Current amount

(7) For the purpose of subsection (4), the current amount in respect of the disposition of a specified debt obligation by a taxpayer is the positive or negative amount determined by the formula

A + B


A is the taxpayer's transition amount in respect of the disposition, and

B is

      (a) where the taxpayer has a gain from the disposition of the obligation, the part, if any, of the gain that is reasonably attributable to a material increase in the probability, or perceived probability, that the debtor will make all payments as required by the obligation, and

      (b) where the taxpayer has a loss from the disposition of the obligation, the negative amount that the taxpayer claims not exceeding in magnitude the part, if any, of the loss that is reasonably attributable to a default by the debtor or a material decrease in the probability, or perceived probability, that the debtor will make all payments as required by the obligation.

Residual portion of gain or loss

(8) For the purpose of subsection (4), where a taxpayer has a gain or loss from the disposition of a specified debt obligation, the residual portion of the gain or loss is the part of the gain or loss that is not included in determining the amount B in the formula in subsection (7) in respect of the disposition.

Disposition of part of obligation

(9) Where a taxpayer disposed of part of a specified debt obligation, this section and any regulations made for the purpose of this section apply as if the part disposed of and the part retained were separate specified debt obligations.

Mark-to-Market Properties

Income treatment for profits and losses

142.5 (1) Where, in a taxation year that begins after October 1994, a taxpayer that is a financial institution in the year disposes of a property that is a mark-to-market property for the year,

    (a) there shall be included in computing the taxpayer's income for the year the profit, if any, from the disposition; and

    (b) there shall be deducted in computing the taxpayer's income for the year the loss, if any, from the disposition.

Mark-to-mark et requirement

(2) Where a taxpayer that is a financial institution in a taxation year holds, at the end of the year, a mark-to-market property for the year, the taxpayer shall be deemed

    (a) to have disposed of the property immediately before the end of the year for proceeds equal to its fair market value at the time of disposition, and

    (b) to have reacquired the property at the end of the year at a cost equal to those proceeds.

Mark-to-mark et debt obligation

(3) Where a taxpayer is a financial institution in a particular taxation year that begins after October 1994, the following rules apply with respect to a specified debt obligation that is a mark-to-market property of the taxpayer for the particular year:

    (a) paragraph 12(1)(c) and subsections 12(3) and 20(14) and (21) do not apply to the obligation in computing the taxpayer's income for the particular year;

    (b) there shall be included in computing the taxpayer's income for the particular year an amount received by the taxpayer in the particular year as, on account of, in lieu of payment of, or in satisfaction of, interest on the obligation, to the extent that the interest was not included in computing the taxpayer's income for a preceding taxation year; and

    (c) for the purpose of paragraph (b), where the taxpayer was deemed by subsection (2) or paragraph 142.6(1)(b) to have disposed of the obligation in a preceding taxation year, no part of an amount included in computing the income of the taxpayer for that preceding year because of the disposition shall be considered to be in respect of interest on the obligation.

Transition - deduction re non-capital amounts

(4) There may be deducted in computing the income of a taxpayer for the taxpayer's taxation year that includes October 31, 1994 such amount as the taxpayer claims not exceeding a prescribed amount in respect of properties (other than capital properties) disposed of by the taxpayer because of subsection (2).

Transition - inclusion re non-capital amounts

(5) Where a taxpayer deducts an amount under subsection (4), there shall be included in computing the taxpayer's income for each taxation year that begins before 1999 and ends after October 30, 1994, the prescribed portion for the year of the amount so deducted.

Transition - deduction re net capital gains

(6) Such amount as a taxpayer elects, not exceeding a prescribed amount in respect of capital properties disposed of by the taxpayer because of subsection (2), shall be deemed to be an allowable capital loss of the taxpayer for its taxation year that includes October 31, 1994 from the disposition of property.

Transition - inclusion re net capital gains

(7) Where a taxpayer elects an amount under subsection (6), the taxpayer shall be deemed, for each taxation year that begins before 1999 and ends after October 30, 1994, to have a taxable capital gain for the year from the disposition of property equal to the prescribed portion for the year of the amount so elected.

