read as follows:

(2.1) For the purpose of determining the fiscal stabilization payment that may be paid to a province for the fiscal year that begins April 1, 1995, revenue subject to stabilization of the province for the fiscal year and for the immediately preceding fiscal year does not include any amount payable to the province under the Public Utilities Income Tax Transfer Act.

(2.2) For the purpose of determining the fiscal stabilization payment that may be paid to a province for a fiscal year that begins on or after April 1, 1996,

    (a) revenue subject to stabilization of a province for the fiscal year and for the immediately preceding fiscal year does not include

      (i) the amounts referred to in paragraph (2)(c), as it reads on March 31, 1996, or

      (ii) the amounts payable to the province under the Public Utilities Income Tax Transfer Act; and

    (b) notwithstanding subsection 6(3), the following amounts shall be deducted from the amount otherwise determined under this section:

      (i) the total equalized tax transfer to the province in respect of the Canada Health and Social Transfer, as determined in accordance with subsection 16(1), and in respect of established programs, as determined in accordance with subsection 16(1), as it reads on March 31, 1996, and

      (ii) the value of the additional tax abatement units in respect of the Canada Health and Social Transfer, as determined in accordance with subsection 27(2), and in respect of established programs, as determined in accordance with subsection 28(1), as it reads on March 31, 1996.

(4) Subsection 6(6) reads as follows:

(6) When, in computing the fiscal stabilization payment that may be paid to a province for a fiscal year pursuant to subsection (1), it is ascertained that

    (a) the total revenues, as determined by the Minister, derived by the province for the immediately preceding fiscal year from the revenue sources described in paragraphs (p) to (aa) of the definition ``revenue source'' in subsection 4(2) and the part of the revenue source described in paragraph (gg) of that definition that relates to natural resources


    (b) the total revenues, as determined by the Minister, derived by the province for the fiscal year from the revenue sources described in paragraph (a), as adjusted in the manner referred to in paragraph (1)(b),

notwithstanding any other provision of this section, in applying subsections (1) and (2) to determine the fiscal stabilization payment that may be paid to the province for the fiscal year, no amount, other than any amount by which the difference between the amount determined under paragraph (a) and the amount determined under paragraph (b) exceeds one-half of the amount determined under paragraph (a), shall be included in respect of the difference between the amount determined under paragraph (a) and the amount determined under paragraph (b).

Clause 4: Section 9 reads as follows:

9. In the event that amendments made to the Income Tax Act that

    (a) apply to a taxation year coinciding with a calendar year ending in a fiscal year occurring in the period beginning on April 1, 1994 and ending on March 31, 1999, and

    (b) were introduced in the House of Commons during the first taxation year to which they apply

would, in the opinion of the Minister, result in the reduction, by at least one per cent, of the total basic personal income tax revenue that would have been derived in a province for that taxation year, the Minister may, subject to this Part, pay to the province for that fiscal year a provincial personal income tax revenue guarantee payment not exceeding the amount computed in accordance with section 10.

Clause 5: The relevant portion of section 40 reads as follows:

40. The Governor in Council may make regulations

    (a) defining, for the purposes of this Act,

      . . .

      (ii) the expressions referred to in paragraphs (a) to (gg) of the definition ``revenue source'' in subsection 4(2);