1. This Schedule should be applied with a view that acceptance
of disposal at sea under certain circumstances does not remove
the obligation to make further attempts to reduce the necessity
for disposal.
2. The initial stages in assessing alternatives to disposal at sea
should, as appropriate, include an evaluation of
3. In general terms, if the required audit reveals that opportuni
ties exist for waste prevention at source, an applicant is ex
pected to formulate and implement a waste prevention strate
gy (in collaboration with relevant local and national agencies)
which includes specific waste reduction targets and provision
for further waste prevention audits to ensure that these targets
are being met. Permit issuance or renewal should be subject to
compliance with this requirement.
4. For dredged material, the goal of waste management should
be to identify and control the sources of contamination. This
should be achieved through implementation of waste preven
tion strategies and requires collaboration between the relevant
local and national agencies involved with the control of point
and non-point sources of pollution. Until this objective is met,
the problems of contaminated dredged material may be ad
dressed by using disposal management techniques at sea or on
5. Applications to dispose of waste or other matter shall demon
strate that appropriate consideration has been given to the fol
lowing hierarchy of waste management options, which im
plies an order of increasing environmental impact:
6. A permit to dispose of waste or other matter shall be refused
if opportunities exist to re-use, recycle or treat the waste or oth
er matter without undue risks to human health or the environ
ment or disproportionate costs. The practical availability of
other means of disposal should be considered in the light of a
comparative risk assessment involving both disposal and the
7. A detailed description and characterization of the waste or oth
er matter is an essential precondition for the consideration of
alternatives and the basis for a decision as to whether the waste
or other matter may be disposed of at sea. If the waste or other
matter is so poorly characterized that proper assessment can
not be made of its potential impacts on human health and the
environment, the waste or other matter shall not be disposed
of at sea.
8. Characterization of the waste or other matter and their constit
uents shall take into account
9. A national Action List shall be developed to provide a mecha
nism for screening candidate waste or other matter and their
constituents on the basis of their potential effects on human
health and the marine environment. In selecting substances for
consideration in the Action List, priority shall be given to tox
ic, persistent and bio-accumulative substances from human
sources (e.g. cadmium, mercury, organohalogens, petroleum
hydrocarbons and, whenever relevant, arsenic, lead, copper,
zinc, beryllium, chromium, nickel and vanadium, organosili
con compounds, cyanides, fluorides and pesticides or their
by-products other than organohalogens). An Action List can
also be used as a trigger mechanism for further waste preven
tion consideration.
10. The Action List shall specify an upper
level and may also specify a lower level. The upper level
should be set so as to avoid acute or chronic effects on human
health or on sensitive marine organisms representative of the
marine ecosystem. Application of the Action List will result
in three possible categories of waste or other matter:
11. Information required to select a disposal
site shall include
12. Assessment of potential effects should
lead to a concise statement of the expected consequences of
the sea or land disposal options (i.e., the Impact Hypothesis).
It provides a basis for deciding whether to approve or reject the
proposed disposal option and for defining environmental
monitoring requirements.
13. The assessment for disposal should inte
grate information on waste characteristics, conditions at the
proposed disposal site(s), fluxes and proposed disposal tech
niques and specify the potential effects on human health, liv
ing resources, amenities and other legitimate uses of the sea.
It should define the nature, temporal and spatial scales and
duration of expected impacts based on reasonably conserva
tive assumptions.
14. An analysis of each disposal option
should be considered in light of a comparative assessment of
the following concerns: human health risks, environmental
costs, hazards (including accidents), economics and exclusion
of future uses. If this assessment reveals that adequate in
formation is not available to determine the likely effects of the
proposed disposal option, then this option should not be con
sidered further. In addition, if the interpretation of the compar
ative assessment shows the disposal option to be less prefera
ble, a permit for disposal at sea shall not be given.
15. Each assessment should conclude with a
statement supporting a decision to issue or refuse a permit for
disposal at sea.
16. Monitoring is used to verify that permit
conditions are met (compliance monitoring) and that the as
sumptions made during the permit review and site selection
process were correct and sufficient to protect human health
and the environment (field monitoring). It is essential that
such monitoring programs have clearly defined objectives.
17. A decision to issue a permit should only
be made if all impact evaluations are completed and the moni
toring requirements are determined. The provisions of the per
mit shall ensure, as far as practicable, that environmental dis
turbance and detriment are minimized and the benefits maxi
mized. Any permit issued shall contain data and information
18. Disposal sites should be reviewed at reg
ular intervals, taking into account the results of monitoring
and the objectives of monitoring programs. Review of moni
toring results will indicate whether field programs need to be
continued, revised or terminated, and will contribute to in
formed decisions regarding the continuance, modification or
closure of disposal sites. This provides an important feedback
mechanism for the protection of human health and the marine