that consideration is deemed, for the purpose
of applying subsection 165(2) to the supply, to
have become due on that implementation date
and not to have been paid before that imple
mentation date.
Interpreta- tion
(3) For the purposes of this section, ``con
tinuous freight movement'', ``freight trans
portation service'' and ``shipper'' have the
same meanings as in Part VII of Schedule VI.
Meaning of
360. (1) In this section, ``funeral services''
includes the provision of a coffin, a headstone
or any other property relating to the funeral,
burial or cremation of an individual that is
provided under an arrangement for the provi
sion of funeral services.
entered into
implementa- tion
(2) Where
no tax is payable by the trustee under subsec
tion 165(2) in respect of the supply in that
province of funeral services under the ar
rangement or under section 212.1 or subsec
tion 218.1(1), 220.05(1), 220.06(1), 220.07(1)
or 220.08(1) in respect of funeral services sup
plied under the arrangement for consumption
or use in that province.
entered into
implementa- tion
(3) Where an arrangement to supply funeral
services in respect of an individual is entered
into in writing at any time before the imple
mentation date for a participating province
and, at that time, it is reasonable to expect that
all or a part of the consideration for the supply
of the funeral services will be paid before the
individual's death, no tax is payable under
subsection 165(2) in respect of the supply in
that province of funeral services under the
arrangement or under section 212.1 or subsec
tion 218.1(1), 220.05(1), 220.06(1), 220.07(1)
or 220.08(1) in respect of funeral services
supplied under the arrangement for consump
tion or use in that province.
products held
implementa- tion
361. (1) Where before the implementation
date for a participating province, when an
approval of the Minister for the application of
section 178.3 to a direct seller is in effect, the
direct seller has made a taxable supply by way
of sale (other than a zero-rated supply) of an
exclusive product of the direct seller to an
independent sales contractor of a direct seller
who is not a distributor in respect of whom an
approval granted under subsection 178.2(4)
on application made jointly with the direct
seller is in effect and the independent sales
contractor holds, at the beginning of that day,
the exclusive product for sale in a participat
ing province, for the purpose of applying
subsection 165(2) or 220.05(1), as the case
may require, the direct seller is deemed to
have made and the independent sales contrac
tor is deemed to have received, on that
implementation date, a supply by way of sale
of the exclusive product in accordance with
the rules provided in subsection 178.3(1).
products held
implementa- tion
(2) Where before the implementation date
for a participating province, when an approval
of the Minister for the application of section
178.4 to a distributor of a direct seller is in
effect, the distributor has made a taxable
supply by way of sale (other than a zero-rated
supply) of an exclusive product of the direct
seller to an independent sales contractor of a
direct seller who is not a distributor in respect
of whom an approval granted under subsec
tion 178.2(4) on application made jointly with
the direct seller is in effect and the indepen
dent sales contractor holds, at the beginning of
that day, the exclusive product for sale in a
participating province, for the purpose of
applying subsection 165(2) or 220.05(1), as
the case may require, the distributor is deemed
to have made and the independent sales
contractor is deemed to have received, on that
implementation date, a supply by way of sale
of the exclusive product in accordance with
the rules provided in subsection 178.4(1).
(3) In this section, ``direct seller'', ``distrib
utor'', ``exclusive product'' and ``independent
sales contractor'' have the meanings assigned
by section 178.1.
Subdivision d
Special cases
362. (1) In this section, ``Advisory Group'',
``Crossing'' and ``Developer'' have the mean
ings assigned by section 1 of the Northumber
land Strait Crossing Act, S.N.B. 1993, c.
Northumber- land Strait Crossing
(2) No tax is payable under subsection
165(2) in respect of a supply of property or
services that are acquired by the recipient of
the supply for consumption or use exclusively
in the construction of the Crossing.
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to a supply
made to a recipient who is not the Developer
unless the recipient provides the supplier with
a valid exemption certificate in respect of the
supply issued by the Advisory Group.
