References to Minister of Agriculture

25. (1) The following provisions are amended by replacing the expression ``Minister of Agriculture'' with the expression ``Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food'':

    (a) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Agricultural Products Board Act;

    (b) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Agricultural Products Cooperative Marketing Act;

    (c) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Animal Pedigree Act;

    (d) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Canada Agricultural Products Act;

    (e) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Canadian Dairy Commission Act;

    (f) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Canagrex Dissolution Act;

    (g) subsections 204(3), (7), (8), (8.1), (9) and (9.1) of the Criminal Code;

    (h) the definition ``Minister'' in subsection 2(1) of the Advance Payments for Crops Act;

    (i) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Experimental Farm Stations Act;

    (j) paragraph 4(2)(h) and subsections 5(2) and 16(2) of the Farm Credit Corporation Act;

    (k) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Farm Debt Review Act;

    (l) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Farm Improvement and Marketing Cooperatives Loans Act;

    (m) the definition ``Minister'' in subsection 2(1) of the Farm Improvement Loans Act;

    (n) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Farm Income Protection Act;

    (o) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Farm Products Agencies Act;

    (p) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Feeds Act;

    (q) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Fertilizers Act;

    (r) the definition ``Minister'' in subsection 2(1) of the Grain Futures Act;

    (s) section 3 of the Hay and Straw Inspection Act;

    (t) the definition ``Minister'' in subsection 2(1) of the Health of Animals Act;

    (u) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Meat Import Act;

    (v) the definition ``Minister'' in subsection 2(1) of the Meat Inspection Act;

    (w) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Pest Control Products Act;

    (x) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Pesticide Residue Compensation Act;

    (y) the definition ``Minister'' in subsection 2(1) of the Plant Breeders' Rights Act;

    (z) the definition ``Minister'' in section 3 of the Plant Protection Act;

    (z.1) the heading before section 2 and subsection 2(1) of the Revolving Funds Act;

    (z.2) section 4 of the Salaries Act; and

    (z.3) the definition ``Minister'' in section 2 of the Seeds Act.


(2) Every reference to the Minister of Agriculture in any other Act of Parliament or in any order, regulation or other instrument made under an Act of Parliament shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be read as a reference to the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food.

References to Department of Agriculture

26. (1) The following provisions are amended by replacing the expression ``Department of Agriculture'' with the expression ``Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food'':

    (a) subsection 3(7) of the Agricultural Products Board Act;

    (b) paragraphs 9(2)(b), 23(2)(b) and 25(6)(b) of the Animal Pedigree Act;

    (c) subsection 9(1) of the Farm Debt Review Act;

    (d) subparagraph 241(4)(d)(xi) of the Income Tax Act;

    (e) subsection 5(1) of the Meat Import Act; and

    (f) subsection 55(2) of the Plant Breeders' Rights Act.


(2) Every reference to the Department of Agriculture in any other Act of Parliament or in any order, regulation or other instrument made under an Act of Parliament shall, unless the context otherwise requires, be read as a reference to the Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food.



27. The Farm Loans Interest Rebate Act, Part II of chapter 92 of the Statutes of Canada, 1980-81-82-83, is repealed.


28. The Farm Loans Interest Rebate Act (No. 2), chapter 131 of the Statutes of Canada, 1980-81-82-83, is repealed.

Repeal of R.S., c. L-9

29. The Livestock and Livestock Products Act is repealed.


Coming into force

30. This Act comes into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.