(e) do all acts and execute documents in the name of, and on behalf of, the society;

    (f) borrow money on the security of the property of the society;

    (g) settle or compromise any claims by or against the society; and

    (h) do all other things necessary for the liquidation of the society and distribution of its property.

Reliance on statements

570.16 A liquidator is not liable if the liquidator relies in good faith on

    (a) financial statements of the society represented to the liquidator by an officer of the society, or on a written report of the auditor of the society, to reflect fairly the financial condition of the society; or

    (b) an opinion, report or statement of an actuary, lawyer, notary, accountant, appraiser or other professional adviser retained by the liquidator.

Examination of others

570.17 (1) If a liquidator has reason to believe that any property of the society is in the possession or under the control of a person or that a person has concealed, withheld or misappropriated the property, the liquidator may apply to the court for an order requiring that person to appear before the court at the time and place designated in the order and to be examined.

Restoration and compensation

(2) If an examination conducted under subsection (1) discloses that a person has concealed, withheld or misappropriated any property of the society, the court may order that person to restore the property or pay compensation to the liquidator.

Costs of liquidation

570.18 A liquidator shall pay the costs of liquidation out of the property of the society and shall pay or make adequate provision for all claims against the society.

Final accounts

570.19 (1) Within one year after the appointment of a liquidator and after paying or making adequate provision for all claims against the society, the liquidator shall apply to the court

    (a) for approval of the final accounts of the liquidator and for an order permitting the distribution, in money or in kind, of the remaining property of the society to its members, if any, or to the incorporators, according to their respective rights; or

    (b) for an extension of time, setting out the reasons for the extension.

Member application

(2) If a liquidator fails to make the application required by subsection (1), a member of the society or, if there are no members of the society, an incorporator may apply to the court for an order for the liquidator to show cause why a final accounting and distribution should not be made.

Notification of final accounts

(3) A liquidator who intends to make an application under subsection (1) shall give notice of that intention to the Superintendent, to each inspector appointed under section 570.11, to each member of the society or, if there are no members, to each incorporator and to any person who provided a security or fidelity bond for the liquidation.


(4) The liquidator shall publish the notice required under subsection (3) in the Canada Gazette, and once a week for two consecutive weeks in one or more newspapers in general circulation in each province in which the society has transacted any business within the preceding twelve months, or as otherwise directed by the court.

Final order

570.2 (1) If the court approves the final accounts rendered by a liquidator, the court shall make an order

    (a) directing the society to apply to the Minister for letters patent dissolving the society;

    (b) directing the custody or disposal of the documents, records and registers of the society; and

    (c) discharging the liquidator except in respect of the duty of a liquidator under subsection (2).

Delivery of order

(2) The liquidator shall without delay send a certified copy of the order referred to in subsection (1) to the Superintendent.

Right to distribution of money

570.21 (1) A member or incorporator may apply to the court for an order requiring the distribution of the remaining property of a society to be in money if, in the course of the liquidation of the society, the members resolve to, or the liquidator proposes to,

    (a) exchange all or substantially all of the remaining property of the society for securities of another entity that are to be distributed to the members or to the incorporators; or

    (b) distribute all or part of the remaining property of the society to the members or to the incorporators in kind.

Powers of court

(2) On an application under subsection (1), the court may order

    (a) all of the remaining property of the society to be converted into and distributed in money; or

    (b) the claim of any member or incorporator applying under this section to be satisfied by a distribution in money.

Order by court

(3) Where an order is made by a court under paragraph (2)(b), the court

    (a) shall fix a fair value on the share of the property of the society attributable to the member or incorporator;

    (b) may in its discretion appoint one or more appraisers to assist the court in fixing a fair value in accordance with paragraph (a); and

    (c) shall render a final order against the society in favour of the member or incorporator for the amount of the share of the property of the society attributable to the member or incorporator.

Dissolution by letters patent

570.22 (1) On an application made under an order under paragraph 570.2(1)(a), the Minister may issue letters patent dissolving the society.