implementa- tion
363. (1) Notwithstanding subsection
237(2), where a registrant (other than a
selected listed financial institution) to whom
subsection 237(1) applies is resident in a
participating province and a reporting period
of the registrant begins during the calendar
year in which the province becomes a partici
pating province, for the purpose of determin
ing the amount of instalment payments under
subsection 237(1), if any, that become payable
after the first fiscal quarter of the registrant
beginning on or after the implementation date
for the province, the registrant's instalment
base for the reporting period is equal to the
lesser of
Selected listed
institutions -
instalments in
(2) Notwithstanding subsection 237(1),
where a particular reporting period of a
selected listed financial institution ends in a
particular fiscal year ending in a taxation year
of the financial institution and the particular
fiscal year begins before April 1, 1997 and
ends on or after that day, the instalment to be
paid under that subsection within one month
after the end of each fiscal quarter ending on
or after that day in the particular reporting
period is the amount determined under which
ever of the following paragraphs the financial
institution has elected in prescribed form to
determine the instalments for those fiscal
quarters under:
A + (B/4) |
A is the total of all amounts, each of
which is determined, for a participat
ing province, by the formula
C x D x (E/F) x G/365 H |
C is the financial institution's instal
ment base for the particular report
ing period determined under para
graph 237(2)(b) as if the financial
institution were not a selected listed
financial institution and tax were
not imposed under any of subsection
165(2), sections 212.1 and 218.1
and Division IV.1,
D is the lesser of the financial institu
tion's percentage for the participat
ing province for the taxation year
and the financial institution's per
centage for the participating prov
ince for the immediately preceding
taxation year, each determined in
accordance with the prescribed
method that applies to that financial
E is the tax rate for the participating
F is 7%,
G is the number of days in the particu
lar reporting period after March
1997, and
H is the number of fiscal quarters
ending on or after April 1, 1997 and
in the particular reporting period,
B is the financial institution's instalment
base for the particular reporting period
determined under paragraph 237(2)(b)
as if the financial institution were not
a selected listed financial institution
and tax were not imposed under any of
subsection 165(2), sections 212.1 and
218.1 and Division IV.1;
A + B/4 |
A is the total of all amounts, each of which
is determined, for a participating prov
ince, by the formula
C x D x (E/F) x G/365 H |
C is the amount determined under para
graph 237(2)(b),
D is the financial institution's percentage
for the participating province for the
immediately preceding taxation year,
determined in accordance with the
prescribed method that applies to that
financial institution,
E is the tax rate for the participating
F is 7%,
G is the number of days in the particular
reporting period after March 1997, and
H is the number of fiscal quarters ending
on or after April 1, 1997 and in the
particular reporting period, and
B is the amount determined under para
graph 237(2)(b);
(A + B) + C/4 |
A is the total of all amounts, each of
which is determined, for a participat
ing province, by the formula
[(D - E) x F x (G/H) x I/365 ] - K J |
D is the total of
(A) all tax that became payable
under any of subsection 165(1)
and sections 212 and 218 by the
financial institution during the
particular reporting period or that
was paid by the financial institu
tion during the particular report
ing period without having be
come payable, and
(B) all tax under subsection
165(1) that would have become
payable by the financial institu
tion during the particular report
ing period but for an election
made under section 150,
E is the total of
(A) all input tax credits of the
financial institution for the partic
ular reporting period or preceding
reporting periods of the financial
institution claimed by the finan
cial institution in the return under
this Division filed by the financial
institution for the particular re
porting period, and
(B) all amounts that would have
been input tax credits of the
financial institution for the partic
ular reporting period of the finan
cial institution if the financial
institution had not made an elec
tion under section 150,
F is the lesser of the financial institu
tion's percentage for the participat
ing province for the taxation year
and the financial institution's per
centage for the participating prov
ince for the immediately preceding
taxation year, each determined in
accordance with the prescribed
method that applies to that financial
G is the tax rate for the participating
H is 7%,
I is the number of days in the particu
lar reporting period after March
J is the number of fiscal quarters
ending on or after April 1, 1997 and
in the particular reporting period,
K is the total of all tax under subsec
tion 165(2) in respect of supplies
made in the participating province
to the financial institution or under
section 212.1 in respect of goods
imported by the financial institution
for use in the participating province
that became payable by the financial
institution during the particular re
porting period or that was paid by
the financial institution during the
particular reporting period without
having become payable,
B is the total of all amounts that became
collectible and all other amounts col
lected by the financial institution in the
fiscal quarter as or on account of tax
under subsection 165(2), and
C is the financial institution's instalment
base for the particular reporting period
determined under paragraph 237(2)(b)
as if the financial institution were not
a selected listed financial institution
and tax were not imposed under any of
subsection 165(2), sections 212.1 and
218.1 and Division IV.1; or
(A + B) + C/4 |
A is the total of all amounts, each of which
is determined, for a participating prov
ince, by the formula
[(D - E) x F x (G/H) x (I/365)] - K J |
D is the total of all amounts each of
which is
(i) tax that became payable under
any of subsection 165(1) and sec
tions 212 and 218 by the financial
institution during a reporting period
(in this paragraph referred to as the
``earlier reporting period'') of the
financial institution ending in the
twelve-month period immediately
preceding the particular reporting
period or that was paid by the
financial institution during the earli
er reporting period without having
become payable, and
(ii) tax under subsection 165(1) that
would have become payable by the
financial institution during the earli
er reporting period but for an elec
tion made under section 150,
E is the total of
(i) all input tax credits of the finan
cial institution for the earlier report
ing period or preceding reporting
periods of the financial institution
claimed by the financial institution
in the return under Division V filed
by the financial institution for the
earlier reporting period, and
(ii) all amounts that would have
been input tax credits of the finan
cial institution for the earlier report
ing period if the financial institution
had not made an election under
section 150,
F is the financial institution's percentage
for the participating province for the
immediately preceding taxation year,
determined in accordance with the
prescribed method that applies to that
financial institution,
G is the tax rate for the participating
H is 7%,
I is the number of days in the particular
reporting period after March 1997,