First deemed disposition of debt obligation

(8) Where

    (a) in a particular taxation year that ends after October 30, 1994, a taxpayer disposed of a specified debt obligation that is a mark-to-market property of the taxpayer for the following taxation year, and

    (b) either

      (i) the disposition occurred because of subsection (2) and the particular year includes October 31, 1994, or

      (ii) the disposition occurred because of paragraph 142.6(1)(b),

the following rules apply:

    (c) subsection 20(21) does not apply to the disposition, and

    (d) where

      (i) an amount has been deducted under paragraph 20(1)(p) in respect of the obligation in computing the taxpayer's income for the particular year or a preceding taxation year, and

      (ii) section 12.4 does not apply to the disposition,

    there shall be included in computing the taxpayer's income for the particular year the amount, if any, by which

      (iii) the total of all amounts referred to in subparagraph (i)


      (iv) the total of all amounts included under paragraph 12(1)(i) in respect of the obligation in computing the taxpayer's income for the particular year or a preceding taxation year.

Transition - property acquired on rollover

(9) Where

    (a) a taxpayer acquired a property before October 31, 1994 at a cost less than the fair market value of the property at the time of acquisition,

    (b) the property was transferred, directly or indirectly, to the taxpayer by a person that would never have been a financial institution before the transfer if the definition ``financial institution'' in subsection 142.2(1) had always applied,

    (c) the cost is less than the fair market value because subsection 85(1) applied in respect of the disposition of the property by the person, and

    (d) subsection (2) deemed the taxpayer to have disposed of the property in its particular taxation year that includes October 31, 1994,

the following rules apply:

    (e) where the taxpayer would, but for this paragraph, have a taxable capital gain for the particular year from the disposition of the property, the part of the taxable capital gain that can reasonably be considered to have arisen while the property was held by a person described in paragraph (b) shall be deemed to be a taxable capital gain of the taxpayer from the disposition of the property for the taxation year in which the taxpayer disposes of the property otherwise than because of subsection (2), and not to be a taxable capital gain for the particular year, and

    (f) where the taxpayer has a profit (other than a capital gain) from the disposition of the property, the part of the profit that can reasonably be considered to have arisen while the property was held by a person described in paragraph (b) shall be included in computing the taxpayer's income for the taxation year in which the taxpayer disposes of the property otherwise than because of subsection (2), and shall not be included in computing the taxpayer's income for the particular year.

Additional Rules

Becoming or ceasing to be a financial institution

142.6 (1) Where, at a particular time after February 22, 1994, a taxpayer becomes or ceases to be a financial institution,

    (a) where a taxation year of the taxpayer would not, but for this paragraph, end immediately before the particular time,

      (i) the taxation year of the taxpayer that would otherwise have included the particular time shall be deemed to have ended immediately before that time and a new taxation year of the taxpayer shall be deemed to have begun at that time, and

      (ii) for the purpose of determining the taxpayer's fiscal period after the particular time, the taxpayer shall be deemed not to have established a fiscal period before that time;

    (b) where the taxpayer becomes a financial institution, the taxpayer shall be deemed to have disposed, immediately before the end of its taxation year that ends immediately before the particular time, of each property held by the taxpayer that is

      (i) a specified debt obligation (other than a mark-to-market property for the year), or

      (ii) where the year ends after October 30, 1994, a mark-to-market property for the year

    for proceeds equal to its fair market value at the time of disposition;

    (c) where the taxpayer ceases to be a financial institution, the taxpayer shall be deemed to have disposed, immediately before the end of its taxation year that ends immediately before the particular time, of each property held by the taxpayer that is a specified debt obligation (other than a mark-to-market property of the taxpayer for the year), for proceeds equal to its fair market value at the time of disposition; and

    (d) the taxpayer shall be deemed to have reacquired, at the end of the taxation year referred to in paragraph (b) or (c), each property deemed by that paragraph to have been disposed of by the taxpayer, at a cost equal to the proceeds of disposition of the property.

Deemed disposition not applicable

(2) For the purposes of this Act, the determination of when a taxpayer acquired a share shall be made without regard to a disposition or acquisition that occurred because of subsection (1) or 142.5(2).

