9. (1) The portion of subsection 37(1) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

Scientific research and experimental development

37. (1) Where a taxpayer carried on a business in Canada in a taxation year, there may be deducted in computing the taxpayer's income from the business for the year such amount as the taxpayer claims not exceeding the amount, if any, by which the total of

(2) Paragraph 37(1)(a) of the Act is amended by adding the following after subparagraph (i):

      (i.1) by payments to a corporation resident in Canada to be used for scientific research and experimental development carried on in Canada that is related to a business of the taxpayer, but only where the taxpayer is entitled to exploit the results of that scientific research and experimental development,

(3) The portion of subparagraph 37(1)(a)(ii) of the French version of the Act before clause (A) is replaced by the following:

      (ii) soit sous forme de paiement - devant servir à des activités de recherche scientifique et de développement expérimental exercées au Canada en rapport avec une entreprise du contribuable, mais seulement dans le cas où le contribuable est en droit d'exploiter les résultats de ces activités - à l'une des entités suivantes :

(4) Subparagraph 37(1)(a)(ii) of the Act is amended by adding the word ``or'' at the end of clause (C) and by repealing clause (D).

(5) The portion of subparagraph 37(1)(a)(ii) of the English version of the Act after clause (E) is replaced by the following:

      to be used for scientific research and experimental development carried on in Canada that is related to a business of the taxpayer, but only where the taxpayer is entitled to exploit the results of that scientific research and experimental development, or

(6) Subparagraph 37(1)(a)(iii) of the English version of the Act is amended by striking out the word ``and'' at the end of that subparagraph.

(7) Paragraphs 37(1)(d) and (e) of the Act are replaced by the following:

    (d) the total of all amounts each of which is the amount of any government assistance or non-government assistance (within the meanings assigned to those expressions by subsection 127(9)) in respect of an expenditure described in paragraph (a) or (b) that, at the taxpayer's filing-due date for the year, the taxpayer has received, is entitled to receive or can reasonably be expected to receive,

    (e) that part of the total of all amounts each of which is an amount deducted under subsection 127(5) in computing the tax payable under this Part by the taxpayer for a preceding taxation year where the amount can reasonably be attributed to

      (i) a prescribed proxy amount for a preceding taxation year,

      (ii) an expenditure of a current nature incurred in a preceding taxation year that was a qualified expenditure incurred in that preceding year in respect of scientific research and experimental development for the purposes of section 127, or

      (iii) an amount included because of paragraph 127(13)(e) in the taxpayer's SR&ED qualified expenditure pool at the end of a preceding taxation year within the meaning assigned by subsection 127(9),

(8) The definition ``scientific research and experimental development'' in subsection 37(7) of the Act is repealed.

(9) Subsection 37(10) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Time for election

(10) Any election made under clause (8)(a)(ii)(B) for a taxation year by a taxpayer shall be filed by the taxpayer on the day on which the taxpayer first files a prescribed form referred to in subsection (11) for the year.

(10) Subsection 37(11) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Filing requirement

(11) Subject to subsection (12), no amount in respect of an expenditure that would be incurred by a taxpayer in a taxation year that begins after 1995 if this Act were read without reference to subsection 78(4) may be deducted under subsection (1) unless the taxpayer files with the Minister a prescribed form containing prescribed information in respect of the expenditure on or before the day that is 12 months after the taxpayer's filing-due date for the year.

Reclassified expenditures

(12) A taxpayer is not required to file the prescribed form referred to in subsection (11) in respect of an expenditure that would be incurred in a taxation year by the taxpayer if this Act were read without reference to subsection 78(4) where the expenditure is reclassified by the Minister on an assessment of the taxpayer's tax payable under this Part for the year, or on a determination that no tax under this Part is payable by the taxpayer for the year, as an expenditure in respect of scientific research and experimental development.

Non-arm's length contract - linked work

(13) For the purposes of this section and sections 127 and 127.1, where

    (a) work is performed by a taxpayer for a person or partnership at a time when the person or partnership does not deal at arm's length with the taxpayer, and

    (b) the work would be scientific research and experimental development described in paragraph 2900(1)(d) of the Income Tax Regulations if it were performed by the person or partnership,

the work is deemed to be scientific research and experimental development.

