(a) no tax is payable under subsection 165(2) in respect of any supply of the complex or any residential condominium unit located in the complex made by that builder or any successor in title other than

      (i) a taxable supply made by way of lease, licence or similar arrangement,

      (ii) a taxable supply by way of sale of the condominium complex made after either the builder or the successor has used the complex as capital property in a business of the builder or successor, substantially renovated the complex or made another supply by way of sale of the complex and subsequently reacquired it, or

      (iii) a taxable supply by way of sale of a residential condominium unit located in the complex made after either the builder or the successor has used the unit as capital property in a business of the builder or successor or made another supply by way of sale of the unit and subsequently reacquired it; and

    (b) no amount in respect of tax payable under subsection 165(2), section 212.1 or subsection 218.1(1), 220.05(1), 220.06(1), 220.07(1) or 220.08(1) shall be included in determining an input tax credit of the builder or successor in respect of any property or service to the extent that it was acquired, imported or brought into a partici pating province by the builder or successor for consumption or use in making a supply of the complex or the residential condomin ium unit located in the complex in respect of which tax under subsection 165(2) is not payable because of paragraph (a).

Transfer of residential condominium unit by limited partnership

(7) Where

    (a) an offering memorandum (within the meaning assigned by subsection 336(6)), in respect of an offer to sell interests in a limited partnership, is issued to prospective subscribers on or before the announcement date for a participating province,

    (b) at the time the offering memorandum is issued, it is proposed that the limited partnership will exclusively engage in the activities of acquiring land in that province or a beneficial interest therein, constructing a condominium complex on the land, owning residential condominium units lo cated in the complex and supplying those units by way of lease, licence or similar arrangement for the purpose of their occu pancy by individuals as places of residence,

    (c) the offering memorandum does not provide for an increase in the subscription prices (within the meaning assigned by subsection 336(6)) of the interests in the partnership because of a change in the application of taxes and those subscription prices are not increased after that day and before the offer to sell the interests expires,

    (d) a particular interest in the limited partnership is transferred to a subscriber in accordance with the offering memoran dum,

    (e) the limited partnership, whether or not in concert with another person,

      (i) acquires ownership of land in that province or a beneficial interest therein before the implementation date for that province, and

      (ii) engages a person to construct a condominium complex on that land

    under agreements in writing entered into on or before the announcement date for that province or under agreements in writing entered into after that day that substantially conform with terms and conditions relating to those agreements as set out in the offering memorandum,

    (f) the particular interest relates to a particu lar residential condominium unit that is owned by the limited partnership and is located in the condominium complex, and

    (g) possession of the particular residential condominium unit is given on or after the implementation date for that province to a person under a lease, licence or similar arrangement for the purpose of its occupan cy by an individual as a place of residence,

the following rules apply:

    (h) no tax is payable by the limited partner ship under subsection 165(2) in respect of a supply made under an agreement referred to in paragraph (e),

    (i) no amount in respect of tax payable under subsection 165(2), section 212.1 or subsection 218.1(1), 220.05(1), 220.06(1), 220.07(1) or 220.08(1) shall be included in determining an input tax credit of the supplier in respect of any property or service to the extent that it was acquired, imported or brought into a participating province by the supplier for consumption or use in making the supply,

    (j) no tax is payable by the limited partner ship under subsection 165(2) in respect of a supply of any unit located in the complex deemed under subsection 191(1) to have been made, and

    (k) no amount in respect of tax payable by the limited partnership under subsection 165(2), section 212.1 or subsection 218.1(1), 220.05(1), 220.06(1), 220.07(1) or 220.08(1) shall be included in determin ing an input tax credit of the limited partnership in respect of

      (i) any improvement to the land or complex, or

      (ii) any other property or service to the extent that it was acquired, imported or brought into a participating province by the limited partnership for consumption or use in making a supply of the complex or a unit located in the complex.

Agreement for progress payments before implementa-

(8) Where a taxable supply is made in a participating province to an individual under an agreement in writing entered into on or before the announcement date for that prov ince between the supplier and the individual to construct or substantially renovate a single unit residential complex, a residential condo minium unit or a multiple unit residential complex that does not contain more than two residential units for use as the primary place of residence of the individual or another individ ual who is related to, or is the former spouse of, the individual,

    (a) no tax is payable under subsection 165(2) in respect of the supply; and

    (b) no amount in respect of tax payable under subsection 165(2), section 212.1 or subsection 218.1(1), 220.05(1), 220.06(1), 220.07(1) or 220.08(1) shall be included in determining an input tax credit of the supplier in respect of any property or service to the extent that it was acquired, imported or brought into a participating province by the supplier for consumption or use in making the supply.

Property and Services

Transfer of personal property before implementa-

352. (1) Where a taxable supply by way of sale of tangible personal property is made in a participating province to a person under an agreement in writing entered into on or before the announcement date for that province, to the extent that

    (a) the property is delivered to the person before the implementation date for that province, or

    (b) ownership of the property is transferred to the person before that implementation date,

no tax is payable under subsection 165(2) in respect of any consideration for the supply of the property under the agreement.

Imported taxable supply under pre-
announcemen t date agreement

(2) Where an imported taxable supply (within the meaning assigned by section 217) of tangible personal property is made, under an agreement in writing entered into on or before the announcement date for a participat ing province, to a person who is

    (a) resident in that province, or

    (b) a registrant to whom physical posses sion of the property is transferred in that province,

and physical possession of the property is transferred to the person before the imple mentation date for that province, no tax is pay able under subsection 218.1(1) in respect of any consideration for the supply of the proper ty under the agreement.

No written agreement

(3) Where a taxable supply by way of sale of tangible personal property (other than a supply to which subsection (1) applies) is made in a participating province to a person, to the extent that

    (a) the property is delivered to the person before the implementation date for that province, or

    (b) ownership of the property is transferred to the person before that implementation date,

no tax is payable under subsection 165(2) in respect of any consideration for the supply that is paid or becomes due before the day that is four months after that implementation date.

Imported taxable supply

(4) Where an imported taxable supply (within the meaning assigned by section 217) of tangible personal property (other than a supply to which subsection (2) applies) is made to a person who is

    (a) resident in a participating province, or

    (b) a registrant to whom physical posses sion of the property is transferred in that province,

and physical possession of the property is transferred to the person before the imple mentation date for that province, no tax is pay able under subsection 218.1(1) in respect of any consideration for the supply that is paid or becomes due before the day that is four months after that implementation date.

Continuous supplies

(5) To the extent that consideration for a supply made in a participating province of electricity, natural gas, steam or any property or service that

    (a) in the case of property, is delivered or made available, or

    (b) in the case of a service, is performed or made available

on a continuous basis by means of a wire, pipe line or other conduit is paid or becomes due before the day that is four months after the im plementation date for that province, no tax is payable under subsection 165(2) in respect of the property or service delivered, performed or made available, as the case may be, to the recipient before the implementation date for that province.

Continuous supplies

(6) To the extent that consideration for a taxable supply made in a participating prov ince of electricity, natural gas, steam or any property or service that

    (a) in the case of property, is delivered or made available, or

    (b) in the case of a service, is performed or made available

on a continuous basis by means of a wire, pipe line or other conduit becomes due on or after the day that is four months after the imple mentation date for that province, or is paid on or after that day without having become due, and at a time when the supplier is a registrant, subsection 165(2) applies to the supply in re spect of that consideration regardless of when the property or service is delivered, performed or made available, as the case may be.

Payment before implementa-
tion for subscription

(7) No tax is payable under subsection 165(2) or section 212.1 in respect of any consideration for a taxable supply made in a participating province of a subscription for newspapers, magazines or other publications published periodically that is paid before the implementation date for that province.

Prepayment after specified pre-
implementatio n date for tangible personal property

(8) Except where subsection (7) applies, where a taxable supply of tangible personal property by way of sale is made

    (a) in a participating province, or

    (b) outside Canada to a person who is resident in a participating province,

any consideration that becomes due, or is paid without having become due, on or after the specified pre-implementation date for that province and before the implementation date for that province for property that is not deliv ered to the recipient and ownership of which is not transferred to the recipient before that implementation date is deemed, for the pur pose of applying subsection 165(2) or section 218.1 to the supply, as the case may require, to have become due on that implementation date and not to have been paid before that imple mentation date.

Prepayment before specified pre-
implementatio n date for tangible personal property

(9) Subject to subsections (5) and (7), where a taxable supply of tangible personal property is made by way of sale

    (a) in a participating province by a regis trant to a person who is not a consumer, or

    (b) outside Canada to a person who is resident in a participating province and who is not a consumer,

ownership and possession of the property are not transferred to the person before the imple mentation date for that province and consider ation for the supply becomes due or is paid without having become due after the an nouncement date for that province and before the specified pre-implementation date for that province,

    (c) tax under subsection 165(2) or 218.1(1), as the case may require, is, notwithstanding subsection 218.1(2), payable in respect of that consideration if it would, but for that subsection, have been payable if the consid eration had become due and been paid on the implementation date for the province, unless, in the case of tax under subsection 165(2), the property is acquired by the person for consumption, use or supply exclusively in commercial activities of the person and the person is neither a registrant that is a selected listed financial institution nor a registrant whose net tax is determined under section 225.1 or under Part IV or V of the Streamlined Accounting (GST) Regula tions,

    (d) where the person is a registrant whose return under section 238 for the reporting period that includes the implementation date for the province is required to be filed on a particular day before the day that is four months after that implementation date, the person shall pay the tax to the Receiver General on or before the particular day and report the tax in that return, and

    (e) where paragraph (d) does not apply, section 219 does not apply in respect of that tax and the person shall, before the day that is four months after that implementation date, pay the tax to the Receiver General and file with the Minister in prescribed manner a return in respect of the tax in prescribed form containing prescribed in formation.

Prepayments before specified pre-
implementatio n date for services

(10) Subject to subsections (5) and 356(1), 358(1) and 359(1), where a taxable supply of a service is made

    (a) in a participating province by a regis trant to a person who is not a consumer, or

    (b) outside the participating provinces to a person who is resident in a participating province and who is not a consumer,

and consideration became due or was paid without having become due after the an nouncement date for that province and before the specified pre-implementation date for that province for any part of the service that was not performed before the implementation date for that province,

    (c) tax under subsection 165(2), 218.1(1) or 220.08(1), as the case may require, is, notwithstanding subsection 218.1(2) and section 220.04, payable in respect of that consideration if, but for subsection 218.1(2) and section 220.04, it would have been payable if the consideration had become due and been paid on the implementation date for the province and, in the case of tax under subsection 220.08(1), if section 1 of Part II of Schedule X did not apply, unless, in the case of tax under subsection 165(2) or 220.08(1),

      (i) the person is neither a registrant that is a selected listed financial institution nor a registrant whose net tax is determined under section 225.1 or under Part IV or V of the Streamlined Accounting (GST) Regulations, and

      (ii) the service is acquired by the person for consumption, use or supply exclu sively in commercial activities of the person,

    (d) where the person is a registrant whose return under section 238 for the reporting period that includes the implementation date for the province is required to be filed on a particular day before the day that is four months after that implementation date, the person shall pay the tax to the Receiver General on or before the particular day and report the tax in that return, and

    (e) where paragraph (d) does not apply, section 219 and subsection 220.09(1) do not apply in respect of that tax and the person shall, before the day that is four months after that implementation date, pay the tax to the Receiver General and file with the Minister in prescribed manner a return in respect of the tax in prescribed form containing prescribed information.

Tangible personal property returned after implementa-

(11) Where a person purchased tangible personal property in a participating province from a supplier before the implementation date for that province and, on or after that implementation date and before the day that is four months after that implementation date, the person returns the property to the supplier in exchange for other tangible personal prop erty that the supplier supplies to the person in the province,

    (a) if the consideration for the supply of the other property exceeds the consideration for the returned property, tax under subsec tion 165(2) in respect of the other property applies only on the excess amount; and

    (b) if the consideration for the supply of the other property is less than or equal to the consideration for the returned property, no tax under subsection 165(2) is payable in respect of the supply of the other property.

Supply completed

(12) Where all or part of the consideration for a taxable supply by way of sale of tangible personal property made in a participating province becomes due or is paid without having become due on or after the day that is four months after the implementation date for that province and ownership or possession of the property was transferred before that imple mentation date to the recipient under the agreement for the supply,

    (a) where paragraph 168(3)(a) applies, ownership and possession of the property, and

    (b) where paragraph 168(3)(b) applies, ownership of the property,

is, for the purpose of determining when tax un der subsection 165(2) becomes payable in re spect of the supply, deemed to have been transferred to the recipient on the day that is four months after that implementation date.


(13) This section does not apply to a supply in a participating province to which section 353 applies.

Budget arrangements

353. (1) Where a supply of property or a service (other than a subscription for newspa pers, magazines or other publications pub lished periodically) is made in a participating province and the consideration for the supply of the property or service delivered, per formed or made available during any period beginning before the implementation date for that province and ending on or after that implementation date is paid by the recipient under a budget payment arrangement with a reconciliation of the payments to take place at or after the end of the period and before the day that is one year after that implementation date, at the time the supplier issues an invoice for the reconciliation of the payments, the supplier shall determine the positive or nega tive amount determined by the formula