Society dissolved

(2) A society in respect of which letters patent are issued under subsection (1) is dissolved and ceases to exist on the date of the issuance of the letters patent.



570.23 In sections 570.25 and 570.26, ``member'' and ``incorporator'' include the heirs and personal representatives of a member or incorporator.

Continuation of actions

570.24 (1) Even if a society has been dissolved under this Part,

    (a) a civil, criminal or administrative action or proceeding brought by or against the society before its dissolution may be continued as if the society had not been dissolved;

    (b) a civil, criminal or administrative action or proceeding may be brought against the society within two years after its dissolution as if the society had not been dissolved; and

    (c) any property that would have been available to satisfy any judgment or order if the society had not been dissolved remains available for that purpose.

Service on society

(2) Service of a document on a society after its dissolution may be effected by serving the document on a person shown as a director in the incorporating instrument of the society or, if applicable, in the latest return sent to the Superintendent under subsection 549(1).

Limitations on liability

570.25 (1) Even if a society has been dissolved, a member or incorporator to whom any of its property has been distributed is liable to any person claiming under subsection 570.24(1), to the extent of the amount received by that member or incorporator on the distribution.


(2) An action to enforce liability under subsection (1) may not be commenced more than two years after the date of the dissolution of the society.

Action against class

(3) A court may order an action referred to in subsections (1) and (2) to be brought against the persons who were members or incorporators as a class, subject to such conditions as the court thinks fit.


(4) If the plaintiff establishes a claim in an action under subsection (3), the court may refer the proceedings to a referee or other officer of the court who may

    (a) add as a party to the proceedings each person found by the plaintiff to have been a member or incorporator;

    (b) determine, subject to subsection (1), the amount that each person who was a member or incorporator must contribute towards satisfaction of the plaintiff's claim; and

    (c) direct payment of the amounts so determined.

Where creditor cannot be found

570.26 If a creditor, member or incorporator to whom property is to be distributed on the dissolution of a society cannot be found, the portion of the property to be distributed to that creditor, member or incorporator shall be converted into money and paid in accordance with section 570.28.

Vesting in Crown

570.27 Subject to subsection 570.24(1) and sections 570.28 and 570.29, property of a society that has not been disposed of at the date of the dissolution of the society vests in Her Majesty in right of Canada.

Unclaimed money on winding-up

570.28 (1) Where the business of a society is being wound up under this Part, the liquidator or the society shall pay to the Minister on demand, and in any event before the final winding-up of that business, any amount that is payable by the liquidator or the society to a creditor, member or incorporator of the society and that has not, for any reason, been paid.


(2) If a liquidator or a society makes a payment to the Minister under subsection (1) with respect to a creditor, member or incorporator, the liquidator or society shall at the same time forward to the Minister all documents, records and registers in the possession of the liquidator or society that relate to the entitlement of the creditor, member or incorporator.

Payment to Receiver General

(3) The Minister shall pay to the Receiver General all amounts paid to the Minister under subsection (1).

Liquidator and company discharged

(4) Payment by a liquidator or a society to the Minister under subsection (1) discharges the liquidator and the society in respect of which the payment is made from all liability for the amount so paid, and payment by the Minister to the Receiver General under subsection (3) discharges the Minister from all liability for the amount so paid.


570.29 If at any time a person establishes an entitlement to any money paid to the Receiver General under this Part, the Receiver General shall pay an equivalent amount to that person out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

Custody of records after dissolution

570.3 A person who has been granted custody of the documents, records and registers of a dissolved society shall keep them available for production for six years after the date of the dissolution of the society or until the end of such shorter period as may be ordered by the court when it orders the dissolution.

299. (1) The definition ``fraternal benefit society'' in section 571 of the Act is repealed.

(2) Section 571 of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:

``foreign fraternal benefit society''
« société de secours étrangère »

``foreign fraternal benefit society'' means a fraternal benefit society incorporated outside Canada;

300. Subsections 573(1) to (3) of the French version of the Act are replaced by the following:

Ordonnance d'autorisa-

573. (1) La personne morale constituée ailleurs qu'au Canada, notamment une association et un groupe d'échange, ne peut , au Canada, garantir des risques sans obtenir l'agrément délivré par ordonnance du surintendant.


