R.S., c. P-21

Privacy Act

56. The portion of section 24 of the Privacy Act before paragraph (b) is replaced by the following:

Individuals sentenced for an offence

24. The head of a government institution may refuse to disclose any personal information requested under subsection 12(1) that was collected or obtained by the Correctional Service of Canada or the National Parole Board while the individual who made the request was under sentence for an offence against any Act of Parliament, if the disclosure could reasonably be expected to

    (a) lead to a serious disruption of the individual's institutional, parole or statutory release program; or

57. The schedule to the Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading ``Other Government Institutions'':

Canadian Penitentiary Service

    Service canadien des pénitenciers

National Parole Service

    Service national des libérations conditionnelles

Office of the Correctional Investigator

    Bureau de l'enquêteur correctionnel

58. The schedule to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading ``Other Government Institutions'':

Correctional Service of Canada

    Service correctionnel du Canada

Office of the Correctional Investigator of

    Bureau de l'enquêteur correctionnel du Canada

R.S., c. P-35

Public Service Staff Relations Act

1992, c. 54, s. 74(4)

59. Subsection 102(4) of the French version of the Public Service Staff Relations Act is renumbered as subsection 102(3).

R.S., c. P-36

Public Service Superannuation Act

60. Subsection 42(2) of the Public Service Superannuation Act is replaced by the following:

Regulations relating to leave of absence

(2) For the purposes of this Part, a person who has contributed to the Superannuation Account in accordance with the regulations made by the Governor in Council pursuant to paragraph (1)(d), in respect of any period during which the person was absent from the Public Service on leave of absence without pay, is deemed to have contributed to the Superannuation Account in respect of that period in accordance with subsection 5(1).

61. Part I of Schedule I to the Act is amended by striking out the following:

Municipal Development and Loan Board

    Office du développement municipal et des prêts aux municipalités

62. Part III of Schedule I to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:

Municipal Development and Loan Board

    Office du développement municipal et des prêts aux municipalités

R.S., c. R-10

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act

R.S., c. 8 (2nd Supp.), s. 16

63. Subsection 31(3) of the French version of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Act is replaced by the following:


(3) Ne peut faire l'objet d'un grief en vertu de la présente partie une nomination faite par le commissaire à un poste visé au paragraphe (7).

R.S., c. 8 (2nd Supp.), s. 16

64. The portion of section 36 of the French version of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:


36. Le commissaire peut établir des règles pour régir la présentation et l'étude des griefs en vertu de la présente partie, et notamment :

R.S., c. S-8

Seeds Act

65. Paragraph 4(1)(h) of the French version of the Seeds Act is replaced by the following:

    h) établir les droits qui peuvent être exigés pour tout service fourni dans le cadre de la présente loi;

1992, c. 19

Spending Control Act

66. (1) Paragraph 6(2)(c) of the Spending Control Act is replaced by the following:

    (c) all expenditures of the types described in paragraphs (a) to (h) of the definition ``program spending'' in section 2.

Coming into force

(2) Subsection (1) shall be deemed to have come into force on September 1, 1993.

R.S., c. T-2

Tax Court of Canada Act

1992, c. 24, s. 19

67. Paragraph 18.29(1)(d) of the English version of the Tax Court of Canada Act is replaced by the following:

    (d) the War Veterans Allowance Act, or Part XI of the Merchant Navy Veteran and Civilian War-related Benefits Act from an adjudication of the Veterans Appeal Board as to what constitutes income or as to the source of income.

R.S., c. T-7

Territorial Lands Act

68. Paragraph 23(d) of the Territorial Lands Act is replaced by the following:

    (d) set apart and appropriate such areas or lands as may be necessary

      (i) to enable the Government of Canada to fulfil its obligations under treaties with the Indians and to make free grants or leases for that purpose, or

      (ii) for any other purpose that the Governor in Council may consider to be conducive to the welfare of the Indians;

1992, c. 34

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992

69. (1) Subsection 7(2) of the English version of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992 is replaced by the following:

Approval of plans

(2) The Minister or a person designated for the purposes of this section may approve the plan, either indefinitely or for a specified period, where the Minister or the designated person believes on reasonable grounds that it is capable of being implemented and will be effective in responding to any accident in transporting the dangerous goods.

