(a) the partnership is deemed not to have acquired or imported the property or service except as otherwise provided in subsection 175(1);

    (b) where the member is not an individual, for the purpose of determining an input tax credit or rebate of the member in respect of the property or service and, in the case of property that is acquired or imported for use as capital property of the member, applying Subdivision d of Division II in relation to the property, subsection (1) does not apply to deem the member not to have acquired or imported the property or service and the member is deemed to be engaged in those activities of the partnership; and

    (c) where the member is not an individual and the partnership at any time pays an amount to the member as a reimbursement and is entitled to claim an input tax credit in respect of the property or service in circumstances in which subsection 175(1) applies, any input tax credit in respect of the property or service that the member would, but for this paragraph, be entitled to claim in a return of the member that is filed with the Minister after that time shall be reduced by the amount of the input tax credit that the partnership is entitled to claim.

Supply to partnership

(3) Where a person who is or agrees to become a member of a partnership supplies property or a service to the partnership otherwise than in the course of the partnership's activities

    (a) where the property or service is acquired by the partnership for consumption, use or supply exclusively in the course of commercial activities of the partnership, any amount that the partnership agrees to pay to or credit the person in respect of the property or service is deemed to be consideration for the supply that becomes due at the time the amount is paid or credited; and

    (b) in any other case, the supply is deemed to have been made for consideration that becomes due at the time the supply is made equal to the fair market value at that time of the property or service acquired by the partnership determined as if the person were not a member of the partnership and were dealing at arm's length with the partnership.

Deemed supply to partner

(4) Where a partnership disposes of property of the partnership

    (a) to a person who, at the time the disposition is agreed to or otherwise arranged, is or has agreed to become a member of the partnership, or

    (b) to a person as a consequence of that person ceasing to be a member of the partnership,

the following rules apply:

    (c) the partnership is deemed to have made to the person, and the person is deemed to have received from the partnership, a supply of the property for consideration that becomes due at the time the property is disposed of equal to the total fair market value of the property (including the fair market value of the person's interest in the property) immediately before the time the property is disposed of, and

    (d) subsection 172(2) does not apply in respect of the supply.

Joint and several liability

(5) A partnership and each member or former member (each of which is referred to in this subsection as the ``member'') of the partnership (other than a member who is a limited partner and is not a general partner) are jointly and severally liable for

    (a) the payment or remittance of all amounts that become payable or remittable by the partnership under this Part before or during the period during which the member is a member of the partnership or, where the member was a member of the partnership at the time the partnership was dissolved, after the dissolution of the partnership, except that

      (i) the member is liable for the payment or remittance of amounts that become payable or remittable before the period only to the extent of the property and money that is regarded as property or money of the partnership under the relevant laws of general application in force in a province relating to partnerships, and

      (ii) the payment or remittance by the partnership or by any member thereof of an amount in respect of the liability discharges the joint liability to the extent of that amount; and

    (b) all other obligations under this Part that arose before or during that period for which the partnership is liable or, where the member was a member of the partnership at the time the partnership was dissolved, the obligations that arose upon or as a consequence of the dissolution.

Continuation of partnership

(6) Where a partnership would, but for this subsection, be regarded as having ceased to exist, the partnership is deemed for the purposes of this Part not to have ceased to exist until the registration of the partnership is cancelled.

Continuation of predecessor partnership by new partnership

(7) Where

    (a) a partnership (in this subsection referred to as the ``predecessor partnership'') would, but for this section, be regarded as having ceased at any time to exist,

    (b) a majority of the members of the predecessor partnership that together had, at or immediately before that time, more than a 50% interest in the capital of the predecessor partnership become members of another partnership of which they comprise more than half of the members, and

    (c) the members of the predecessor partnership who become members of the other partnership transfer to the other partnership all or substantially all of the property distributed to them in settlement of their capital interests in the predecessor partnership,

except where the other partnership is registered or applies for registration under section 240, the other partnership is deemed to be a continuation of and the same person as the predecessor partnership.

