(b) the aggregate of the pension and supplement payable for that month to the other.

(3) Paragraph 12(6)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following;

    (b) in the case of an applicant who, on the day immediately before the current fiscal year, was the spouse of a person to whom no pension may be paid for any month in the current fiscal year, the amount determined by the formula

A/24 - B/2


    A is the aggregate of the incomes of the applicant and the spouse for the base calendar year, and

    B is the product

        (i) obtained by multiplying the amount of the full monthly pension that might have been paid to a pensioner for any month in that payment quarter by the applicant's special qualifying factor for the month, and

        (ii) rounded, where that product is not a multiple of four dollars, to the next higher multiple of four dollars; and

(4) The portion of paragraph 12(6)(c) of the Act before subparagraph (ii) is replaced by the following:

    (c) in the case of an applicant who, on the day immediately before the current fiscal year, was the spouse of a person to whom a pension may be paid for any month in the fiscal year,

      (i) in respect of any month in the current fiscal year before the first month for which a pension may be paid to the spouse, the amount determined for the applicant for the month under paragraph (b), and

53. (1) Subsection 19(6) of the Act is amended by striking out the word ``or'' at the end of paragraph (b), by adding the word ``or'' at the end of paragraph (c) and by adding the following after paragraph (c):

    (d) any month during which the spouse is

      (i) a specially qualified individual, and

      (ii) a permanent resident, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Immigration Act, in respect of whom an undertaking by a sponsor is in effect as provided in that Act and regulations under that Act.

(2) Section 19 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (6):

Application of para. (6)(b)

(6.1) Paragraph (6)(b) does not apply to a spouse of a pensioner in respect of a month where a supplement would be payable to the pensioner for that month if the special qualifying factor of that pensioner for that month were equal to one.

Application of para. (6)(d)

(6.2) Paragraph (6)(d) does not apply to a spouse where an event as provided by the regulations has occurred.

R.S., c. 34 (1st Supp.), s. 5(1)

54. (1) The definitions ``residual family income'' and ``residual income of the widow'' in subsection 22(1) of the Act are replaced by the following:

``residual family income''
« revenu familial résiduel »

``residual family income'' of a pensioner and the pensioner's spouse for a month in a current fiscal year means the amount determined by the formula

A - B


    A is the monthly family income of the pensioner and the pensioner's spouse in the current fiscal year, and

    B is the product

        (a) obtained by multiplying four-thirds of the rounded pension equivalent by the spouse's special qualifying factor for the month, and

        (b) rounded, where that product is not a multiple of four dollars, to the next higher multiple of four dollars;

``residual income of the widow''
« revenu résiduel de la veuve »

``residual income of the widow'' for a month in a current fiscal year means the amount determined by the formula

A - B


    A is the monthly income of the widow in the current fiscal year, and

    B is the product

        (a) obtained by multiplying four-thirds of the rounded pension equivalent by the widow's special qualifying factor for the month, and

        (b) rounded, where that product is not a multiple of four dollars, to the next higher multiple of four dollars;

R.S., c. 34 (1st Supp.), ss. 5(2) and (3); 1995, c. 33, s. 12

(2) Subsections 22(2) to (4) of the Act are replaced by the following:

Effect on supplement under Part II

(2) Where, under this Part, an application has been made and approved or the requirement for an application has been waived in respect of the spouse of a pensioner for any month in a payment quarter, the amount of the supplement that may be paid for that month to the pensioner, in lieu of the amount of the supplement provided under Part II for that month, is the amount determined by the formula

[(A - B) x C] - D/4


A is the total of the supplement equivalent in respect of that month and the amount of the full monthly pension for that month;

B is the pensioner's monthly pension for that month;

C is the pensioner's special qualifying factor for that month; and

D is the residual family income of the pensioner and the spouse for that month rounded, where that income is not a multiple of four dollars, to the next lower multiple of four dollars.

