Order for
and discovery
(3) If the court or other body concludes that
the public interest in the proper administration
of justice outweighs the interests that would
be protected by non-disclosure, the court or
other body
27. Subsections 41(2) and (3) of the Act
are replaced by the following:
Contraven- tion of regulations, orders, etc.
(2) A person is guilty of an offence if the
person contravenes
(2.1) A person who is guilty of an offence
under subsection (2) is liable on summary
(3) Where a person commits a contraven
tion described in subsection (1) or (2) that
occurs on more than one day, or is continued
for more than one day, that person is deemed
to have committed a separate offence for each
day on which the contravention occurs or is
28. Section 44 of the Act and the heading
``Railway Safety Consultative Committee''
before it are repealed.
29. Section 46 of the Act is replaced by the
orders, etc.,
not statutory
46. The following are not statutory instru
ments for the purposes of the Statutory
Instruments Act:
30. Section 49 of the Act is replaced by the
49. A regulation made under section 7, 7.1,
18, 24, 37 or 47, or a rule in force under section
19 or 20, prevails over an order, rule or
regulation made under any other Act of
Parliament to the extent of any inconsistency
between them.
31. Subsection 50(1) of the Act is replaced
by the following:
Publication of
50. (1) Subject to subsection (2), a copy of
each regulation that is proposed to be made
under section 7, 7.1, 18, 24, 37 or 47 shall be
published in the Canada Gazette at least
ninety days before its proposed effective date,
and interested persons shall be given a reason
able opportunity to make representations to
the Minister with respect to the regulation
within those ninety days.
32. The English version of the Act is
amended by replacing the expression ``pro
posing party'' with the word ``proponent''
in the following provisions:
R.S., c. A-1
Access to Information Act |
R.S., c. 32
(4th Supp.), s.
33. Schedule II to the Access to Informa
tion Act is amended by replacing the refer
ence to ``subsection 39(8)'' opposite the
reference to the ``Railway Safety Act'' with
a reference to ``subsection 39.2(1)''.
Bill C-14
34. If Bill C-14, introduced in the second
session of the thirty-fifth Parliament and
entitled An Act to continue the National
Transportation Agency as the Canadian
Transportation Agency, to consolidate and
revise the National Transportation Act, 1987
and the Railway Act and to amend or repeal
other Acts as a consequence, is assented to,
for closing
road crossings
12.1 (1) The Minister may enter into an
agreement with a person who has rights under
Part III of the Canada Transportation Act or
otherwise relating to a road crossing to close
the crossing in the interests of safe railway
Reference to
16. (1) The proponent of a railway work,
and each beneficiary of the work, may refer
the apportionment of liability for the construc
tion, operational or maintenance costs of the
work to the Agency for a determination if they
cannot agree on the apportionment and no
recourse is available under Part III of the
Canada Transportation Act or the Railway
Relocation and Crossing Act. A referral may
be made either before or after construction or
alteration of the work is begun.
Bill C-25
35. If Bill C-25, introduced in the second
session of the thirty-fifth Parliament and
entitled An Act respecting regulations and
other documents, including the review, regis
tration, publication and parliamentary scru
tiny of regulations and other documents, and
to make consequential and related amend
ments to other Acts, is assented to, then on
the later of the coming into force of section
103 of that Act and section 29 of this Act,
section 46 of the Railway Safety Act and the
heading before it are replaced by the
Regulations Act |
orders, etc.,
46. The following are not regulations for the
purposes of the Regulations Act:
Coming into
36. This Act, or any of its provisions,
comes into force on a day or days to be fixed
by order of the Governor in Council.