Property not inventory

(3) Where a taxpayer is a financial institution in a taxation year, inventory of the taxpayer in the year does not include property that is

    (a) a specified debt obligation (other than a mark-to-market property for the year); or

    (b) where the year begins after October 1994, a mark-to-market property for the year.

Property that ceases to be inventory

(4) Where a taxpayer that was a financial institution in its particular taxation year that includes February 23, 1994 held, on that day, a specified debt obligation (other than a mark-to-market property for the year) that was inventory of the taxpayer at the end of its preceding taxation year,

    (a) the taxpayer shall be deemed to have disposed of the property at the beginning of the particular year for proceeds equal to

      (i) where subparagraph (ii) does not apply, the amount at which the property was valued at the end of the preceding taxation year for the purpose of computing the taxpayer's income for the year, and

      (ii) where the taxpayer is a bank and the property is prescribed property for the particular year, the cost of the property to the taxpayer (determined without reference to paragraph (b));

    (b) for the purpose of determining the taxpayer's profit or loss from the disposition, the cost of the property to the taxpayer shall be deemed to be the amount referred to in subparagraph (a)(i); and

    (c) the taxpayer shall be deemed to have reacquired the property, immediately after the beginning of the particular year, at a cost equal to the proceeds of disposition of the property.

Debt obligations acquired in rollover transactions

(5) Where,

    (a) on February 23, 1994, a financial institution that is a corporation held a specified debt obligation (other than a mark-to-market property for the taxation year that includes that day) that was at any particular time before that day held by another corporation, and

    (b) between the particular time and February 23, 1994, the only transactions affecting the ownership of the property were rollover transactions,

the financial institution shall be deemed, in respect of that obligation, to be the same corporation as, and a continuation of, the other corporation.

Definition of ``rollover transaction''

(6) For the purpose of subsection (5), ``rollover transaction'' means a transaction to which subsection 87(2), 88(1) or 138(11.5) or (11.94) applies, other than a transaction to which paragraph 138(11.5)(e) requires the provisions of subsection 85(1) to be applied.

Superficial loss rule not applicable

(7) Subsection 18(13) does not apply to the disposition of a property by a taxpayer after October 30, 1994 where

    (a) the taxpayer is a financial institution when the disposition occurs and the property is a specified debt obligation or a mark-to-market property for the taxation year in which the disposition occurs; or

    (b) the disposition occurs because of paragraph (1)(b).

(2) Sections 142.2 to 142.4 and subsections 142.6(2) to (6) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), apply to taxation years that end after February 22, 1994, except that section 142.3 of the Act does not apply to debt obligations disposed of before February 23, 1994.

(3) Section 142.5 of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), applies to taxation years that end after October 30, 1994.

(4) Subsection 142.6(1) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), applies after February 22, 1994.

(5) Subsection 142.6(7) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), applies to dispositions occurring after October 30, 1994, except the disposition of a debt obligation before July 1995 where

    (a) the disposition is part of a series of transactions or events that began before October 31, 1994;

    (b) as part of the series of transactions or events, the taxpayer who acquired the debt obligation disposed of property before October 31, 1994; and

    (c) it is reasonable to consider that one of the main reasons for the acquisition of the debt obligation by the taxpayer was to obtain a deduction because, as a consequence of the disposition referred to in paragraph (b),

      (i) an amount was included in the taxpayer's income for any taxation year, or

      (ii) an amount was subtracted from a balance of undeducted outlays, expenses or other amounts of the taxpayer and the subtracted amount exceeded the portion, if any, of the balance that could reasonably be considered to be in respect of the property.

59. (1) The definition ``amortized cost'' in subsection 248(1) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (c):

      (c.1) the total of all amounts each of which is an amount in respect of the loan or lending asset that was included in computing the taxpayer's income for a taxation year that ended at or before that time in respect of changes in the value of the loan or lending asset attributable to the fluctuation in the value of a currency of a country other than Canada relative to Canadian currency,

(2) The definition ``amortized cost'' in subsection 248(1) of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph (f):

      (f.1) the total of all amounts each of which is an amount in respect of the loan or lending asset that was deducted in computing the taxpayer's income for a taxation year that ended at or before that time in respect of changes in the value of the loan or lending asset attributable to the fluctuation in the value of a currency of a country other than Canada relative to Canadian currency,