R.S., c. F-11

Financial Administration Act

1993, c. 1, s. 9

32. Subsection 85(1) of the Financial Administration Act is replaced by the following:

Exempted Crown corporations

85. (1) Divisions I to IV do not apply to the Bank of Canada, the Canada Council, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the Canadian Film Development Corporation, the International Development Research Centre or the National Arts Centre Corporation.

R.S., c. G-10

Canada Grain Act

33. (1) Paragraph 118(g) of the French version of the Canada Grain Act is replaced by the following:

    g) sous réserve des arrêtés pris en application de la Loi sur la Commission canadienne du blé, pourvoir à l'acceptation des livraisons de grain dans l'intérêt des producteurs;

(2) Section 118 of the Act is amended by striking out the word ``and'' at the end of paragraph (g) and by adding the following after paragraph (g):

    (g.1) approving a procedure as acceptable for preserving the identity of excluded grain, so as to prevent co-mingling with other grain, for the purposes of paragraph 45(3)(b) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act; and


Termination of Commissioner appointments

34. On the date referred to in section 3.08 of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, as enacted by section 3 of this Act, appointments of commissioners made under section 3 of that Act, as it read before the coming into force of section 3 of this Act, are terminated.

tion of election of first directors

35. For greater certainty, the Canadian Wheat Board shall, subject to the regulations, take any measures that the Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board may determine for the proper conduct and supervision of the election of the first directors referred to in subsection 3.02(1) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, as enacted by section 3 of this Act, including

    (a) employing the persons necessary to conduct or manage the election and the payment of any fees, costs, allowances and expenses of any person so employed that the Minister may determine; and

    (b) paying the costs of the election incurred by or on behalf of that Board, including the costs incurred in the preparation, printing and distribution of material providing information on candidates.


Coming into force

36. (1) Subject to this section, this Act or any of its provisions, or any provision of an Act enacted by this Act, comes into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

Regulations for election

(2) Subsection 3.02(1) and section 3.06 of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, as enacted by section 3 of this Act, come into force on the day on which this Act is assented to.

Status of the Corporation

(3) Subsections 3.03(1) and 3.1(1) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, as enacted by section 3 of this Act, section 4 of this Act, paragraphs 6(1)(c) and (c.01) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, as enacted by subsection 6(2) of this Act, and sections 11, 27 and 32 of this Act come into force on the date referred to in section 3.08 of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, as enacted by section 3 of this Act.

Sufficiency of contingency fund

(4) The date fixed in accordance with subsection (1) for the coming into force of the following provisions shall not be earlier than the date referred to in subsection 6(3) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, as enacted by subsection 6(3) of this Act:

    (a) section 7 of this Act;

    (b) paragraph 32(1)(b) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, as enacted by subsection 18(1) of this Act;

    (c) subsections 33(1.1), (3), (4) and (5) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, as enacted by subsection 19(4) of this Act; and

    (d) sections 38 and 39 of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, as enacted by section 22 of this Act.

Abolition of Advisory Committee

(5) The date fixed in accordance with subsection (1) for the coming into force of section 9 of this Act shall not be earlier than December 31, 1998, and its fixing is subject to the recommendation of the Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board.


(6) The date fixed in accordance with subsection (1) for the coming into force of subparagraph 33(1)(a)(i) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, as enacted by subsection 19(2) of this Act, shall not be earlier than the date of the coming into force of section 3 of this Act and of section 9 of this Act.

New governance

(7) Subparagraphs 33(1)(a)(i.1) and (i.2) of the Canadian Wheat Board Act, as enacted by subsection 19(2) of this Act, and sections 28 and 29 of this Act, come into force on the coming into force of section 3 of this Act.

Cost of election of Advisory Committee

(8) Subsection 19(3) of this Act comes into force on the coming into force of section 9 of this Act.