(11) Subsections (1), (7), (9) and (10) apply to taxation years that begin after 1995.

(12) Subsections (2) to (5) apply to payments made after 1995.

(13) Subsection (8) applies to work performed after February 27, 1995 except that, for the purposes of paragraphs 149(1)(j) and (8)(b) of the Act, subsection (8) does not apply to work performed pursuant to an agreement in writing entered into before February 28, 1995.

10. (1) Paragraph 45(3)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (b) the taxpayer's filing-due date for the taxation year in which the property is actually disposed of by the taxpayer.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to the 1995 and subsequent taxation years.

11. (1) Subsection 48.1(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Time for election

(2) An election made under subsection (1) by an individual for a taxation year shall be made on or before the individual's filing-due date for the year.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to the 1995 and subsequent taxation years.

12. (1) Paragraph 53(2)(c) of the Act is amended by adding the following after subparagraph (i.3)

      (i.4) if the taxpayer is a member of the partnership who was a specified member of the partnership at all times since becoming a member of the partnership or the taxpayer is at that time a limited partner of the partnership for the purposes of subsection 40(3.1), the amount

        (A) deducted under subsection 34.2(4) in computing the taxpayer's income for the taxation year in respect of the interest, where that time is in the taxpayer's first taxation year in which a qualifying fiscal period (within the meaning assigned by subsection 34.2(1)) of the business carried on by the taxpayer as a member of the partnership ends and is after the end of that period, and

        (B) where that time is in any other taxation year, deducted under subsection 34.2(4) in respect of the interest in computing the taxpayer's income for the taxation year preceding that other year


        (C) that time is immediately before a disposition of the interest and no amount is deductible under subsection 34.2(4) in respect of the interest in computing the taxpayer's income for the taxation year following the taxation year that includes that time,

        (D) the taxpayer has December 31, 1995 income in respect of the business because of section 34.1, or

        (E) the taxpayer's partnership interest was held by the taxpayer on February 22, 1994 and is an excluded interest (within the meaning assigned by subsection 40(3.15)) at the end of the fiscal period of the partnership that includes that time,

(2) Subsection (1) applies after 1994.

13. (1) Clause 60(j.1)(ii)(A) of the Act is replaced by the following:

        (A) $2,000 multiplied by the number of years before 1996 during which the employee or former employee in respect of whom the payment was made (in this paragraph referred to as the ``retiree'') was employed by the employer or a person related to the employer, and

(2) Subsection (1) applies to the 1996 and subsequent taxation years.

14. (1) Paragraph 70(7)(a) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (a) for the purpose of determining the day on or before which a return (in this subsection referred to as the ``taxpayer's return'') of the taxpayer's income for the taxation year in which the taxpayer died is required to be filed by the taxpayer's legal representatives, subsection 150(1) shall be read without reference to paragraph 150(1)(b) and as if paragraph 150(1)(d) read as follows:

    ``(d) in the case of any other person, by the person's legal representative within 18 months after the person's death; or''; and

(2) Subsection (1) applies after 1994.

15. (1) Paragraph 87(2)(j) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Special reserves

    (j) for the purposes of paragraphs 20(1)(m), (m.1) and (m.2), subsection 20(24) and section 34.2, the new corporation is deemed to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, each predecessor corporation;

(2) Subsection 87(2) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (j.93):

Canadian film or video production tax credit

    (j.94) for the purpose of section 125.4, the new corporation is deemed to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, each predecessor corporation;

(3) Paragraph 87(2)(aa) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Refundable dividend tax on hand

    (aa) where the new corporation was a private corporation immediately after the amalgamation, for the purpose of computing the refundable dividend tax on hand (within the meaning assigned by subsection 129(3)) of the new corporation at the end of its first taxation year there shall be added to the total determined under subsection 129(3) in respect of the new corporation for the year the total of all amounts each of which is the amount, if any, by which the refundable dividend tax on hand of a predecessor corporation at the end of its last taxation year exceeds its dividend refund (within the meaning assigned by subsection 129(1)) for its last taxation year, except that no amount shall be added under this paragraph in respect of a predecessor corporation

      (i) that was not a private corporation at the end of its last taxation year, or

      (ii) where subsection 129(1.2) would have applied to deem a dividend paid by the predecessor corporation immediately before the amalgamation not to be a taxable dividend for the purpose of subsection 129(1);

(4) Subsections (1) and (2) apply to amalgamations that occur and windings-up that begin after 1994.

