This enactment provides a regime to protect performers' perfor
mances, sound recordings and broadcasters' communication signals,
thereby bringing Canadian legislation into compliance with the
International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of
Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations, signed in Rome in 1961.
A remuneration regime is established in relation to the private
copying of musical works, performers' performances and sound
recordings. A number of exceptions are added to the rights of copyright
owners. These exceptions will be of particular benefit to educational
institutions, libraries, archives and museums and to persons with
perceptual disabilities.
Changes in relation to civil remedies will provide for more efficient
administration of justice.
The copyright registration system is modernized. Holders of
exclusive licences and exclusive distributors of books will have
remedies against parallel imports of books.
Some terminology in the Act is adjusted in order to eliminate
inconsistencies and to clarify certain provisions.