(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on April 24, 1996 except that

    (a) subsection 272.1(2) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), also applies for the purpose of determining an input tax credit for a reporting period beginning on or before April 23, 1996 claimed in a return that is received by the Minister of National Revenue on or after that day or deemed under paragraph 296(5)(a) of the Act to have been claimed as a result of an assessment made on or after that day;

    (b) where a supply or disposition referred to in subsection 272.1(3) or (4) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), was made by a registrant to another person on or before April 23, 1996 and the amount charged or collected as or on account of tax under Part IX of the Act in respect of the supply or disposition exceeds the amount of tax under that Part that was payable in respect of the supply or disposition,

      (i) where the Minister of National Revenue receives, on or after April 23, 1996, an application under subsection 261(1) of the Act for a rebate of the excess (other than an application deemed under paragraph 296(5)(a) of the Act to have been filed as a result of an assessment made on or after that day), subsections 272.1(3) and (4) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), apply to the supply or disposition for the purpose of determining the amount of the rebate if any, and

      (ii) in any other case (except where the Minister of National Revenue received, before April 23, 1996, an application under subsection 261(1) of the Act for a rebate of the excess), the amount charged or collected as or on account of tax under Part IX of the Act in respect of the supply or disposition is deemed to be the amount of tax under that Part that was payable in respect of the supply or disposition; and

    (c) subsection 272.1(5) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), applies to amounts that become payable or remittable after April 23, 1996 and to all other amounts and obligations outstanding after that day.

1990, c. 45, s. 12(1)

77. (1) Section 279 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Meaning of ``electronic filing''

278.1 (1) For the purposes of this section, ``electronic filing'' means using electronic media in a manner specified in writing by the Minister.

Application for electronic filing

(2) A person who is required to file with the Minister returns under this Part and who meets the criteria specified in writing by the Minister may file with the Minister in prescribed manner an application, in prescribed form containing prescribed information, for authorization to file the returns by way of electronic filing.


(3) Where the Minister receives an application of a person under subsection (2) and is satisfied that the person meets the criteria referred to in that subsection, the Minister may, in writing, authorize the person to file returns by way of electronic filing, subject to such conditions as the Minister may at any time impose.


(4) The Minister may revoke an authorization granted to a person under subsection (3) where

    (a) the person, in writing, requests the Minister to revoke the authorization,

    (b) the person fails to comply with any condition imposed in respect of the authorization or any provision of this Part,

    (c) the Minister is no longer satisfied that the criteria referred to in subsection (2) are met, or

    (d) the Minister considers that the authorization is no longer required,

and shall notify the person in writing of the revocation and its effective date.

Deemed filing

(5) For the purposes of this Part, where a person files a return by way of electronic filing, it is deemed to be a return in prescribed form filed with the Minister on the day the Minister acknowledges acceptance of it.

Execution of documents

279. A return (other than a return filed by way of electronic filing under section 278.1), certificate or other document made by a person (other than an individual) under this Part or under a regulation made under this Part shall be signed on behalf of the person by an individual duly authorized to do so by the person or the governing body of the person and, where the person is a corporation or an association or organization that has duly elected or appointed officers, the president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer thereof, or other equivalent officers, are deemed to be so duly authorized.

(2) Subsection (1) applies after September 1994.

1993, c. 27, s. 129(1)

78. (1) Paragraph 296(1)(e) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (e) any amount which a person is liable to pay or remit under subsection 177(1.1) or Subdivision a or b.1 of Division VII,

1990, c. 45, s. 12(1); 1993, c. 27, s. 129(2), (3)

(2) Subsections 296(2) to (5) of the Act are replaced by the following:

Allowance of unclaimed credit

(2) Where, in assessing the net tax of a person for a particular reporting period of the person, the Minister determines that

    (a) an amount (in this subsection referred to as the ``allowable credit'') would have been allowed as an input tax credit for the particular reporting period or as a deduction in determining the net tax for the particular reporting period if it had been claimed in a return under Division V for the particular reporting period filed on the day that is the day on or before which the return for the particular reporting period was required to be filed and the requirements, if any, of subsection 169(4) or 234(1) respecting documentation that apply in respect of the allowable credit had been met,

    (b) the allowable credit was not claimed by the person in a return filed before the day notice of the assessment is sent to the person or was so claimed but was disallowed by the Minister, and

    (c) the allowable credit would be allowed, as an input tax credit or deduction in determining the net tax for a reporting period of the person, if it were claimed in a return under Division V filed on the day notice of the assessment is sent to the person or would be disallowed if it were claimed in that return only because the period for claiming the allowable credit expired before that day,

the Minister shall, unless otherwise requested by the person, take the allowable credit into account in assessing the net tax for the particular reporting period as if the person had claimed the allowable credit in a return filed for the period.

Allowance of unclaimed rebate

(2.1) Where, in assessing the net tax of a person for a reporting period of the person or an amount (in this subsection referred to as the ``overdue amount'') that became payable by a person under this Part, the Minister determines that

    (a) an amount (in this subsection referred to as the ``allowable rebate'') would have been payable to the person as a rebate if it had been claimed in an application under this Part filed on the particular day that is

      (i) if the assessment is in respect of net tax for the reporting period, the day on or before which the return under Division V for the period was required to be filed, or

      (ii) if the assessment is in respect of an overdue amount, the day on which the overdue amount became payable by the person,

    and, where the rebate is in respect of an amount that is being assessed, if the person had paid or remitted that amount,

    (b) the allowable rebate was not claimed by the person in an application filed before the day notice of the assessment is sent to the person, and

    (c) the allowable rebate would be payable to the person if it were claimed in an application under this Part filed on the day notice of the assessment is sent to the person or would be disallowed if it were claimed in that application only because the period for claiming the allowable rebate expired before that day,

the Minister shall, unless otherwise requested by the person, apply all or part of the allowable rebate against that net tax or overdue amount as if the person had, on the particular day, paid or remitted the amount so applied on account of that net tax or overdue amount.

Application or payment of credit

(3) Where, in assessing the net tax of a person for a particular reporting period of the person, the Minister determines that there is an overpayment of net tax for the particular period, except where the assessment is made in the circumstances described in paragraph 298(4)(a) or (b) after the time otherwise limited therefor by paragraph 298(1)(a), the Minister shall, unless otherwise requested by the person,

    (a) apply

      (i) all or part of the overpayment


      (ii) any amount (in this paragraph referred to as the ``outstanding amount'') that, on or before the particular day that is the day on or before which the person was required to file a return under this Part for the particular period, the person defaulted in paying or remitting under this Part and that remains unpaid or unremitted on the day notice of the assessment is sent to the person,

    as if the person had, on the particular day, paid or remitted the amount so applied on account of the outstanding amount;

    (b) apply

      (i) all or part of the overpayment that was not applied under paragraph (a) together with interest thereon at the prescribed rate, computed for the period beginning on the day that is twenty-one days after the latest of

        (A) the particular day,

        (B) the day on which the return for the particular reporting period was filed, and

        (C) in the case of an overpayment that is attributable to a payment or remittance made on a day subsequent to the days referred to in clauses (A) and (B), that subsequent day,

      and ending on the day on which the person defaulted in paying or remitting the outstanding amount referred to in subparagraph (ii)


      (ii) any amount (in this paragraph referred to as the ``outstanding amount'') that, on a day (in this paragraph referred to as the ``later day'') after the particular day, the person defaulted in paying or remitting under this Part and that remains unpaid or unremitted on the day notice of the assessment is sent to the person,

    as if the person had, on the later day, paid the amount and interest so applied on account of the outstanding amount; and

    (c) refund to the person that part of the overpayment that was not applied under paragraphs (a) and (b) together with interest thereon at the prescribed rate, computed for the period beginning on the day that is twenty-one days after the latest of

      (i) the particular day,

      (ii) the day on which the return for the particular reporting period was filed, and

      (iii) in the case of an overpayment that is attributable to a payment or remittance made on a day subsequent to the days referred to in subparagraphs (i) and (ii), that subsequent day,

    and ending on the day the refund is paid to the person.

Application or payment of rebate

(3.1) Where, in assessing the net tax of a person for a particular reporting period of the person or an amount (in this subsection referred to as the ``overdue amount'') that became payable by a person under this Part, all or part of an allowable rebate referred to in subsection (2.1) is not applied under that subsection against that net tax or overdue amount, except where the assessment is made in the circumstances described in paragraph 298(4)(a) or (b) after the time otherwise limited therefor by paragraph 298(1)(a), the Minister shall, unless otherwise requested by the person,

    (a) apply

      (i) all or part of the allowable rebate that was not applied under subsection (2.1)


      (ii) any other amount (in this paragraph referred to as the ``outstanding amount'') that, on or before the particular day that is