(2) The portion of subsection 7(4) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

Revocation of approval

(4) The Minister or a person designated for the purposes of this section may revoke the approval where

70. Section 12 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Designation of persons re plans, directions, permits

12. (1) The Minister may designate persons for the purposes of section 7 or 9, subsection 31(1) or section 32, and the Minister may revoke any such designation.

Designation of persons re emergency permits

(2) The Minister may designate persons or classes of persons for the purposes of subsection 31(2), and the Minister may revoke any such designation.

71. Subsection 24(4) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:


(4) Nul ne peut, sciemment, communiquer des renseignements protégés en sa possession, en autoriser la communication ou en permettre la consultation, sauf avec le consentement écrit de la personne de qui il les a obtenus ou pour l'application de la présente loi.

72. Subsections 31(6) and (7) of the French version of the Act are replaced by the following:

Révocation du permis de sécurité équivalente

(6) Le ministre ou toute personne désignée pour l'application du paragraphe (1) peut révoquer le permis s'il est d'avis que ce paragraphe ne s'applique plus ou s'il y a eu modification du règlement applicable.

Révocation du permis d'urgence

(7) Le ministre ou toute personne désignée pour l'application du paragraphe (2) peut révoquer le permis s'il est d'avis que ce paragraphe ne s'applique plus.

73. Subsection 32(3) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Revocation of protective direction

(3) The Minister or a person designated for the purposes of this section may revoke the direction where the Minister or the designated person is satisfied that the direction is no longer needed.

1991, c. 45

Trust and Loan Companies Act

74. Subsection 204(2) of the Trust and Loan Companies Act is replaced by the following:

By-law required

(2) No remuneration shall be paid to a director as director until a by-law fixing the aggregate of all amounts that may be paid to all directors in respect of directors' remuneration during a fixed period of time has been confirmed by special resolution.

75. Paragraphs 280(1)(e) and (f) of the French version of the Act are replaced by the following:

    e) soustraire toute catégorie de mise en circulation à l'application des articles 278 à 287;

    f) soustraire à l'application des articles 278 à 287 toute société antérieure dont les seuls actionnaires sont des entités constituées en personne morale ou formées sous le régime d'une loi fédérale ou provinciale et qui sont, de l'avis du conseil d'administration, exploitées à titre de caisses populaires ou d'associations coopératives;

R.S., c. Y-1

Young Offenders Act

1991, c. 43, ss. 33, 35

76. Subsection 13.1(2) of the Young Offenders Act is amended by striking out the word ``or'' at the end of paragraph (f) and by replacing the portion after that paragraph by the following:

    (g) establishing the perjury of a young person who is charged with perjury in respect of a statement made in any proceeding;

    (h) deciding an application for an order under subsection 26.1(1);

    (i) setting the conditions under subsection 26.2(1); or

    (j) conducting a review under subsection 26.6(1).

1992, c. 11, s. 2(3)

77. Paragraph 16.2(1)(b) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:

    b) soit dans une installation correctionnelle provinciale pour adultes;

R.S., c. Y-4

Yukon Quartz Mining Act

1990, c. 2, s. 3

78. Subsection 14.1(2) of the French version of the Yukon Quartz Mining Act is replaced by the following:

Décret interdisant l'entrée

(2) Lorsque le gouverneur en conseil est d'avis qu'un terrain du Territoire peut être nécessaire à un port, un aérodrome, une route, un pont ou à d'autres ouvrages publics, ou à un parc national, un lieu historique ou un emplacement urbain, ou pour le règlement des revendications territoriales des autochtones, ou à une autre fin d'utilité publique, il peut, par décret, interdire d'aller sur ce terrain aux fins d'y localiser un claim, y prospecter ou y creuser pour en extraire des minéraux, sauf selon les conditions qu'il peut fixer dans le décret.

79. Section 15 of the Act is replaced by the following:


15. No person shall enter on for mining purposes or shall mine on lands owned or lawfully occupied by another person until adequate security has been given, to the satisfaction of a mining recorder, for any loss or damage that may be thereby caused.


15.1 Persons locating, prospecting, entering on for mining purposes or mining on lands owned or lawfully occupied by another person shall make full compensation to the owner or occupant of the lands for any loss or damage so caused, which compensation, in case of dispute, shall be determined by a court having jurisdiction in mining disputes.