(c) December 31, 1997, and

    (d) where the Minister assesses the amount of a rebate referred to in subsec tion (2) that is payable to the partnership under section 261 of the Act in respect of those units, the day on which that assess ment is made,

make a further determination under sec tion 72 of the Act of the amount of the rebate that is payable to the partnership under sec tion 121 of the Act or, where an amount has been paid to the partnership in respect of that rebate in excess of the amount to which the partnership is entitled, assess the excess as an amount payable by the partnership under subsection 81.39(1) of the Act.

85. (1) Section 1 of Part I of Schedule V to the Act is repealed.

(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on April 24, 1996.

1993, c. 27, s. 147(1)

86. (1) Paragraph 6(a) of Part I of Schedule V to the Act is replaced by the following:

    (a) of a residential complex or a residential unit in a residential complex by way of lease, licence or similar arrangement for the purpose of its occupancy as a place of residence or lodging by an individual, where the period throughout which continu ous occupancy of the complex or unit is given to the same individual is at least one month; or

(2) Subsection (1) applies to any supply the agreement for which is entered into after September 14, 1992 but does not apply for the purpose of determining any amount claimed (other than an amount deemed under paragraph 296(5)(a) of the Act to have been claimed as a result of an assess ment made after April 23, 1996)

    (a) in an application under Division VI of Part IX of the Act received by the Minister of National Revenue before April 23, 1996; or

    (b) as a deduction, in respect of any adjustment, refund or credit under sub section 232(1) of the Act, in a return under Division V of that Part received by the Minister before that day.

1993, c. 27, s. 148(1)

87. (1) Paragraph 6.1(b) of Part I of Schedule V to the Act is replaced by the following:

    (b) a building, or that part of a building, that forms part of a residential complex or that consists solely of residential units , or

(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on January 1, 1993.

1993, c. 27, s. 150(1)

88. (1) The portion of paragraph 7(a) of Part I of Schedule V to the Act before subparagraph (i) is replaced by the follow ing:

    (a) of land (other than a site in a residential trailer park), by way of lease, licence or similar arrangement under which continu ous possession or use of the land is provided for a period of at least one month, made to

(2) The portion of paragraph 7(b) of Part I of Schedule V to the Act before subpara graph (i) is replaced by the following:

    (b) of a site in a residential trailer park, by way of lease, licence or similar arrange ment under which continuous possession or use of the site is provided for a period of at least one month, made to the owner, lessee or person in occupation or possession of

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) apply to any supply the agreement for which is entered into after September 14, 1992 but do not apply for the purpose of determining any amount claimed (other than an amount deemed under paragraph 296(5)(a) of the Act to have been claimed as a result of an assessment made after April 23, 1996)

    (a) in an application under Division VI of Part IX of the Act received by the Minister of National Revenue before April 23, 1996; or

    (b) as a deduction, in respect of any adjustment, refund or credit under sub section 232(1) of the Act, in a return under Division V of that Part received by the Minister before that day.

1993, c. 27, s. 150(4); 1994, c. 9, par. 35(b)(F)

89. (1) The portion of section 8.1 of Part I of Schedule V to the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

8.1 A supply of a parking space by way of lease, licence or similar arrangement under which any such space is made available throughout a period of at least one month

(2) Subsection (1) applies to any supply the agreement for which is entered into after September 14, 1992 but does not apply for the purpose of determining any amount claimed (other than an amount deemed under paragraph 296(5)(a) of the Act to have been claimed as a result of an assess ment made after April 23, 1996)

    (a) in an application under Division VI of Part IX of the Act received by the Minister of National Revenue before April 23, 1996; or

    (b) as a deduction, in respect of any adjustment, refund or credit under sub section 232(1) of the Act, in a return under Division V of that Part received by the Minister before that day.

1993, c. 29, s. 151(1), (2)

90. (1) Section 9 of Part I of Schedule V to the Act is replaced by the following:

9. (1) In this section, ``settlor'', in relation to a testamentary trust that arose as a conse quence of the death of an individual, means that individual.