(5) Subsection (3) applies to amalgamations that occur and windings-up that begin after June 1995.

16. (1) The portion of paragraph 88(1)(e.2) of the Act before subparagraph (i) is replaced by the following:

    (e.2) paragraphs 87(2)(c), (d.1), (e.1), (e.3), (g) to (l), (l.3) to (u), (x), (y.1), (z.1), (z.2), (aa), (cc), (ll), (nn), (pp), (rr), (tt) and (uu), subsection 87(6) and, subject to section 78, subsection 87(7) apply to the winding-up as if the references therein to

(2) Paragraph 88(1)(e.5) of the Act is repealed.

(3) Subsections (1) and (2) apply to windings-up that begin after June 1995.

17. (1) Paragraph 96(1)(d) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (d) each income or loss of the partnership for a taxation year were computed as if this Act were read without reference to paragraph 20(1)(v.1), section 34.1 and subsections 66.1(1), 66.2(1) and 66.4(1) and as if no deduction were permitted under any of section 29 of the Income Tax Application Rules, subsections 34.2(4) and 65(1) and sections 66, 66.1, 66.2 and 66.4;

(2) The portion of subsection 96(1.1) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

Allocation of share of income to retiring partner

(1.1) For the purposes of subsection (1) and sections 34.1, 34.2, 101, 103 and 249.1,

(3) Subsection 96(1.6) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Members of partnership deemed to be carrying on business in Canada

(1.6) Where a partnership carries on a business in Canada at any time, each taxpayer who is deemed by paragraph (1.1)(a) to be a member of the partnership at that time is deemed to carry on the business in Canada at that time for the purposes of subsection 2(3), sections 34.1 and 150 and (subject to subsection 34.2(7)) section 34.2.

(4) Subparagraph 96(2.2)(d)(ii) of the Act is repealed.

(5) The portion of subsection 96(3) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

Agreement or election of partnership

(3) Where a taxpayer who was a member of a partnership in a fiscal period has, for any purpose relevant to the computation of the taxpayer's income from the partnership for the fiscal period, made or executed an agreement, a designation or an election under or in respect of the application of any of subsections 13(4), (15) and (16), 14(6), 20(9) and 21(1) to (4), section 22, subsection 29(1), section 34, clause 37(8)(a)(ii)(B), subsections 44(1) and (6), 50(1) and 80(5), (9), (10) and (11), section 80.04 and subsections 97(2) and 249.1(4) and (6) that, but for this subsection, would be a valid agreement, designation or election,

(6) Subsections (1), (2) and (5) apply after 1994.

(6.1) Subsection (3) applies after 1993.

(7) Subsection (4) applies to revenue guarantees granted after 1995.

17.1 (1) Subsection 99(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Fiscal period of terminated partnership for individual member

(2) Where an individual was a member of a partnership that, at any time in a fiscal period of a partnership, has or would have, but for subsection 98(1), ceased to exist, for the purposes of computing the individual's income for a taxation year the partnership's fiscal period may, if the individual so elects and subsection 249.1(4) does not apply in respect of the partnership, be deemed to have ended immediately before the time when the fiscal period of the partnership would have ended if the partnership had not so ceased to exist.

(2) Subsection (1) applies to fiscal periods that begin after 1994.

18. (1) Paragraph 104(4)(a.1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (a.1) where the trust is a pre-1972 spousal trust on January 1, 1993 and the spouse referred to in the definition ``pre-1972 spousal trust'' in subsection 108(1) in respect of the trust was

      (i) in the case of a trust created by the will of a taxpayer, alive on January 1, 1976, and

      (ii) in the case of a trust created by a taxpayer during the taxpayer's lifetime, alive on May 26, 1976,

    the day that is the later of

      (iii) the day on which that spouse dies, and

      (iv) January 1, 1993;

(2) Subparagraph 104(4)(b)(iii) of the Act is replaced by the following: