(2) Subsection (1) applies after 1992
except that, where a corporation elects in
accordance with paragraph 111(4)(a),
subsection (1) applies to the corporation
from the corporation's time of continuation
(within the meaning assigned by that
46. (1) Subparagraphs 104(5)(a)(i) and
(ii) of the Act are replaced by the following:
(2) Subsection 104(22) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
of foreign
source income
by trust
(22) For the purposes of this subsection,
subsection (22.1) and section 126, such
portion of a trust's income for a taxation year
(in this subsection referred to as ``that year'')
throughout which it is resident in Canada from
a source in a country other than Canada as
shall, if so designated by the trust in respect of
the particular beneficiary in its return of
income under this Part for that year, be
deemed to be the particular beneficiary's
income for the particular year from that
Foreign tax
deemed paid
by beneficiary
(22.1) Where a taxpayer is a beneficiary
under a trust, for the purposes of this
subsection and section 126, the taxpayer shall
be deemed to have paid as business-income
tax or non-business-income tax, as the case
may be, for a particular taxation year in
respect of a source the amount determined by
the formula
A x B C
A is the amount that, but for subsection
(22.3), would be the business-income tax
or non-business-income tax, as the case
may be, paid by the trust in respect of the
source for a taxation year (in this subsec
tion referred to as ``that year'') of the trust
that ends in the particular year;
B is the amount deemed, because of a desig
nation under subsection (22) for that year
by the trust, to be the taxpayer's income
from the source; and
C is the trust's income for that year from the
of trust's
foreign source
(22.2) For the purpose of section 126, there
shall be deducted in computing a trust's
income from a source for a taxation year the
total of all amounts deemed, because of
designations under subsection (22) by the trust
for the year, to be income of beneficiaries
under the trust from that source.
of trust's
foreign tax
(22.3) For the purpose of section 126, there
shall be deducted in computing the
business-income tax or non-business-income
tax paid by a trust for a taxation year in respect
of a source the total of all amounts deemed,
because of designations under
subsection (22) by the trust for the year, to be
paid by beneficiaries under the trust as
business-income tax or non-business-income
tax, as the case may be, in respect of the
(22.4) For the purposes of subsections (22)
to (22.3), the expressions ``business-income
tax'' and ``non-business-income tax'' have the
meanings assigned by subsection 126(7).
(3) Subsection (1) applies to days
determined under subsection 104(4) of the
Act that are after 1992.
(4) Subsection (2) applies to taxation
years that end after November 12, 1981
except that, with respect to taxation years of
trusts that began before 1988, the portion of
subsection 104(22) of the Act before
paragraph (a), as enacted by subsection (2),
shall be read as follows:
(22) For the purposes of this subsection,
subsection (22.1) and section 126, such
portion of a trust's income for a taxation year
(in this subsection referred to as ``that year'')
from a source in a country other than Canada
47. (1) Paragraph 107(1)(c) of the Act is
replaced by the following:
(2) Subsection (1) applies to the 1988 and
subsequent taxation years.
48. (1) The definitions ``eligible real
property gain'', ``eligible real property
loss'' and ``eligible taxable capital gains'' in
subsection 108(1) of the Act are replaced
by the following:
``eligible real
gain'' « gain admissible sur immeuble »
``eligible real property gain'' of a trust has the
meaning that would be assigned by the
definition of that expression in
subsection 110.6(1) if the reference in that
definition to ``non-qualifying real
property'' were read as ``non-qualifying
real property as defined in subsection
``eligible real
property loss'' « perte admissible sur immeuble »
``eligible real property loss'' of a trust has the
meaning that would be assigned by the
definition of that expression in
subsection 110.6(1) if the reference in that
definition to ``non-qualifying real
property'' were read as ``non-qualifying
real property as defined in subsection
taxable capital
gains'' « gains en capital imposables admissibles »
``eligible taxable capital gains'' of a trust for
a taxation year means the lesser of
A - B
(2) Paragraph (a) of the definition ``cost
amount'' in subsection 108(1) of the Act is
amended by adding the word ``and'' at the
end of subparagraph (i) and by replacing
subparagraphs (ii) and (iii) with the
(3) The description of A in paragraph (b)
of the definition ``cost amount'' in
subsection 108(1) of the Act is replaced by
the following:
(4) The portion of the definition
``testamentary trust'' in subsection 108(1)
of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced
by the following:
trust'' « fiducie testamentaire »
``testamentary trust'' in a taxation year means
a trust or estate that arose on and as a
consequence of the death of an individual
(including a trust referred to in
subsection 248(9.1)), other than
(5) Subsection (1) applies to the 1992 and
subsequent taxation years.
(6) Subsections (2) and (3) apply after
July 13, 1990.
(7) Subsection (4) applies to the 1990 and
subsequent taxation years.
49. (1) Subparagraph 110(1)(d)(iii) of the
Act is replaced by the following:
(2) Subparagraph 110(1)(f)(ii) of the Act
is replaced by the following:
(3) Paragraph 110(1)(f) of the Act is
amended by striking out the word ``or'' at
the end of subparagraph (ii), by adding the
word ``or'' at the end of subparagraph (iii)
and by adding the following after
subparagraph (iii):
(4) Subsection (1) applies to the 1992 and
subsequent taxation years.
(5) Subsection (2) applies to the 1991 and
subsequent taxation years.
(6) Subsection (3) applies to the 1993 and
subsequent taxation years.
50. (1) The definitions ``annual gains
limit'' and ``cumulative gains limit'' in
subsection 110.6(1) of the Act are replaced
by the following:
``annual gains
limit'' « plafond annuel des gains »
``annual gains limit'' of an individual for a
taxation year means the amount determined
by the formula
A - B
gains limit'' « plafond des gains cumulatifs »
``cumulative gains limit'' of an individual at
the end of a taxation year means the
amount, if any, by which