(2) Il est interdit à la société étrangère de garantir au Canada des risques ne correspondant pas aux branches d'assurance précisées dans son ordonnance d'agrément.

Restriction : rentes

(3) Sauf autorisation de garantir au Canada des risques dans la branche assurance-vie, il est interdit à la société étrangère de conclure, au Canada , des contrats de rente.

1996, c. 6, s. 84

301. (1) The portion of paragraph 575(1)(c) of the Act before subparagraph (i) is replaced by the following:

    (c) is the same as or, in the opinion of the Superintendent, substantially the same as or confusingly similar to, any existing trade-mark, trade name or corporate name of a body corporate, except where

1996, c. 6, s. 84

(2) Paragraph 575(1)(d) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (d) is the same as or, in the opinion of the Superintendent, substantially the same as or confusingly similar to, the known name under or by which any entity carries on business or is identified; or

302. Paragraph 579(1)(e) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (e) in the case of a foreign fraternal benefit society,

      (i) a report of an actuary appointed by the foreign fraternal benefit society, in such form as the Superintendent may require, on the results of an actuarial valuation made by the actuary, as of the preceding December 31 or as of any later date specified by the Superintendent, of each of the benefit funds maintained by the foreign fraternal benefit society, having regard to the prospective liabilities of and contributions to each fund, and

      (ii) the opinion of the actuary that the assets of the foreign fraternal benefit society applicable to each fund, taken at the value accepted by the Superintendent, together with the premiums, dues and other contributions to be received after the date of the valuation from the members according to the scale in force at the date of the valuation, are sufficient to provide for the payment at maturity of all of the obligations of the fund without deduction or abatement; and

303. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 587:

Restricted transactions

587.1 (1) Except in accordance with this section, a foreign company shall not

    (a) transfer all or any portion of its policies in Canada or cause itself to be reinsured against all or any portion of the risks undertaken by it in respect of its policies in Canada; or

    (b) purchase or reinsure all or any portion of the policies in Canada of any body corporate.

Approval of the Minister

(2) A foreign company may, with the approval of the Minister,

    (a) transfer all or any portion of its policies in Canada to, or cause itself to be reinsured against all or any portion of the risks undertaken by it in respect of its policies in Canada by, a company, society or foreign company that is authorized to transact the classes of insurance to be transferred or reinsured;

    (b) cause itself to be reinsured, on an indemnity basis, against all or any portion of the risks undertaken by it in respect of its policies in Canada by any body incorporated under the laws of a province that is authorized to transact the classes of insurance to be reinsured; or

    (c) purchase or reinsure all or any portion of the policies in Canada of any body corporate.

Prescribed transactions

(3) The Minister's approval is not required for a transaction described in subsection (2) if it is a prescribed transaction or a transaction in a prescribed class of transactions.

304. Section 589 of the Act is replaced by the following:

No new foreign composite companies

589. The Superintendent may not make or vary an order approving the insuring in Canada of risks by a foreign company if the foreign company would as a result be permitted to insure both risks falling within the class of life insurance and risks falling within any other class of insurance other than accident and sickness insurance, accident insurance, personal accident insurance, sickness insurance and loss of employment insurance .

305. Paragraph 591(2)(d) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (d) to a foreign company that is a foreign fraternal benefit society or a reciprocal or inter-insurance exchange.

1996, c. 6, par. 167(1)(h)

306. Section 594 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Claims against segregated funds

594. A claim against a segregated fund maintained as required by section 593 under a policy in Canada or for an amount in respect of which the fund is maintained has priority over any other claim against the assets of that fund, including the claims referred to in section 161 of the Winding-up and Restructuring Act, except to the extent that the payment of that other claim is secured by a security interest in or on a specific, identifiable asset of the segregated fund.