(2 ) A supply of real property made by way of sale by an individual or a personal trust, other than

    (a) a supply of real property that is, immediately before the time ownership or possession of the property is transferred to the recipient of the supply under the agreement for the supply, capital property used primarily in a business carried on by the individual or trust with a reasonable expectation of profit ;

    (b) a supply of real property made

      (i) in the course of a business of the individual or trust, or

      (ii) where the individual or trust has filed an election with the Minister in pre scribed form and manner and containing prescribed information, in the course of an adventure or concern in the nature of trade of the individual or trust;

    (c) a supply of a part of a parcel of land, which parcel the individual, trust or settlor of the trust subdivided or severed into parts, except where

      (i) the parcel was subdivided or severed into two parts and the individual, trust or settlor did not subdivide or sever that parcel from another parcel of land, or

      (ii) the recipient of the supply is an individual who is related to, or is a former spouse of, the individual or settlor and is acquiring the part for the personal use and enjoyment of the recipient

    but, for the purposes of this paragraph, a part of a parcel of land that the individual, trust or settlor supplies to a person who has the right to acquire it by expropriation, and the remainder of that parcel, are deemed not to have been subdivided or severed from each other by the individual, trust or settlor, as the case may be;

    (d) a supply deemed under section 206 or 207 of the Act to have been made; or

    (e ) a supply of a residential complex.

(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on December 17, 1990, except that

    (a) in respect of supplies for which the supplier, on or before April 23, 1996, charged or collected an amount as or on account of tax under Part IX of the Act,

      (i) that subsection does not apply, and

      (ii) for the purposes of section 9 of Part I of Schedule V to the Act, section 267 of the Act, as enacted by subsection 73(1), does not apply; and

    (b) paragraph 9(2)(c) of Part I of Sched ule V to the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), does not apply to supplies of real property made on or before April 23, 1996.

91. (1) Part I of Schedule V to the Act is amended by adding the following after section 13.2:

13.3 A supply to a consumer of the right to use a washing machine or clothes-dryer that is located in a common area of a residential complex.

13.4 A supply by way of lease, licence or similar arrangement of that part of the com mon area of a residential complex that is for use as a laundry made to a person who so acquires the property for use in the course of making supplies described in section 13.3.

(2) Section 13.3 of Part I of Schedule V to the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), applies to supplies made after April 23, 1996.

(3) Section 13.4 of Part I of Schedule V to the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), applies to any supply of property by way of lease, licence or similar arrangement for any period after April 23, 1996 and for which consideration becomes due after that day or is paid after that day without having become due except that, for the purpose of determining an input tax credit, for the reporting period of the supplier that in cludes December 15, 1996 or for any preceding reporting period of the supplier, in respect of property or a service acquired or imported by the supplier on or before December 15, 1996 for consumption or use in the course of making the supply, the supply is deemed to be a taxable supply and where the supply of the property is for a period (in this subsection referred to as the ``lease period'') that begins before April 24, 1996 and ends after that day, the provision of the property for the part of the lease period that is before April 24, 1996 and the provision of the property for the remainder of the lease period shall each be deemed to be a separate supply and the supply of the property for that remainder of the period is deemed to be made on April 24, 1996.

92. (1) Paragraph (b) of the definition ``health care facility'' in section 1 of Part II of Schedule V to the Act is replaced by the following:

      (b) a hospital or institution primarily for individuals with a mental health disabil ity , or

(2) The definition ``practitioner'' in sec tion 1 of Part II of Schedule V to the Act is replaced by the following:

``practitioner'', in respect of a supply of opto metric, chiropractic, physiotherapy, chiro podic, podiatric, audiological, occupation al therapy, psychological or dietetic ser vices, means a person who

      (a) practises the profession of optometry, chiropractic, physiotherapy, chiropody, podiatry, audiology, occupational thera py, psychology or dietetics , as the case may be,

      (b) where the person is required to be licensed or otherwise certified to practise the profession in the province in which the service is supplied, is so licensed or certified ,

      (c) where the person is not required to be licensed or otherwise certified to practise the profession in that province, has the qualifications equivalent to those neces sary to be so licensed or otherwise certified in another province, and

      (d) in respect of the supply of psycholog ical services, is registered in the Cana dian Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology.