Spouse's allowance to spouse of pensioner

(3) The amount of the spouse's allowance that may be paid under section 19 for any month in a payment quarter to the spouse of a pensioner is

    (a) where there is no monthly family income of the pensioner and spouse in the current fiscal year, the total of

      (i) the product obtained by multiplying the pension equivalent in respect of the month by the spouse's special qualifying factor for the month, and

      (ii) the product obtained by multiplying the supplement equivalent in respect of the month by the spouse's special qualifying factor for the month;

    (b) where the monthly family income of the pensioner and spouse in the current fiscal year is equal to or less than the product

      (i) obtained by multiplying four-thirds of the rounded pension equivalent in respect of the month by the spouse's special qualifying factor for the month, and

      (ii) rounded, where that product is not a multiple of four dollars, to the next higher multiple of four dollars,

    the amount determined by the formula

(A x B) + C


    A is the supplement equivalent in respect of the month,

    B is the spouse's special qualifying factor for the month, and

    C is the greater of zero and the amount determined by the formula

(D x B) - 3/4 E


      B is the spouse's special qualifying fac tor for the month,

      D is the pension equivalent in respect of the month, and

      E is the monthly family income of the pensioner and the spouse in the current fiscal year rounded, where that income is not a multiple of four dollars, to the next lower multiple of four dollars; and

    (c) where the monthly family income of the pensioner and spouse in the current fiscal year is more than the product

      (i) obtained by multiplying four-thirds of the rounded pension equivalent in respect of the month by the spouse's special qualifying factor for the month, and

      (ii) rounded, where that product is not a multiple of four dollars, to the next higher multiple of four dollars,

    the amount determined by the formula

(A x B) - C/4


    A is the supplement equivalent in respect of the month,

    B is the spouse's special qualifying factor for the month, and

    C is the residual family income of the pensioner and spouse for that month rounded, where that income is not a multiple of four dollars, to the next lower multiple of four dollars.

Spouse's allowance to widow

(4) The amount of the spouse's allowance that may be paid under section 21 for any month in a payment quarter to a widow is

    (a) where there is no monthly income of the widow in the current fiscal year, the total of

      (i) the product obtained by multiplying the pension equivalent of the widow in respect of the month by the widow's special qualifying factor for the month, and

      (ii) the product obtained by multiplying the supplement equivalent for the widow in respect of the month by the widow's special qualifying factor for the month;

    (b) where the monthly income of the widow in the current fiscal year is equal to or less than the product

      (i) obtained by multiplying four-thirds of the rounded pension equivalent in respect of the month by the widow's special qualifying factor for the month, and

      (ii) rounded, where that product is not a multiple of four dollars, to the next higher multiple of four dollars,

    the amount determined by the formula

(A x B) + C


    A is the supplement equivalent for the widow in respect of the month,

    B is the widow's special qualifying factor for the month, and

    C is the greater of zero and the amount determined by the formula

(D x B) - 3/4 E


      B is the widow's special qualifying fac tor for the month,

      D is the pension equivalent in respect of the month, and

      E is the monthly income of the widow in the current fiscal year rounded, where that income is not a multiple of four dollars, to the next lower multiple of four dollars; and

    (c) where the monthly income of the widow in the current fiscal year is more than the product

      (i) obtained by multiplying four-thirds of the rounded pension equivalent in respect of the month by the widow's special qualifying factor for the month, and

      (ii) rounded, where that product is not a multiple of four dollars, to the next higher multiple of four dollars,

    the amount determined by the formula

(A x B) - C/2


    A is the supplement equivalent for the widow in respect of the month,

    B is the widow's special qualifying factor for the month, and

    C is the residual income of the widow in respect of the month rounded, where that residual income is not a multiple of two dollars, to the next lower multiple of two dollars.

1995, c. 33, s. 20(2)

55. (1) Paragraph 33(2)(a) of the Act is replaced by the following:

    (a) the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, the Department of Finance, the Department of National Revenue, the Department of Supply and Services, the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission, Canada Post or Statistics Canada, where such information is necessary for the administration of this Act;

(2) Subsection 33(3) of the Act is amended by striking out the word ``and'' at the end of paragraph (a) and by adding the following after paragraph (a):

Information from outside sources

    (a.1) the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and officers and employees of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration may make available to the Minister any information that was obtained in the administration of the Immigration Act and that relates to an applicant, a beneficiary or a spouse of an applicant or beneficiary, where the information is necessary for the administration of this Act; and

56. Section 34 of the Act is amended by adding the word ``and'' at the end of paragraph (o) and by adding the following after paragraph (o):