(3) Subsection (2) is deemed to have come into force on January 1, 1997 except that, in relation to supplies made on or after that day and before 1998, the portion of the definition ``practitioner'' in section 1 of Part II of Schedule V to the Act, as enacted by subsection (2), before paragraph (b) shall be read as follows:

``practitioner'', in respect of a supply of opto metric, chiropractic, physiotherapy, chiro podic, podiatric, osteopathic, audiological, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psy chological or dietetic services, means a per son who

      (a) practises the profession of optometry, chiropractic, physiotherapy, chiropody, podiatry, osteopathy, audiology, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psycholo gy or dietetics, as the case may be,

93. (1) Section 4 of Part II of Schedule V to the Act is replaced by the following:

4. A supply of an ambulance service made by a person who carries on the business of supplying ambulance services, but not includ ing an air ambulance service included in section 15 of Part VII of Schedule VI .

(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on December 17, 1990.

93.1 (1) The portion of section 6 of Part II of Schedule V to the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

6. A supply of a nursing service rendered by a registered nurse, a registered nursing assis tant, a licensed or registered practical nurse or a registered psychiatric nurse , where

(2) Subsection (1) is deemed to have come into force on January 1, 1994 except that, with respect to supplies made before 1997, the portion of section 6 of Part II of Schedule V to the Act before paragraph (a), as enacted by subsection (1), shall be read without reference to ``or a registered psy chiatric nurse''.

94. (1) Paragraph (f) of section 7 of Part II of Schedule V to the Act is repealed.

(2) Paragraph (h) of section 7 of Part II of Schedule V to the Act is repealed.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) apply to supplies made after 1997.

95. (1) Part II of Schedule V to the Act is amended by adding the following after section 7:

7.1 A supply of a dietetic service made by a practitioner of the service where the service is rendered to an individual or the supply is made to a public sector body or to the operator of a health care facility.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to supplies made after 1996.

96. (1) Section 12 of Part II of Schedule V to the Act is repealed.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to supplies made after 1997.

1996, c. 11, s. 96

97. (1) The definition ``vocational school'' in section 1 of Part III of Schedule V to the Act is replaced by the following:

``vocational school'' means an organization that is established and operated primarily to provide students with correspondence courses, or instruction in courses, that de velop or enhance students' occupational skills.

(2) Subsection (1) applies in relation to supplies made after 1996.

98. (1) Section 3 of Part III of Schedule V to the Act is replaced by the following:

3. A supply of food or beverages (other than food or beverages prescribed for the purposes of section 12 and food or beverages supplied through a vending machine ), services or admissions made by a school authority pri marily to elementary or secondary school students during the course of extra-curricular activities organized under the authority and responsibility of the school authority.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to supplies made after April 23, 1996.

99. (1) Paragraph 8(c) of Part III of Schedule V to the Act is replaced by the following:

    (c) the supplier is a non-profit organization or a public institution .

(2) Subsection (1) applies to supplies made after 1996.

100. (1) Section 13 of Part III of Schedule V to the Act is replaced by the following:

13. A supply of a meal to a student enrolled at a university or public college where the meal is provided under a plan that is for a period of not less than one month and under which the student purchases from the supplier for a single consideration only the right to receive at a restaurant or cafeteria at the university or college not less than 10 meals weekly throughout the period .

(2) Subsection (1) applies to supplies for which all of the consideration becomes due after June 1996 or is paid after June 1996 without having become due.

1993, c. 27, s. 162(1)

101. Section 2 of Part IV of Schedule V to the Act is replaced by the following:

2. A supply of a service of providing care, supervision and a place of residence to children, underprivileged individuals or indi viduals with a disability in an establishment operated by the supplier for the purpose of providing such service.

102. (1) Schedule V to the Act is amended by adding the following after Part V: